Chapter 464
I realized that I was sleepwalking, and on this occasion.

I was so embarrassed that I squeezed my faces and smiled at everyone.With my hands in my shorts, I tried to find the meeting room so I could go back and get dressed.

But I don't know the way anymore, and I really doubt how I got here when I was sleepwalking.I'm in a hurry, otherwise more people will come to work soon, how can I hang out in the police station with my virtue?

I hurriedly took out the rhythm of scurrying around.Then someone called my name.

I turned my head and saw that it was Yin Yin.I waved to her as if I had found a savior.But after doing this, my underpants were exposed again, and I had to cover my hands back.

Yinyin knew what I meant, she came to me quickly and took me away.

After returning to the conference room, Yinyin smiled and stood at the door without going any further.And I hurried to the seat.

Police uniforms were thrown all over the ground, and I didn't dislike anything, so I picked them up and put them on.

When the work was over, I breathed a sigh of relief.Yinyin also walked in, lighting a cigarette and smoking.

I know sleepwalking is addictive.I was afraid that I would make mistakes again in the future, so I asked Yinyin, "Can I get two pairs of handcuffs, and I will use handcuffs to handcuff myself before going to sleep at the police station next time."

Yinyin shook his head and said it wasn't that troublesome, and emphasized that I just woke up, my brain has not fully adapted, and sleepwalking is normal, and it will be fine in a while.

I thought to myself why didn't she tell me earlier, but it's too late to say anything now.I asked her again, "What else might be wrong with my body? Let's talk about it together. I also have a mental preparation in advance."

Yinyin said no more.When she finished smoking, she looked at her watch and said let's have breakfast together.

Since I woke up, I haven't eaten anything except beer, and I'm really hungry.I nod.

The cafeteria is in the backyard of the police station, so we saved ourselves from going to the breakfast shop outside.

I found that the cafeteria of the police station does not use cash, but all credit cards.I haven't had time to do this kind of thing, so I have to let Yinyin treat me.

While ordering, I realized that the cops who were eating were watching me, perhaps influenced by my sleepwalking incident.

I had to deliberately turn a blind eye.We chose a secluded corner to dine.

I want to take this opportunity to follow Yinyin's words and ask her to tell me something about my death.But Yinyin put on a tight-lipped posture.

When we were about to finish eating, a policeman rushed to the cafeteria.He didn't come for dinner. If I remember correctly, he was also present at the meeting last night. His name is Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming held his mobile phone and looked around. When he found Yinyin and me, he shouted at the top of his voice, "Commissioner Leng, the case has progressed!"

I almost petrified on the spot, because I purposely hid in a corner to prevent everyone from staring at me. Now it's all right, everyone not only stares at me for a while, but also knows my name.

I hate the itching feeling.But this man didn't know that he made a mistake, so he ran over and sat down next to me.

Before I could ask anything, he said, "We spread the news about the taxi last night, and just now an informant called and said they found something."

He even held his phone up in front of me.I know that since I am currently the person in charge of this case, it is very necessary to communicate with the informant.

Before the business, I could only put other things aside, I took the mobile phone, and dialed the number Zhou Ming said.

After less than two rings, the informant answered.

This is still a female informant with a soft voice.I asked her what was going on.

She told me, "Wanglaoji seems to have blown up a bottle in her shop last night."

I was stunned suddenly, thinking what Wanglaoji was saying, and Jia Duobao.But the volume of the mobile phone's microphone was very loud, and Zhou Ming could hear it.

He explained to me in a low voice that Captain Tie had instructed him to call the murderer in this case Wang Laoji. This female informant was also a supermarket owner.

I know that using this code name can facilitate the informant to provide clues, and according to the female informant, the implication is that the murderer appeared in her shop last night.

I really had a headache for this kind of code, so I asked the female informant more, "If it's convenient, I won't talk about Wanglaoji."

The female informant knew that I wanted to communicate with her normally.She changed her routine and told me, "Last night, a taxi with a badly hit fender came to her shop. She thought it might be the murderer, and she deliberately remembered the murderer's appearance and characteristics."

I nodded, and signaled to Yinyin and Zhou Ming, did you bring a pen and paper?

