Chapter 462

Sometimes people are like this, they don’t want to feel better, but when they think about troublesome things, their whole mood turns bad again.

I recalled my wonderful experience of being resurrected from the dead, and I felt dizzy for a while.I thought about the wine again, trying to make the night easier by drinking it away.

I walked to the refrigerator naked.After opening it, I found that there were Coke and Harbin Beer inside, but there was no liquor I wanted.

I said in my heart that I should not expect anything extravagantly.I took out all the beer, six cans in all.

I sat on the sofa in the living room, and I didn't have any appetizers, so I just started drinking.

I drank quickly, and when the six cans were empty, I found myself tipped, but not over the top, not even bloated.

I secretly praised myself for my good drinking capacity, which must also be attributed to the newly replaced organs.

I tried to go to sleep with the strength of the alcohol. Although I had already taken a shower in the laboratory, I thought it better to take another shower.

There is also a mirror under the shower head in the bathroom here, so I can look at my body while taking a shower.

I looked very carefully, because I had just finished the operation, and I wanted to check for incisions, but in the end, there were no incisions on my body, not even a scar.

I can't help but express my feelings, the past five years have really been a great leap forward, the technological level of the police has advanced to such an extent.

I felt my own ribs when I soaped myself.I just came up with an idea out of the blue.

My own skeleton is artificial, what would it be like?I suddenly thought of the Terminator. They look like people, but they have metal skeletons.

I was frightened by this idea, and thought that I would also be a metal skeleton, right?Otherwise, when chasing the bandit just now, how could it be all right?
I really can't accept this point of view. Think about it, when someone else is cremated after death, all the ashes that are sent to the furnace are burned, but when I am old and dead, I am sent to the furnace to be burned, and finally a pair of pure metal comes out. Bones!What happened?

I got into a dead end for a while, and got stuck with this problem.

After I washed off the soap suds, I didn't bother to wipe my body, and let the water drip down. I came to the living room again, and rummaged through the boxes to find them.

Finally I found a sewing box and got out the largest steel needle.

I stretched out my little finger and poked it hard with a steel needle at my fingertip.It is said that the ten fingers connect with the heart, and I couldn't help humming in pain.

But what I think is that if I am a metal bone, after the needle hits the bone, it will bend unbearably.

I really thought this matter was simple. When the steel needle really touched the bone after suffering from severe pain, I couldn't do it anymore. The uncomfortable facial features were almost tangled together, and even my stomach felt colic. the meaning of.

I secretly scolded myself as an idiot, why use a needle to try?If I have time tomorrow, I will go to the hospital to take a film. It will be clear at a glance.

I pulled out the needle, wrapped a few more mouthfuls at the wound, and sucked out the dirty blood. After that, I dried myself honestly and went to the bedroom.

The bed in the bedroom is very big, and I feel a little empty lying on it by myself. I turned my head and looked to the side, and somehow thought of Yinyin.

I thought to myself that it would be nice to have her here, so that I can have a companion when I sleep.But this is really just thinking about it casually. I still don't know what relationship I have with Yinyin.

I fiddled with my phone for a while, trying to find some music to listen to to help me sleep.

I used to love to listen to Little Apple and The Most Dazzling National Style, but when I surfed the Internet, I was surprised to find that these two songs have now become nostalgic classics.

I haven't heard any of the new songs. I tried to listen to a few, but I'm not interested.

I found nostalgic songs again, closed my eyes and listened.In addition, under the influence of alcohol, I soon fell into a dream.

In a daze, I heard a buzzing sound, like a percussion drill, so close to me.I was startled and woke up too.

I thought there was some danger, but when I sat up, it was the phone ringing.I had the urge to laugh and cry, and thought, isn't this a fucking Apple phone?When did ringing bells become so tasteless?

I didn't think too much about it. When I picked up the phone and looked at it, there was a reminder on it that it was Captain Tie's call.

It stands to reason that I didn't contact him until three days later, but since he took the initiative to find me so late, it must be related to the previous murder.

