Hello, Demon Lord

Chapter 677 I Want 5 Memories

Chapter 677 I Want Fifty Memories

After receiving this call, Mo Zigao left the company without any hesitation, and drove to Jiangbei Road Unmanned Street Unfinished Building alone. Moreover, he did not tell anyone, including his assistant, about this matter.

He has seen Pan Qiang's ambitions from his recent observation of Pan Qiang. This Pan Qiang must be eliminated as soon as possible!

Jiangbei Road belongs to the suburbs, and No Man's Street is a newly developed street. There are very few residents living here, let alone an unfinished building. This unfinished building has been closed for two or three years. It is said that three years ago , A worker fell from the unfinished building. Since then, it has been rumored that the unfinished building is haunted, because every time they start work, they can hear inexplicable voices. Later, the building stopped working.

But Mo Zigao is a modernist and never believes in ghosts and gods.

In addition, this matter was going to be carried out in secret, the less people know the better, he thinks it is the most appropriate to come here!

After arriving at the destination, Mo Zigao parked the car on the side of the road.

In order to prevent accidents, Mo Zigao saved himself a hand. He first called the lawyer to confirm that all the assets had been transferred to Mo Chenyi's name, and then sent Mo Chenyi a text message: Chen Yi, I All the assets of the company have been transferred to you. You are the heir of the Mo Group. If anything happens to me, you must help me run the company well!

At this moment, Mo Chenyi was still on the highway, and he felt a little strange when he received this text message, but he didn't think too much about it at the time, and planned to go directly to the company to find his father, and by the way ask him what was going on?

After Mo Zigao finished sending the text message, he put the phone back in his pocket, got out of the car, and walked towards the unfinished building.

Afterwards, he took out his mobile phone, dialed the unfamiliar number, and asked, "I've already reached the unfinished building, where are you now?"

"I'm on the fourth floor!" A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Without hesitation, Mo Zigao strode into the unfinished building.

When he reached the fourth floor, Mo Zigao saw a familiar figure standing on the balcony of the fourth floor.

The balcony has not yet installed guardrails, so if you are not careful, you may fall down and be smashed to pieces!
"You are?" The closer Mo Zigao got, the more familiar this figure became.

"it's me!"

Pan Qiang turned around, revealing an evil smile.

Mo Zigao didn't expect that the person who appeared here would be Pan Qiang, but he didn't panic, he just asked indifferently, "Pan Qiang, what do you mean by asking me out?"

"Mo Zigao, are you still pretending to be stupid?" Pan Qiang sneered, "Aren't the messages I sent you clearly written?"

"Pan Qiang!" Mo Zigao's face darkened, "Since this is the case, please leave the company as soon as possible, and I will not pursue the previous matter!"

"Heh!" Pan Qiang's smile became even more sinister, "Leave? Mo Zigao, do you think I will leave the company easily?"

"You want money, right?!" Mo Zigao was simply willing to suffer a bit, "I can give you how much money you want, please take Chen Moli and leave!"

"How much can you give me?" Pan Qiang asked wickedly.

Mo Zigao stretched out five fingers.

"5000 million?" Pan Qiang asked with interest.

"You are not worth that much!" Mo Zigao said indifferently, "50, I will give you 50 at most, if you are not satisfied, then don't blame me for not giving you a cent!"

"Hahaha!" Pan Qiang laughed loudly, "Mr. Mo really likes to joke, does he want to send me away for 50 yuan? Let me tell you, what I want is your entire company. The assets of your Mo Group have reached That's five billion, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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