Chapter 418 Lurking
Iron donkey and I were taken aback for a moment, what did I say about the two of us?

Yinyin answered, saying that one of us is not filial to our parents, and the other is always messing around outside. Now that we want to change our past, we ask the abbot of Sele Hinayana Temple to help us.

In fact, what she said was more aimed at us, to let us understand what she said to the lama just now.

The lama stared at me and the iron donkey, and asked us who was not filial and who was the big carrot?

Iron donkey quickly said that he was not filial.Originally, I also wanted to rush to say that I was not filial, but I was preempted by the iron donkey.I thought to myself that the two of us were really interesting, especially myself, who hadn't gotten a hot shit bowl yet.

The lama stopped talking, and found another lama to take charge of the worship. He turned around and took me and the iron donkey to the back of the temple.

Yinyin was not with me, so I looked back as I walked.In fact, this time she is quite possible to mix in the temple. The problem is that no matter how she disguises herself as a woman, there will be many inconveniences after living in it.

I originally thought that the Sele Theravada Temple was not very big, but after visiting the Lama, I found that I underestimated the temple too much.

In addition to the temple in front, there are also places for monks to practice, practice martial arts, rest, and temporary residences for foreign guests. After all, it is almost like a residential area.

The temporary residence we are going to is at the back of the entire temple and the most remote place.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, we came to a large yard.There are seven or eight rooms here, most of which are locked. The lama pointed to a "red paint door" and said to the two of us, "The benefactor can go there to rest on his own. The presiding brother is still in retreat, but he will have time to come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." See you two."

We both nodded.Lama turned and left.

For the next part of the journey, Iron Donkey and I talked while walking.I was completely confused for a while, so I asked Tielv, "Yinyin is outside, we are inside, how can we communicate?"

The iron donkey laughed and said, did I treat this place as a prison?Did you forget that we brought our mobile phones?
He also took out his mobile phone and showed me that the signal on it was full.

I put my mind to rest.I thought the red-painted door was for the two of us, but when I opened the door, I saw four beds, and a fat man with big ears was lying on the second bed.

The fat man had obviously just shaved his head, and there was a red scratch on the top of his head. In addition, the monk's robe he was wearing was a bit small and felt tight.

I was very disgusted to live with outsiders and looked at him with a frown.He didn't sleep, and the moment we came in, he sat up with a whoosh.

Iron Donkey didn't want the atmosphere to be so embarrassing, so he asked, "Brother, are you here to ask the host to handle something?"

The fat man didn't answer, he seemed unfriendly, and lay down again silently.

I hate this kind of dick the most, and I don't want to find fault, so I turned my head and walked out.The iron donkey hurriedly stopped him, but I was stubborn and used a lot of strength, so the iron donkey was brought out by me.

I looked around and said to Tielu, "There are other rooms, let's tell the lama to change."

Iron Donkey shook his head in disapproval, and leaned into my ear and said, "Apprentice, why do you want to change? Just because of that fat man? Don't forget, this is a good opportunity for clichés."

I thought about it, this fat man came earlier than us, maybe he was an acquaintance in the temple.We had more contact with him, and indeed we could ask a lot of good things.

In the face of major events, I can be informal.I changed my mind and went in again with the iron donkey.

The facilities here are quite complete, including bedding and toiletries.The iron donkey gave me a wink, and we came to the side of the fat man on the left and the right, and lay down on the beds on both sides of him.

The two of us are in a pinch, and now it's Fatty's turn to be sensitive.Both of us were silent, and after a moment of stalemate, the fat man sat up again.

It can be seen that he wants to talk to the iron donkey, so that the iron donkey will not touch him and go to the empty bed in the distance.

But the iron donkey deliberately looked fierce, and the fat man hesitated a few times, but he didn't say a word.This kid was also quite funny, and finally changed his routine and asked Tielv, "Brother, did you come to find the host? What did you do wrong before?"

The iron donkey twisted its neck to make a rattling sound from inside, and then replied, "It's nothing serious, I've killed people before!"

The fat man's expression changed, and he quietly moved towards me.He looked at me again.

I knew that Iron Donkey said this on purpose to scare the fat man, so I simply sighed and said, "I used to be a serial robber."

Think about it, how stressful is this fat man living with a murderer and a robber?
This time it was his turn to be anxious, and he stood up abruptly.But it’s not right to scare him away with the iron donkey.