I want to answer the phone, but I am not very familiar with this phone. I also found that it is easy to use it to make a call, and I need to enter a few gesture passwords to answer the phone.

I don't know what the gesture is either, so I studied it for a while.But Iron Captain didn't have that much time to wait for me. After ten rings, the phone automatically hung up.

I sighed helplessly, thinking that I was really out of date, and I wanted to take the initiative to call Captain Tie back.

But without warning, a corner of the bedroom lit up, and a man appeared in police uniform, staring at me coldly.

My heart skipped a beat, and it wasn't my fault, someone suddenly appeared in the house in the middle of the night, and no one could stand it.

I was still like a spring, jumping up from the bed and taking a few steps back.But for a moment I forgot that I was on the bed, and I almost rolled on the ground.

After staggering to the ground, I pointed at this man vigilantly and asked him what he was going to do.

The man laughed, looked at me with great interest, and asked me back, "Apprentice, you really don't know me?"

I saw that he was not hostile, so I suppressed my thoughts and observed him carefully.

He is neither thin nor fat, although he is covered by a police uniform, but he has a good figure, full of streamlines, and even reminds me of a leopard. Besides, his face gives people a sense of sharp edges and corners.The reason for describing it this way is because I can't find any other words. The upper half of his face and the lower half of his face don't match, as if two faces were put together.

In addition, he has lights on his body, which makes me think he is not real.

My mind was racing and I was sure I didn't know this guy.I shook my head at him.

The man sighed and didn't mention the matter anymore, instead he said that he was Captain Tie and was contacting me by videophone.

I understand, and I thought it was because I was too old-fashioned. I didn't know that the phone has advanced to the point where it can have three-dimensional video.

I was completely relieved, and explained to Captain Tie that I didn't answer the phone on purpose just now, but I couldn't figure it out.

Captain Iron nodded in understanding.He is a very efficient person, and he didn't need to chat with me too much. He just told me that he would go to the police station for a meeting in half an hour, and then ended the call on his own initiative.

As he hung up the phone, the virtual figure in the bedroom disappeared.

I did have a question that I didn't ask in time.I wonder where is the police station?

But I don't want to find Captain Tie again because of such a trivial matter.I picked up my phone and searched the internet.

According to the electronic map, the police station is six kilometers away from me, which is not close, and it is a bit tight to get there in half an hour.

I got dressed quickly, of course, and it was the same dirty police uniform, I didn't have time to wash it.

After I took the elevator downstairs, I found it difficult to take a taxi at this time.I waited for a full 5 minutes, and finally thought, don't delay too much, especially the police and soldiers have a strong sense of time.

I swear and run.It's all about running at a medium speed.I found that my body has unlimited potential, and it always surprises me.

I rushed to the police station by running within the specified time, and after six kilometers, I didn't feel any wheezing.

This police station is very grand, at least from my old-fashioned eyes, it is very tall.There was also a police officer waiting for me at the gate of the police station.

After seeing me coming, he waved to me respectfully, then looked behind me and asked, "Commissioner, did you come here by running? Didn't you ride a motorcycle or take a taxi?"

I saw that his eyes were weird, and I guess according to his thinking, I am a weird person, but I also have troubles that I can’t express, thinking that I want to take a taxi, but the question is can I get it?

I didn't get serious with him on this issue, and followed him into the police station and into a conference room.

It was daylight now, and there were already four policemen sitting in the meeting room, one of them was polite and wearing golden glasses.

I guess this man with glasses is a forensic doctor. It is normal for him to participate in this kind of meeting, especially for the autopsy, where he should provide clues.

I don't know this guy with glasses, but when he saw me, he stood up with a look of surprise and came over to give me a big hug.

This night, I encountered too many such situations, and I was almost dizzy.

The man with glasses also took the initiative to say, "I'm Xiaofan."

I still have no impression, but I can't talk to the other party, and I have nothing to say.I groaned, which was the answer.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Xiaofan's face.He also found a place for me and sat down next to him.

The next meeting is about to start!

(End of this chapter)

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