Chapter 433 Forest Night
I was not much slower than the iron donkey, and I fell to the ground fiercely. Even at this moment, the strings all over my body were tense.

After about ten seconds, I didn't see anything unusual, I raised my head slightly and looked up.

The iron donkey was half a beat behind, and looked at me for a while.I thought to myself what is going on?The mechanism has not been repaired for a long time, and it is out of order?
With this attitude, I bravely got up and walked towards the foot of the iron donkey.I saw that the iron donkey's feet were still covered by weeds, so I reached out and touched them again.

I did find a suspicious thing, and I was shocked at that moment, but then I came to my senses and took it out.

This is a length of hemp rope, it must have been left here for some time, and it looks a bit rotten after being exposed to the wind and sun.

I held up the hemp rope and handed it to Iron Donkey, asking if this was his so-called organ?

Iron Donkey also realized that he was careless, so he didn't say a word.I didn't blame Tielv for anything. Thinking about it, it's always good to be careful, but he kept telling me to be calm, but this time he didn't stay calm.

Iron Donkey wanted to turn the matter over, stood up, and pointed to the forest, which meant that we should continue walking.

I followed him, but the forest is so big, we walked around for a whole morning without going out.I took out my mobile phone while I was free and tried to call Yinyin, but there was something wrong with both my mobile phone and Tielu’s. The Tielu’s phone couldn’t be turned on at all. Mine could be turned on, but there was no signal at all. I guess it was The SIM card is broken.

At noon, he and I were hungry again, and my hunger was so strong that I could probably eat a cow.

I suggested to him, get something to eat anyway.Iron Donkey said no problem, and started to prepare immediately.

He didn't lie to me. Within half an hour, the food was ready, but it was all bark, leaves, and grass roots.

I remember that when the Chinese Red Army crossed the grassland, they ate like this in a difficult environment. This way of eating can indeed fill the stomach, but the problem is that eating these things does not help much to restore physical strength.

I asked the iron donkey if he could hunt some wild animals, and the iron donkey shook his head and said no, because we didn't even see a rabbit in the whole morning.

I remembered that sentence, a clever woman can't cook without rice.I have no choice but to bite the bullet and eat with the iron donkey.

We are you with the bark, and I with the grass roots. Iron donkey took the opportunity to talk about some survival skills in the wild, such as which trees have flowers and leaves that can be eaten, which trees can’t, what kind of mushrooms are poisonous, what kind of It's not poisonous.

I didn't pay much attention to what I heard, and occasionally responded meaningfully.After eating like this, we continued, and walked to dusk in a flash.

The sun hung lazily in the west, and it was about to set.I am completely exhausted. In fact, I have done many missions in the wild before, but all with equipment, which is completely different from the pure escape situation this time.

I guess the two of us have to mess around with dinner, or if we are vegetarians, I really don’t want to eat it, especially if my stomach feels uncomfortable. I guess if I eat something more, it will definitely push out the dirt in my intestines.

I also have a concept, since we can't eat good food, we should sleep more, which is also a small way to restore physical strength in disguise.

I suggested to Tie Donkey, and then looked around to see where it would be suitable for us to rest.Who knew that Iron Donkey stared at an old tree and suddenly sneered.

He also asked me, "What do you see?"

I noticed that the trunk of the old tree near the surface was not very smooth, pitted, and the bark was almost gone there.

I thought that brother donkey won't have convulsions, so take me to eat a big tree together?We are not real donkeys, and even if we were real donkeys, we might not be able to digest the trees.

I pretended I didn't see anything, and said on the face, "This tree is quite normal."

The iron donkey dragged me to the old tree, squatted down first, and touched the potholed trunk.This time, he didn't try to be tricky, and said directly, "Based on my observation, it was made by a wild boar."

I let out a cry.This attitude caused Tie Lu to be dissatisfied. He said that as the only beginner disciple in his life, I still don't understand what he meant. I really have no potential to tap.

I heard there was still something to be said, so I didn't bother to argue with him and asked him to explain more.

Iron Donkey told me that the potholes in the trunk were not formed all at once, especially some potholes are very new and obviously left recently.If the two of us are lucky, we can definitely get a good meal by waiting on the sidelines tonight.