Zhou Ming shook his head, but Yinyin knew me quite well. She also came with a small bag when she had breakfast, and took out a pen and paper from it.

I asked the female informant to describe the murderer's appearance, and at the same time drew it with a brush.

Zhou Ming was almost stunned, and at this moment he didn't forget to give me a thumbs up.

I ignored it and concentrated on it.When the female informant finished describing the murderer's appearance, I was surprised.

Because I think I know the murderer very well, I seem to have seen it.I thought in my heart that it would not have anything to do with my previous experience, right?
The female informant waited for me for a long time without replying, and asked again, "Is this clue useful? Can I receive a reward?"

I know very well that the reason for a mass informant like her is to make money.But I had no start-up capital, not even cash.

I first praised the female informant verbally, and then told her, "Wait a few days, the police will reward you for your merits after verifying the information you provided."

The female informant seemed very happy, and I hung up the phone after chatting with her a few more words.

Afterwards, I was not in a hurry to say anything to Yinyin and Zhou Ming, and concentrated on finishing the sketch.

When I held up the sketch for Yinyin and Zhou Ming to see, Zhou Ming recognized it immediately and said to me, "Commissioner, isn't this the dead person? The one who was cooked."

I had been thinking about it, but when I was reminded, it was completely connected, and I thought it was right, it was him.

But here comes the question, how can the dead commit crimes and kill female students?I don't believe this is a supernatural case, and I thought of another possibility, could it be twins?

I dismissed the idea almost instantly, thinking it was unlikely.

The three of us were all thinking about it, but Yinyin was very strange, showing a posture of hesitating to speak.Zhou Ming and I have very similar ideas, so we finally decided to go together.

Zhou Ming also told me first, "There is a problem with the female informant!"

There was still half a bowl of tofu nao left in my breakfast, and I didn't want to eat it, so I waved to Zhou Ming, and I was about to go to the female informant's house.

Yinyin didn't go with him, and Zhou Ming and I got into a police car. Zhou Ming knew the address of the female informant, so he acted as the driver.

He's a pretty good car, and he drives crazy fast.I still have another worry. I told Zhou Ming that the female informant would escape during this period.

Zhou Ming reassured me. He showed me his mobile phone and replied, "The police monitor the informant very strictly. If you want to be an informant, you have to plant a tracker on your heel."

I saw a map displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, and there was a bright spot on the map.

The highlight should be the female informant. I tasted it for half a minute, but the female informant didn't move.I don't worry anymore.Moreover, Zhou Ming's mobile phone also has a call recording function.

I called up the recording just now and listened to it several times.

I feel that the female informant speaks very calmly, which is not normal.

Thinking about it, she should either be more or less excited because she has the opportunity to receive the reward, or she should be a little nervous.

I vaguely realized that the female informant's phone call was not that simple.

The female informant's home was not too far from the police station, and we arrived at her home a quarter of an hour later.She lives on the first floor, which belongs to the kind of supermarket and home together.

The front room is used as a supermarket, and the inner room is for people.

It was still early, the supermarket was not open, and it was locked by a rolling iron gate.

Zhou Ming wanted to call the female informant and tell her to come out.But it's evil, and I can't get through the phone no matter what.

Zhou Ming was still puzzled, saying that the signal on his side was full.

I didn't want to wait anymore, so I told Zhou Ming, "Find a way to open the door of the supermarket, let's go in and have a look."

The police car we drove also carried tools such as jacks and pliers, and Zhou Ming brought the pliers.

The two of us squatted on the corner of the rolling iron gate, and Zhou Ming pointed a large solid lock with the vise and clamped it.I found that this kid looked rather flimsy, but he actually had a bit of listlessness.

As soon as he exerted strength with both arms, the big lock snapped with a click.

We both pushed the rolling door together again and raised it up.As the rolling door went up, the scene inside the supermarket gradually appeared in my sight.

Zhou Ming and I were the first to see a pair of feet hanging in the air.My heart skipped a beat, and I exchanged a glance with Zhou Ming.

I know what those feet mean. Someone hanged himself in the supermarket, possibly even a female informant.

I wondered why she couldn't think about it suddenly, she was happy to want a bounty just a moment ago, why did she die at this moment?
(End of this chapter)

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