We both said one after another, "We are here to repent sincerely, and we will be good people in the future!"

The fat man's face softened slightly.Based on this atmosphere, Iron Donkey asked him again, "Brother, what are you doing?"

The fat man was afraid of the iron donkey, so he didn't dare not answer. He said, "I'm a businessman... and I'm doing a small business. I've had bad luck recently. I want to ask Sele to help me resolve it."

As I tasted his words, it was obvious that this kid was deliberately concealing it. He might be a big businessman. After all, he has a big head and a thick neck.He must be looking for a host because he hopes to be lucky and make more money.

Iron Donkey and I stopped chatting with him again, let this kid take it easy, and find a chance to talk to him after he gets familiar with him.

The three of us were lying on the bed again, and I took out my phone and communicated silently with Tielu through WeChat.I thought about the same thing as Iron Donkey, and I will go out after a while to find out the news.

This fat man is very interesting, lying down, making trouble on his own.

After a while he rolled over to lie on his left side, and then on his right side.I was really upset, so I asked him again, "What's on your mind? Tell us about it and help you make up your mind."

The fat man gestured to his neck and asked both of us, "Do you know the Buddhist beads that the lama wears?"

I thought about it, especially the lama I met just now, he really wore a big string around his neck.

I signaled that I knew, and the fat man said again, "He wanted to buy a set of Buddhist beads from the lamas of the temple, but unfortunately he couldn't buy them after several days of grinding."

The iron donkey smiled, and asked the fat man first, "What's the matter with the Buddhist beads? Do you have to buy them in the temple? You go outside for a while, ask any Tibetan monk, there will always be something to buy."

The fat man shook his head, and blamed me and Tie Lu for not knowing much about Tibetan culture.The fat man explained, "It's not the same thing to say that a lama is a lama and a Tibetan monk is a monk."

I thought to myself, what's the difference? Aren't they all bald-headed, sincere and practicing Buddhism?
I interjected to ask a question, and the fat man said, "A lama is also called a reincarnated soul boy. He is a person with a very high level of cultivation, much better than ordinary Tibetan monks."

I followed this to analyze, and then asked the fat man, "So, the lama's prayer beads are not ordinary?"

The fat man nodded, and stretched out ten fingers to gesture, "I figured out this amount to collect a set, but I still can't get it."

I guessed and asked, "One hundred thousand?" A fleeting look of disdain appeared on the fat man's face.

I exchanged glances with Tie Donkey, and I said in my heart, my dear, I received a set of Buddhist beads for 100 million yuan, are these Buddhist beads inlaid with gold and diamonds?Or is this fat man too rich?
The fat man must have thought of the identities of me and the iron donkey, and he kept silent about money while he was worried.

He continued to worry about it, and Tie Lu left me a message on WeChat, saying that we should go out now, and if we can get a string of Buddhist beads by the way, it will definitely make a small fortune.

I very much agree, and we went out with a strong spirit.

We are not together, otherwise the efficiency would be too low.The iron donkey ran to the left outside the courtyard, and I went to the right.

I kept track of the road as I walked, and by the way, I also calculated that no matter whether I was inquiring about Jiang Shaoyan or getting Buddhist beads, I had to find a lama.

I simply rushed to the place where the lama practiced.

This place is different from what I thought. I thought it was in a lobby where everyone was sitting on the ground and chanting scriptures together. In fact, these are also independent small courtyards.

I passed more than a dozen small courtyards, and found that the gates were closed. I also picked two courtyards, and knocked on the door.No one answered me.

I can't say I'm bad, what I think is, since no one is there, why don't I climb the wall to see?

I chose a relatively short wall, let out a sigh of relief, and stepped on it.I put my hands on the wall and looked in.

The first thing I saw was two sets of lama clothes on the stone table in the center of the courtyard. I thought to myself, this is the treatment, don’t say anything, there are too many work clothes to wear, so I just throw them in the courtyard up.

I took courage again and climbed down the wall, because I saw that there were Buddhist beads on a lama suit.

This is what the fat man dreamed of, and he couldn't even buy it for 100 million yuan.I tiptoed and walked over step by step. After I picked up the prayer bead, I wanted to put it in my arms, so that 100 million yuan would be in my hands.

But before I picked it up, I stared at the beads for a while, and found something wrong, which also made me feel a bit stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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