Chapter 444 Traitor
While the iron donkey was pulling the motorcycle, he also found a walkie-talkie hanging on it.

This is a new discovery, especially after careful identification, this walkie-talkie is still the military type.I don't believe that tonight's ambush has anything to do with the army or even the organization. I guess this group of people must have some contacts and got military goods.

I helped the iron donkey to take down the motorcycle completely. The iron donkey also tried to start the fire and refuel it, and found that there was no major problem.

We won't stay here any longer, and the iron donkey greeted me to get into the car.

The motor of this motorcycle was quite loud, and I got a headache when I sat on it. I thought to myself that the road was rattling, didn't we leak our whereabouts?

But Iron Donkey kicked the exhaust pipe a few times with his chubby legs, and slapped the car body with his iron palm a few times.I found it amazing that the sound of the motor stopped a lot.

Then we rode around the alleys on motorcycles, both of us wearing motorcycle helmets, of course.Several times I heard the sound of motorcycles in the adjacent alley.

This must be the enemy, they are rushing to help.Tie Donkey and I suppressed our temper, pretended to be calm, and "passed by" them.

In my heart, I was still a little snickering, and said in my heart that they would never have imagined that we would be so close to them at a certain moment.

Finally we left the alley, and the iron donkey took me to a safe place far away.

I was thinking about Ba Tsering, I wondered what was going on with Yinyin, and I even took out my cell phone, wanting to call him, but Tie Lu put all his energy on the walkie-talkie.

He wouldn't let me make a call, stopped his motorcycle, handed me the walkie-talkie and said, "Call this first!"

I was a little hesitant, and asked Tie Lu, "If we turn on the walkie-talkie, will this reveal our location?"

It's not that I'm alarmist, many advanced walkie-talkies have positioning systems.Iron Donkey shook his head affirmatively, saying that it would be fine if he didn't use the walkie-talkie for more than a minute.

I also understand the meaning of the iron donkey. Although we guessed that the enemy tonight is related to the people from Sele Theravada Temple, we did not kill him. If we can force the enemy to speak through the walkie-talkie, we can get more information. .

I suppressed my thoughts and turned on the walkie-talkie, and I was just rushing to talk, and my tone was very provocative.

I asked, "Did anyone hear that? Say something out of your anger!"

But there was only a slight buzzing sound from the walkie-talkie, and no one responded.The iron donkey pinched the time, and after half a minute passed like this, I asked again.

Just when I thought that this move would not work and I was about to turn off the intercom, someone sighed and said, brothers of the Chen family, please stop making trouble.

I was taken aback, not only because of the suddenness of the reply, but also because the Chen brothers were almost a signboard, and I was immediately sure that the other party was Ba Tsering.

My brain was about to crash, and I thought he belonged to the enemy group?It surprised me that!
But I'm not that stupid, because Ba Tsering is really our enemy. He had too many opportunities to catch me and Tielu along the way, why bother to lure us to Nagqu before we start?

I looked at the iron donkey, and the iron donkey also showed a confused expression.Then Iron Donkey asked, "What's going on?"

The relaxed chat between us and Ba Tsering was more provocative than the questioning I had just now. Some enemies couldn't stand it anymore and used the walkie-talkie to scold us.

Ba Tsering didn't want to talk any more, so he turned off the intercom after talking about it.

When he said go back, he must be referring to the hotel.We have been using the walkie-talkie for too long. To be on the safe side, Iron Donkey also turned it off.

The two of us discussed again, what the iron donkey meant, let's not make a conclusion, whether Ba Tsering is an enemy or a friend is still uncertain, let's go back to the hotel and have a look.

But we didn't drive the motorcycle back to the hotel directly, we abandoned the car and walked when there was a distance.

We first went around to the back of the hotel and found that the light in our room was not turned on, which meant that Ba Tsering hadn't come back yet.The two of us circled back and hid under a tree, where we could observe the main entrance of the hotel from a distance.

We waited for half an hour, and someone appeared, and I recognized it at a glance, it was Ba Tsering.

He is now wearing an oversized robe, and there seems to be a person lying on his back, and this person is wearing this large robe with him.

Ba Tsering walked quickly, but he was also very vigilant, and looked around when he entered the main entrance.

Both Tie Lu and I were puzzled, and I wondered if he was reciting Yin Yin?If I guessed it right, and Ba Tsering dared to treat his brother's wife like this, I would definitely cut him off.

