The Age of Lords Reborn

Chapter 786: The Reversal of the Plot: Taking 6

Chapter 786 The Reversal of the Plot: Raising [-] Yuan (Subscribe)
While the others were still in disbelief, Mo Xiaobai had already run down the stands.

With a mournful expression that he himself felt exaggerated, he ran to Lu's BMW in a panic: "What's the matter? Is the injury serious? Can this leg still work? Will it be impossible to stand up? "

After asking several questions in succession, Nian Beast Clan sister was confused.

But then the female rider saw Mo Xiaobai's eyes blinking, and realized that this guy was still playing tricks.Showing an anxious look in cooperation, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, I seem to have been attacked just now, otherwise I wouldn't have stumbled."

"be attacked?"

As soon as Mo Xiaobai heard this, he immediately yelled to the silver armored guards: "Come here, take my beloved horse down to rest first, and then bring the best horse doctor in the city."

When the silver armored guards approached, Mo Xiaobai ran back to the stands.Walking in front of Yuan Long angrily, he asked, "Did you do something wrong? Did you murder my BMW?"

"Count, you must have evidence for what you say."

At this time, Yuan Long finally recognized the result of the off-court finals. Faced with Mo Xiaobai's questioning, Sen Leng said: "I want the earl to explain to me, why do you even stop my two BMWs from Korea?" ?”

"I stopped? Didn't you see that my horse ran ahead? Didn't someone secretly play tricks, and my horse would be tripped?"

"Perhaps your horse ran too fast and tripped you?"

Yuan Long replied in a dark voice, seeing that the two were about to fight, the people around him hurriedly tried to dissuade them.

Separate the two first, and then dissuade them separately.

Of course, Mo Xiaobai was the one who needed comfort the most.

There is no scene where the horse stumbles, and he is the first one.

But horse betting has always been like this, any accident may happen, if you are really cheated, you have to admit it, in the name of buying a lesson.

On the other side, although Yuan Long also had a bad face, he had achieved his goal by not letting the big man's horse get the first place, so he would not ask for a rematch because his BMW was hit and stopped.

The chaotic scene quickly calmed down, and Park Chang, who had hit the big luck, was even more joyful when he received the first prize.

Of course, there was another person with a smile on his face watching the dust from this horse betting fall to the ground.

Mo Xiaobai!
"It seems that we can go to collect the money." Mo Xiaobai touched his chin, and said to the Nian Beast Clan sister with a half-smile.

"Then why don't you go? Be careful that he won't accept his account if he runs away."

"Haha~ Forgive him for not daring."

Mo Xiaobai's loud laughter also attracted the attention of many people at this moment. Just when everyone thought he was mad, Mo Xiaobai came to Yuan Long with a stack of betting vouchers:

"You know? Before the horse betting started, I knew that you would be deceitful, so I deliberately went to bet two thousand gold on the big man, and then asked several of my subordinates to pretend to bet three thousand gold each, betting on Silla and Lord Park Chang wins."

"I'm too lazy to find your subordinates. Come on, before the start of the game, Silla's odds are 6 to [-], and Master Park Chang's odds are [-] to [-] to win. You have to give me a total of [-] gold, and I will give you a fraction of the two thousand gold." You wiped it, take out the [-] gold now."

Mo Xiaobai's few words were earth-shattering.

He only bet two thousand on himself, but tens of thousands of gold on Silla's side!


Yuan Long didn't expect that Mo Xiaobai would be waiting for him here, and almost took a breath of air.

"What are you? Want to renege on your debt?"

The smile on Mo Xiaobai's face reappeared, squinting his eyes and holding his hand on the hilt of his sword: "If you want to know how this general defeated the tens of thousands of elites from Baekje, I can give you the answer right now."

The veins on Yuanlong's forehead were twitching, and he said harshly, "Do you dare to kill me?"

"You are an envoy from Korea, of course I will not kill you, but if something like this happened today, if your Yuan family wants to lose face, I don't think it is up to you, Yuanlong." Mo Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, and said Said: "If you don't give me what I want, it is impossible for you to go back to Korea now, and then you will know what life is better than death."

This is a blatant threat.

But in the Han King City, Mo Xiaobai's use of power to overwhelm others is justified, and even the honorable ministers of Song, Ming, and Silla nearby are not good enough to intervene.

I have persuaded him once just now, and if I persuade him again, I will not take Mo Xiaobai seriously.

At the same time, they also understood that people like themselves had all fallen into the calculation of the earl in front of them.

When they were still obsessed with winning or losing, he had already jumped out of the game.

With such a layout, how can it be invincible?
If the nobles of other countries do not help, Wang He and others will not stand out.

Although the old man has a good temper, he is not a nice gentleman.

Take charge of the Han army, and fight Baekje as soon as they say it.Wang He is not a sheep, but a wolf through and through.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Goryeo side can't deny it even if they want to. They are the ones who rely on their power to overwhelm the guests, and now they should suffer the consequences.

"I can afford this money!"

Yuan Long obviously couldn't really let Mo Xiaobai put him under house arrest, but he wasn't sure if he would hit him, so he could only grit his teeth and said, "Steward, take out all our money."

"Yes, my lord."

The steward in charge of the gambling game at the side had already turned pale. Before that, he only focused on the people who bet on the big man, but he didn't care about the heavy bets on Silla with the few strokes.

It is useless to report the crisis after the horse race is over.

Now that this happened, he knew very well that he probably had no chance of surviving.But he can't escape, his family is all vassals of the Yuan family, escaping by himself is tantamount to killing the whole family.

The gambling game was originally set up to make money from the big man.

But now not only did he lose the bottom line, Yuan Long himself took out [-] gold from the bottom of the box to barely make up [-].

"I've made a note of this, let's meet again in the future!" After leaving a word, Yuan Long immediately left with a gloomy expression.

This big man's trip seemed to be the most serious stain in his life.


Half an hour later, Mo Xiaobai's Earl's Mansion.

Mo Xiaobai, who won a large sum of money, invited Uncle Cao Guo of the Great Song Dynasty, Park Chang of Silla, and Taiwei Wang He to his mansion in the name of a treat.

"The earl's behavior is unexpected."

"To bet on the horse today, I would like to thank the Earl for fulfilling it."

As soon as Pu Chang entered the table, he did not forget to thank Mo Xiaobai. If he hadn't come out last, he would still feel that it was God's favor.

"You don't have to thank me for betting on horses. If someone in Korea hadn't set a trigger vitality trap, you wouldn't have won the first place." Mo Xiaobai bluntly said the tricks on the field, and then said: "You really want to thank me!" Yes, I can save your life."

"Save my life?"

"Don't you think that you can return to Silla safely with the catalog of the Yuan Family's Immortal Rank Formation?" Mo Xiaobai laughed, and then looked at Cao Yi: "Uncle Guo, what do you think?"

"If it were me, I would have to attack on the road, otherwise how would I explain to the whole family when I go back?"

Uncle Cao Guo nodded immediately, which is actually obvious.

Goryeo didn't dare to make a move in the Han and Song Dynasties. After passing through the Huaxia region, it would be difficult to attack you, a small Silla Pu family?
When Pu Chang heard this, his face also changed suddenly.

Looking at Mo Xiaobai, he said sincerely: "I also ask the earl for advice."

(End of this chapter)

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