The Queen of Medicine

Chapter 366 It's So Happy!

Chapter 366 It's So Happy!

When Mu Huachen heard this, his eyes lit up, he took two steps forward, calmly took out five entry cards, patted the shoulder of the feared guard, and said, "Five entry cards, can we enter?"

The guard paused first, then slowly turned around bit by bit, and stared stiffly at the five entry posts.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the air.

The guard immediately picked it up and carefully looked around, it was undoubtedly an entry post.

And, there are five more!
It's such a big deal, and he reserved an entry post for his subordinates. The identity of this person...

The guard suddenly felt pitch black in front of him.

Mu Huachen said calmly again: "We can go in? There is still more than an hour before the ceremony of the Fighting Medicine Saint Assembly. If it delays me, I will not show mercy."

There was a deterrent force in the slightly cool voice.

The guard even breathed carefully, took a step to the side, lowered his head, not daring to meet Mu Huachen's eyes.

Di Shunxi didn't move, turned his head and took Mu Huachen's hand, looked at Mu Huachen innocently and said, "Sister Shichang taught Yuanyuan to keep his word, didn't the guards just say that we have an introduction card to ask for help?" Kneeling to invite us in? But why do they keep their heads down and say nothing, as if this never happened?"

The innocent voice made all the guards present blush.

A few words are very poignant!
Mu Huachen raised his eyebrows and looked at Emperor Shunxi. Outside, he only called her sister?

But it is also true that she is only fourteen years old now, and it is really impossible to have a child who is over five years old.

At some point, she already took it for granted that Tuantuan and Yuanyuan called her mother.There is no sense of incongruity at all.

Peony shrugged her shoulders, her flaming red lips curled up slightly, full of sarcasm: "You don't understand the truth that even a child understands? Could it be that you want Master Mo to help you kneel down?"

Everyone was about to take a step forward when they saw Mo Dengfeng's gesture, and their livers trembled with fright.

Modengfeng could break their legs with one kick, that's impossible!

In an instant, he fell to his knees.

Mu Huachen felt that this group of people was extremely boring, and they were making fun of themselves, so he lowered his head and said to Di Shunxi: "Yuanyuan, don't be self-righteous about things you are not sure about, it is easy to capsize."

Di Shunxi nodded obediently: "Yuanyuan knows."

The heads of the guards were so low that they were almost stuck to the ground, and they had no face to stand here anymore.

Mu Huachen led Di Shunxi past them calmly, and the three behind them also followed behind them proudly as if they were strolling in the yard.

It's such a joy!

The action of Mu Huachen taking out a few introductory posts in a timely manner is simply handsome!

Leng Ji was once again overwhelmed by the master.

Even the coldness is admiration, Mu Huachen would wait so patiently, instead of rushing out at the moment when the guards provoked him.

This woman's mind is really terribly forbearing!
With such a woman as their queen, wouldn't the king never recover in his life?

It will definitely be crushed to death!
When Leng Shen thought that the demon emperor he admired the most had no fight back, he felt depressed for a while.

Mu Dan'er, who met Mu Huachen, was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that Mu Huachen also got the entry card, and there were five more!

"I can't help you arrange the meeting place of the Medicine Fighting Saint Meeting. There is still an hour left before the registration is over. You need to hurry up. If you can't catch up with the opening ceremony of the Fighting Medicine Saint Meeting, there will be no more entries. Here's the chance."

  TodayChapter 2~
  The remaining two chapters will be updated at noon~ ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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