We watched Ba Tsering enter the gate, and after a while, Tie Donkey whispered to me, "Let's go back too."

We set off.The room we live in is on the third floor, neither high nor short.And it's the middle of the night, so the whole floor is quite clean.

We didn't knock on the door because we had our room cards. It can't be said that we are in a bad mood. We are all afraid that Ba Tsering has something wrong, so don't attack us.

So after opening the door, Iron Donkey and I didn't rush in, we all stood outside the door, holding the iron rod in our hands.

The light in the room was turned on, and after I saw the situation inside through the light, I put aside my vigilance at once, and was stunned for a moment in disbelief.

Ba Tsering did carry someone back, but it was not alive, but a wrinkled corpse.

He put the corpse on a chair and was squatting beside it to study it.After seeing the iron donkey and me, he waved his hands vigorously, which meant to come in quickly and close the door quickly.

We both listened to what he said, and when we came in and got close to the mummy, I found that the corpse was old and some places had grown hair.

I asked Ba Tsering, "Who is this?"

Ba Tsering was preoccupied, and sighed, "Jiang Shaoyan!"

There was a buzzing in my head, and my head was not flexible anymore. I thought I couldn't, why did Jiang Shaoyan become like this?
But the iron donkey snorted, and asked Ba Tsering, "Don't lie, tell me who this is?"

In fact, Ba Tsering didn't finish a sentence, he paused and added, "After Jiang Shaoyan is arrested, if he is not rescued in time, he will end up just like this old monk."

I understood a little bit, especially following Ba Tsering's words, since this is an old monk, he probably stole it from the temple.Could it be that he didn't go to that alley, but went to the temple with the small eight pagodas in the grassland?
I asked a question, and Ba Tsering nodded in agreement without concealment, and then added with a bow, "The two brothers have suffered, and it is precisely because you two attracted the main force of the enemy that I was able to sneak into the temple and succeed."

By implication, he teased us both.What else is gathering in the alley?Iron donkey and I almost became cannon fodder in a daze.

I was really upset with this red-faced guy. Thinking about it, he was playing tricks time and time again. The bigger problem was that Iron Donkey and I got tricked again and again.

But I'm more worried about Yin Yin.I asked him, "Aren't you with Yinyin? Why didn't Yinyin follow?"

Iron Donkey also said just after I finished asking, where the hell is Jiang Shaoyan?

Ba Tsering looked at me and then at the donkey, not knowing who to answer first.We didn't urge him to let him have a cache time.

In the end, Ba Tsering simply broke out a big news, and he answered both of us together.He said that Yinyin never came to Nagqu at all, and according to his analysis, he should have been captured and sent to the temple.

Tie Lu and I were very surprised. I thought to myself that I just finished talking with Yinyin tonight. How could he say that Yinyin is not in that song?
I didn't want to talk nonsense with this red-faced fool, so I took out my mobile phone and called Yinyin.

The call was indeed connected, but Ba Tsering took out another mobile phone from his pocket and showed me the screen.

I found out that it was my phone number.Before I could ask anything, Ba Tsering answered the phone, and miraculously spoke in Yinyin's tone in front of my face.

I couldn't say a word, and now I understand everything.

Ba Tsering was quite disgusting, imitating Yin Yin, and finally hung up the phone after a few nasty words with me.

I thought to myself, I don’t believe it’s Ba Tsering who is talking to me, there must be a point in time, to put it simply, from a certain moment, when Yinyin disappeared, it was Ba Tsering who replaced him .

I kept thinking about the mobile phone I used, which was given by Ba Tsering.

I simply asked, "Is there something wrong with this phone?"

Ba Tsering nodded, and replied, "It's not just me, Sera Monastery has a kung fu, which is to imitate what others say."

This is nothing new, there have been ventriloquists since ancient times, but this is the first time I have encountered such a ruthless ventriloquist.

It is said that caring leads to chaos. I miss Yinyin very much, so my brain is not working well.Iron Donkey kept analyzing calmly, and then guessed, "Could it be that Yinyin was captured after my apprentice and I entered Sele Theravada Temple?"

Ba Tsering nodded solemnly again, and emphasized, "You shouldn't send Jiang Shaoyan to Tibet to freeze, because he, Yinyin, and you!" Having said that, he pointed at me, "You three are all It is an excellent host for raising insects, how could the host let you go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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