Chapter 420 Night Detective
I gritted my teeth in hatred, not because the fat old king drank my soup, but because I felt that this kid was so unworthy.I also remembered the old saying, you can't live without doing your own crimes.

Iron Donkey also followed me into the house. When he saw his share of meals, he praised them again and again. When I couldn't stop him, he leaned over and opened the lunch boxes one by one.

I was afraid that the iron donkey would be recruited, and I didn't want to say anything in front of Fat Old Wang.

In a hurry, I hurried back to my bed, took out my mobile phone and sent Tielu a WeChat message, "There is something wrong with the soup, don't drink it!"

I don't have many WeChat friends with Tielu, and we don't usually chat nonsense.So as long as you come to WeChat, it must be business.

After hearing the notification tone, Iron Donkey hurriedly took out his phone.After seeing my message, his expression changed a little, but he quickly returned to normal.

The fat old Wang was simply bored while eating, so he stared at the donkey with wide eyes.

Tie Lu was about to close WeChat, but accidentally saw the message of applying to add friends.After he clicked on it, he let out a sigh and said it was really interesting!

These words aroused the interest of Lao Wang and me, and we leaned over.

Iron donkey didn't shy away either, and handed us the phone.I saw the person who applied to be a friend on the screen. The profile picture was a bald woman, but she was very beautiful, and I recognized it immediately. Isn't this the female monk just now?
Fat Old Wang also has good eyesight, and he also recognized it.He came up with a itch, and asked Tie Lu, "How do you know her?"

The iron donkey pointed to a place, and here is a reminder that the female monk found the iron donkey by using nearby people.Based on this, I blamed the iron donkey for being too careless, how did he turn on the location of the phone?

The fat old king was completely contrary to what I thought. He suddenly realized, showed a look of regret, and fiddled with his mobile phone while eating.

I guess he wanted to find the female monk and add her.

The iron donkey was really hungry. He didn't drink the soup, put down his phone again, and hurried to eat.I know that people are iron rice and steel, and I don't want to be picky. Since there is nothing unusual about the food, I will eat the food and talk about business with the iron donkey.

The two of us ate really fast, and we finished eating one after another in less than half a cigarette.

Of course, I still had the bowl with the ash in my hand, and there was a faucet in this room, so I went to get some tap water, and then walked to Old Wang's bed, even if it was forced, I wanted him to drink the ash.

But I was one step too late, Lao Wang was suddenly so excited that he didn't even eat the remaining half bowl of rice, and swished out.

I asked him why he was there, and he said that the Buddha beads had a clue.I didn't believe what he said, and I thought to myself, just because of the look on his face when he spoke, the devil would believe it was about the Buddha beads.

I guess he chatted with the nun, and the nun must have hooked him up.

Iron donkey didn't care much about Lao Wang, and he gave me a wink, which meant that it had nothing to do with me if he couldn't get out.

After such a delay, Pharaoh completely left.There are only the two of us left in this room, and I have nothing to say. I will talk to Iron Donkey about everything I saw and heard just now.

The iron donkey was smoking a cigarette after dinner. Didn't everyone say that a cigarette after a meal is better than a living god.At first, he thought I was just chatting about family affairs, so he didn't pay much attention to it. When he got to the point, the iron donkey didn't even bother to smoke, and let it burn by itself.

In the end, every time I said a few words, the iron donkey would say, "Damn!"

After I finished speaking, Iron Donkey completely threw away the cigarette butt with a large amount of ash on it, and lowered his head to ponder.

I gave him time to think, but after a quarter of an hour, he was still thinking. I couldn't help it, and thought that his brain was short-circuited, right?No matter he figured out a way or not, he would tell me.

I urged, and Tielv waved to me to wait, then took out his phone and called Yinyin.

The call was connected quickly, and Tielv first told Yinyin what happened to me, and then he told Yinyin what he had just discovered.

I listened very carefully. The iron donkey had also wandered around the temple before and found a compound with deep walls.He judged by intuition that there was something tricky in the compound with deep walls, and he wanted to investigate with me at night, and if there was still time, the two of us would go to the place where lamas practiced.

In fact, the iron donkey's method is not very good, but we are both foreigners, so walking around in broad daylight is not as efficient as at night.

Iron Donkey is using hands-free, and I can hear what Yinyin said clearly.

Yinyin replied that she supported Tielv's suggestion.Then she sighed and said she hadn't gotten anything yet.

