The life of a peasant girl reborn

Chapter 450 The third month

Chapter 450 The Seventh Month (1)
"Don't worry, there is still time, the lady can think about it slowly." Xue Yaoxi didn't name any nice names, but persuaded Shen Xuan in this way.

"Well, I'm thinking about it." Shen Xuan didn't get the answer she wanted, and she was not disappointed, so she responded aloud.

As soon as the conversation between the two stopped, a servant girl's report sounded outside the door, "Master, madam, the Moyan guards are asking to see you."

In fact, Mo Yan had already arrived, but he heard Xue Yaoxi and Shen Xuan chatting in the room, so he didn't let the servant girl report it.Now that the two of them had finished their conversation, the servant girl made a report.

In the room, hearing Mo Yan begging to see her, Shen Xuan instinctively looked at Xue Yaoxi, this is the backyard, why is the outsider here?

Seeing Shen Xuan's inquiry, Xue Yaoxi explained aloud, "I asked him to come, and send some things over."

After Xue Yaoxi finished speaking, he walked towards the door.Not long after, Xue Yaoxi came back again, holding some books and account books in his hands.

"This is?" Shen Xuan asked Xue Yaoxi aloud.

"It's some unread account books. When my husband came back, I told him to go to the study to get them." Xue Yaoxi explained aloud while clearing the table and putting the account books on it.

Seeing Xue Yaoxi's behavior, Shen Xuan still didn't understand, it turned out that the other party wanted to accompany her!

Yes, that's exactly what Xue Yaoxi came up with.Cold weather.It was raining outside, Xue Yaoxi was thinking about Shen Xuan all the time, when Tun returned to the mansion from the outside, he ordered Mo Yan to go to the study and send the ledger to the backyard, and he wanted to stay with Shen Xuan while reading the ledger.

There was more than an hour before dinner, and Xue Yaoxi looked at the account book for the next time.Occasionally turning the pages of the book made some noises, while Shen Xuan sat aside and sewed clothes silently.

Although the two did not speak, the room was full of warmth.Occasionally, I raised my head to look at the other person, and when I lowered my head to continue with the matter at hand, a warm current flowed through my heart.

Time passed quickly without knowing it, and it was getting dark without feeling anything.

Xue Yaoxi put down the ledger in his hand and rubbed his brows.Shen Xuan, who heard the voice over there, put down the needle and thread in her hand, and looked towards Xue Yaoxi.

"Husband is very tired?" Shen Xuan stood up and asked Xue Yaoxi while walking towards Xue Yaoxi.

Seeing Shen Xuan's actions, Xue Yaoxi was shocked and got up quickly.Step forward a few steps and help Shen Xuan to the side of the table.Sitting down, he said aloud, "The lady is scared of her husband, the room is dark, what should I do if I bump into it accidentally?"

"How can my husband say such an exaggeration? The light in the room is just a little darker, and it's not that I can't see the way clearly. I said that this is in my own room, and I remember the location of the items. I can still put myself I got knocked." Shen Xuan smiled and refuted to Xue Yaoxi.

"That doesn't work either. In short, the lady must always pay attention." Xue Yaoxi continued to instruct without refuting.

"Husband is just too careful. He always treats me like a fragile porcelain doll. I'm not a lady with a delicate body. Husband, don't forget that I know martial arts. These are not problems at critical moments." Shen Xuan arrogantly replied.

Hearing Shen Xuan's answer, Xue Yaoxi didn't make a sound, and he also knew that he was too careful.But seeing Shen Xuan's belly.Thinking of the children inside, Xue Yaoxi couldn't help worrying.

"Is this how the husband's property is kept in accounts?" Shen Xuan looked at the account book on the table and asked aloud.

"Yeah, every time I look at the ledger, I get a headache. It takes a long time to figure out the money in it." Hearing Shen Xuan's question, Xue Yaoxi looked at the ledger on the table and replied helplessly.

"Okay, don't worry husband, I will teach husband a new bookkeeping method later, and it will be easier to check the books in the future." Shen Xuan suggested aloud, ready to tell the modern bookkeeping method On the other hand, the old accounting method in ancient times should be abolished.

Hearing Shen Xuan's suggestion, Xue Yaoxi didn't ask any further questions, took Shen Xuan's hand and went to the inner room to wash his hands.At this hour, the maids of the house should have prepared dinner.

After a simple dinner, the husband and wife went back to the room, after digesting for a while, Shen Xuan picked up a pen and paper and began to write and draw.After a while, Shen Xuan put the handwritten paper in front of Xue Yaoxi, and began to teach him the new modern bookkeeping method.

"Miss, you are really amazing. With this method of bookkeeping, it will be much easier to check the books." After listening to Shen Xuan's narration, Xue Yaoxi said excitedly after digesting it in his heart.

"Your husband can tell this bookkeeping method to the shopkeeper under his hand, and he will learn it easily." Shen Xuan suggested.

"What the lady said is that I will leave this matter to Mo Yan and Mo Zhu as my husband tomorrow." Xue Yaoxi replied like this.

"Ding Xiangqinglian and the others know it well. If Mo Yan and the others don't understand something, my husband can let them go back and ask the person next to him."

The days have entered December, and there have been several snowfalls this winter. The north wind is howling, and people who are too cold are reluctant to go out.Shen Xuan, a pregnant woman, has also narrowed the range of walking around. Before, she could go out of the mansion occasionally, but now she can only stay in the mansion.It's really that Shen Xuan's big belly is scary, and she needs someone to watch her every move.Always pay attention.

At six months, Shen Xuan's stomach was like an inflated ball, growing upwards at a slow speed.Now only seven months old, the belly is bigger than the one who is about to give birth, this situation scares Xue Yaoxi every day.Later, I specially asked Shen Chaoxia to take a look, and came to the conclusion that Shen Xuan's birth was not a child.

I was delighted to learn that Shen Xuan didn't have only one child in her belly, and as Shen Xuan's belly got bigger and bigger.The situation of walking became more and more difficult and disappeared. Xue Yaoxi missed Shen Xuan at home every day when he was outside.

But as the end of the year is approaching, there are many things going on in the palace. Recently, Xue Yaoxi always leaves early and returns late, and has no extra time to be with Shen Xuan.Fortunately, Shen Xuan can understand Xue Yaoxi, she is not as moody as other pregnant women who need to be accompanied by family members at all times.In fact, Shen Xuan also hoped that Xue Yaoxi would be by her side, but reason trumped emotion, so she had to insist on waiting for Xue Yaoxi to come back every night.

Shen Xuan was lying on the bed, and when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, she felt a familiar breath around her, and opened her eyes to look beside her.

"Husband, are you back?" Shen Xuan said aloud, with a sense of sleepiness in her voice.

"Woke you up?" Hearing Shen Xuan's voice, Xue Yaoxi said softly to Shen Xuan.Looking at the sleepiness in Shen Xuan's eyes, she asked with some distress, "Didn't I tell you to go to bed early? Don't wait for me in the future. There are too many things on hand recently, and I have wronged you."

Hearing Xue Yaoxi's explanation, Shen Xuan shook her head and smiled back, asking out loud, "What time is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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