The Queen of Medicine

Chapter 410 Spiral slaps Mu Qingguo in the face

Chapter 410 Spiral Slapping Mu Qingguo (Thirty)
"Stupid father, don't think about it, your brain will not be enough!" Di Yuan came to make up for it.

Stupid father has not been in contact with women for so many years, how can he know what women are thinking!

Fortunately, although she is small, she is still a girl, and she is also a mother's caring little padded jacket, so she can't go wrong!

Going up at this time will definitely give my mother more face!
in the venue.

The priest beside Mu Qingguo had disappeared as early as when Maple Leaf came on stage.

Maybe he ran away because he disliked Mu Qingguo.

Mu Qingguo looked around, trying to find the figure of the priest, but he couldn't find it.

Didn't he say that he would send her to win the championship?
Didn't you say everything is ready?
Why do you still run votes?
She had no idea how stupid she was.

Mu Qingguo shook his head: "No, no, I am the number one, I am the number one!"

She shouted heartbreakingly, but no one heard her voice, and everyone was still calling Mu Huachen's name in unison.

With Mu Huachen here, all her brilliance will be taken away!

Even the other five advanced candidates sincerely admired Mu Huachen and applauded loyally.

Mu Huachen is number one, they don't have any unwillingness!
Feng Ye stood up, helped Aunt Lin who was seriously injured, and looked at Mu Huachen. The gratitude and guilt for Mu Huachen could not be expressed in words and actions.

Now, no matter what she did, she couldn't forgive what she had done to Mu Huachen.

She lowered her eyes, staggered Mu Huachen's clear eyes, only felt that her heart was dirty, and she didn't deserve to look directly at such eyes.

She lowered her voice, looked at the crowd, and said: "Mu Qinguo, who stole Mu Huachen's blood, she is not an empress!"

Everyone's voices stopped suddenly, and they finally broke away from the shock brought by Mu Huachen, remembering what Feng Ye had revealed just before his "dying death".

"Miss Maple Leaf, what do you mean by taking away Mu Huachen's blood?" a person asked loudly.

"No, no, Fengye, you bitch, you wronged me!" Turning her head, she looked at Mu Huachen, bent her body and said heart-rendingly: "Mu Huachen, if you still want Qiyu's Damn, tell me the truth immediately!"

Mu Qingguo's eyes were staring, his entire face was devoid of beauty.

Although the scroll was snatched by Mu Huachen, Mu Huachen couldn't find out how to unseal the scroll within a short period of time!

Mu Huachen smiled faintly, especially clear and moving: "Third sister, what truth do you want me to tell? Say it, about exchanging blood? Use Gu worms to exchange the blood in my body to you, so that you can succeed Promoted to become a body of dual qi, and use the exchanged blood to water Shen Ling'er and make it bloom?"

"Let me tell you that you are not Mu Zhenhai's daughter at all? You are the remnant of Lin Shuangxue's affair with the Sixth Elder?"

"Mu Qingguo, don't use the word bitch to describe others casually, it is the most suitable adjective for you!"

Mu Huachen's words, like Ling Chi, cut Mu Qingguo's soul.

"What do you mean? You are talking nonsense!" Mu Qingguo couldn't believe it, she was clearly Mu Zhenhai's daughter, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"When you recognized your relatives with a drop of blood, why didn't your blood mix with Mu Zhenhai's?" Mu Huachen continued to ask.

"Because the empress entrusted me with the divine soul, I was chosen to be the empress, and fate changed my bloodline!" Mu Qinguo shouted, frantically, and said indiscriminately: "Mu Huachen, you are just jealous of me, you are jealous of me!" My beauty, jealous of my talent, jealous of my status! Eight years ago, if you didn't covet everything about me, why would I put you to death?"

  TodayChapter 6~
  Thank you "New Star" for the little cutie's reward~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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