One word comes to mind, "pig hunting."

The only weapon we have now is a dagger, which is still hanging on the waist of the iron donkey.I simply pointed to the dagger and asked Tielu, "You need a big butcher's knife to kill pigs in rural areas, and there must be a few thugs nearby. The two of us just use a dagger to deal with this kind of beastly wild boar. Is it?"

The iron donkey said no problem, and urged me to climb the tree.

I thought to myself, if you hunt pigs, you can hunt pigs, so why go up a tree?But I didn't ask much, and followed the iron donkey to the tree.

This old tree secreted oil from the inside out, making it all over the trunk. The two of us were standing on a thick branch three meters above the ground. If we moved slightly, we might face the risk of falling.

I dare not do it.The iron donkey showed an indifferent posture, and cut off a straight tree branch with a dagger.

He picked off all the branches and leaves on the branch, so that the branch became a very primitive stick, and he was busy sharpening the top of the stick.

This is a job of hard work, but the iron donkey is meticulous, especially at the end, every time he cuts, he has to carefully observe it to ensure that the wooden stick is sharp.

I am not stupid, I understand everything, this wooden stick will eventually become a spear, once a wild boar comes to rub against the tree, we will poke the spear into its body from the top down.

I secretly praised this is really a good way, I wanted to do it, but there is really nothing for me to do.I'm going to wait.

An hour later, the spear was ready, and it was dark.The iron donkey gave the order, so neither of us should make a sound, just wait quietly.

This kind of waiting is not lying on a bed or sitting on a chair, we are either standing or squatting, very tired.

I also thought that I could sit on the tree branch after exhausting myself, but it was too slippery and I couldn't keep my balance.

We don't know how long we have been here. Just as I was squatting sleepily, there was movement in the distance.

There was a weak humming sound, which was like a booster, which made me and Tielu completely refreshed, and we both stared there.

I was still happy in my heart, thinking that this sound is so small, it must be a half-big pig.It will be very easy for the two of us to hunt.But actually I was wrong.

A huge thing rushed out of a bush.Although I just took a rough look, I estimated that it weighed at least seven or eight hundred catties.

The iron donkey and I looked at each other, and I could vaguely see that the iron donkey was frowning.

I silently made a gesture, which meant whether to let the pig go.Iron Donkey also hesitated, but as the old saying goes, after this achievement, there will be no such shop. He was reluctant to part with this delicious meal, and finally shook his head resolutely.

He also told me not to bother, he was always ready to attack.

I can only poke my head and watch the excitement.

The pig went straight to our tree, maybe because of habit, it continued to hum in a low voice, and leaned against the tree trunk again, rubbing against it.

The iron donkey was originally squatting, but now it held a spear and slowly stood up.

It can be seen that as long as he stands up completely, he will hold the spear and fall.But this moment went wrong.

The iron donkey and I really didn't understand the habit of this pig.While it was rubbing, it must have been overwhelmed, and it slammed into the tree again, trying to rub hard.

I don't object to it being happy, but the iron donkey and I were both miserable after such a violent collision.

I felt that I couldn't bear my feet, so I slipped and sat on the tree trunk. I was very clever, and immediately jumped forward and lay on it, which increased the contact area. I didn't roll over for a while, as for getting dirty tree oil, which is out of my scope.

After being shaken, the iron donkey was completely bald. It didn't even hold the spear, and fell down with an ah.

The wild boar was startled by the iron donkey's voice, and stood up straight.The iron donkey couldn't be more coincidental, and squeezed into the gap between the wild boar and the tree.

But the iron donkey reacted quickly. Knowing his situation, he touched his waist fiercely, took out the dagger, and slapped the wild boar hard.

I heard a click.The iron donkey groaned again, and then said, "Unlucky bastard, this pig is full of resin."

There was a buzz in my head, and I also remembered what the old hunter said before. In the deep mountains and old forests, tigers and bears are not the most terrifying. The old pigs covered in resin are like demons in armor. Even a gun can't penetrate it, and if you encounter it, your life will be explained here.

I am particularly worried, wondering if the iron donkey will survive this time.

(End of this chapter)

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