Both Tie Lu and I comforted her to take her time, and I was more concerned about Yin Yin's safety outside.I grabbed the phone and asked a few more questions.

I admit that the words were a bit sour, and Tielu was making small movements while listening, and kept covering his teeth.That meaning is almost unbearable.

Yinyin was very touched after hearing this, and said to reassure me that everything was fine with her, and even gave me a boo over the phone.

Finally, we agreed that at midnight, we would gather at the northwest corner of Theravada Temple in Sele. Yinyin threw some equipment in through the wall.

After putting down the phone, Tie Lu patted me on the shoulder, saying that Yin Yin and I are completely done.I guess the reason why he said that has something to do with Yinyin's cell phone just now.

My heart is quite warm, but there is also a big question mark, I said Yinyin has always been very cold and shy, why is it so evil this time, kissing me so openly in front of the iron donkey, and thinking about it, It was also the first time she kissed me.

I suspect it has something to do with me keeping her warm in Little North Pole.But now is not the time to think about these things, so I forcibly put this issue aside.

The next afternoon, Tie Lu and I didn't leave. I was worried that a lama would come to find me. After all, I broke the Buddhist beads by climbing the wall in the morning, which was considered a disguised form of trouble.

The iron donkey comforted me, saying that I was too cowardly, and the cheating lama would not be able to catch the evidence.And isn't he still there?

I let go.In the evening, Lao Wang hadn't come back yet, so a little lama came to deliver dinner.

In fact, according to what Lao Wang said, lamas are fundamentally different from Tibetan monks, but I don’t know how to read it, and I don’t know what level the food delivery guy is, especially just looking at his bald head. It is not known whether he is a reincarnated soul boy.

Let me just call him Lama.The little lama also brought a sentence, telling us not to worry, the host has not left the customs today, and may have to wait for two days.

Of course, Iron Donkey and I will not fall out with the little lama because of this matter, and I wish we could stay together for a while longer.

After the little lama left, we were not in a hurry to eat. I checked one side first, and the food and soup at night were normal.

However, compared with noon, dinner at night feels like a fart.Except for a small piece of vegetable leaf floating in the soup, there is not even a flower of oil.

Not to mention rice and vegetables.But no matter what, having something to eat is better than nothing, and the iron donkey and I endured it.

Around nine o'clock we turned off the lights.The fat old king has completely disappeared. I suspect that he is with the female monk, otherwise he would not be so happy.

The iron donkey and I both slept for a while, it was a disguised way to replenish some energy.

At 11:30 in the night, the iron donkey woke me up.I was a little lazy for a while, but I didn't continue to stay in bed.

After I got up, I rubbed my face vigorously, which could make me wake up quickly. We took advantage of the night and went out of the house together, and walked as far as possible in a secluded place, so that we came all the way to the northwest corner of Sele Theravada Temple.

There is no house here. After we hid under the corner, Tielu took out his mobile phone and called Yinyin.

But the phone was hung up as soon as it was connected, and then there was a bang not far away, as if something had been thrown in.

The iron donkey and I all got together. This is a big travel bag, needless to say it was given by Yinyin.The iron donkey squatted down and opened the bag.

I was in charge of lighting the side, but the moment the bag was just opened, the iron donkey snorted and looked very painful.

I asked him what's wrong?Iron Donkey rubbed his neck, saying why it suddenly hurt here.I took a picture of him with my phone screen.

I see a little red dot.I told Tie Lv that maybe it was bitten by a mosquito and it was no big deal.

The iron donkey responded, and we both put our energy into the bag again.

Yinyin prepared a lot of things, such as ropes, flashlights, daggers, masks, various tools and so on.

I'm quite satisfied, but Tielv couldn't help but mutter a few words after watching it, why didn't he have a gun?
I know that what people like Iron Donkey really need most is a gun. After we came out of Xiaobei, the shotgun was too big and we didn’t bring it with us, but the revolver was always on Yinyin.

I thought to myself that even if she couldn't get a new gun, she could put the revolver in her travel bag.

I don't know how to evaluate Yinyin's mistake this time, but it's not the same thing if we want to ask Yinyin for a gun again, and we don't have that effort.

Iron Donkey said forget it, and didn't think about it so much. After that, he took the travel bag and took me, and rushed to the deep wall compound together.

(End of this chapter)

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