Chapter 411 Missing Yinyin

I was worried about the iron donkey, so I held my breath and stood up suddenly, but my body couldn't keep up, and I fell to my knees heavily on the ground again.

By pure coincidence, when I knelt down like this, the black box fell out of my arms.

I looked at the black box, and remembered what the shop owner said, asking me to open the black box when my life was at stake, and there would be monsters to help me out of danger.

When I got ruthless, I also guessed that the demon insect would fly over to attack the white bear under my control.

I took out the flute in advance, bit it in my mouth, stretched out my hand and pulled it, and opened the lid of the box.

At this moment, my heart thumped wildly, who knows what this bug will look like?I widened my eyes and watched.I even wondered if it would be the long-lost golden beetle or silver beetle.

The actual situation was beyond my expectation. The bugs inside were disgusting, not to mention fleshy, with thimble-like points on their heads.

The moment the box was opened, they sensed it, and each of them became active, and even ejected with a whoosh.

I stupidly put my face so close that all these bugs shot into my face.This hurts me, especially since they can drill into my flesh, leaving only the half of my body hanging out of my face.

Suddenly, I felt black in front of my eyes, and my whole brain froze.I fell heavily to the ground.

But I didn't get dizzy, the pain continued to work, and I even felt an electric current inexplicably in my mind, and lightning flashed continuously.

There are also a few strands of qi circling back and forth in my body, and they make my limbs full of strength.

I couldn't look in the mirror, I didn't know how terrible my face was now, I let out a groan, and stood up completely from the snow.

I looked at the iron donkey and the white bear who were still fighting in a ball in the distance, and the killing intent suddenly rose in my heart, and I saw the shotgun in front of me again.

The thought came to me, I picked up the shotgun and smashed Ice Bear's head off with it.

I acted without delay, and with a gun in hand, I rushed towards the white bear.I found that I didn't have much trouble running on this kind of snow.

After rushing to the side of the white bear, I yelled, but instead of raising my gun, I sent a flying kick hard.

I wonder why I am so funny, didn't I think about it just now?Why the temporary change?But my flying kick is also strong enough, and the white bear who kicked abruptly took two steps back.

It looked at me in a daze, and it must have never imagined that it had been so long since I hadn't seen it, and that I had become so powerful.

Iron Donkey relaxed for a moment, he sighed, and when he met my eyes, he couldn't help but cursed in a high-pitched voice, "Fuck me."

I ignored the iron donkey. At this moment, the white bear regained his strength and wanted to rush up and tear me apart.I took a shotgun, whirring in turn, and moved closer to it.

Ice Bear suffered a loss once, so he was extra careful with the shotgun.It observed vigilantly for a while, and finally stretched out its claws suddenly, and grabbed the shotgun firmly.

Its claws sometimes look like human hands, and it tugs of war with me for a shotgun.

It's no wonder that I can give it, I'm exerting all my strength, even leaning backwards, we were in such a stalemate for a while, the white bear saw that it couldn't take advantage, and shook its paws vigorously.

I can't stand the force of twisting left and right, and I don't know how to do this, so I can only control the shotgun as much as possible and keep it from swinging back and forth.

In fact, let me say that we don't use shotguns as guns now, but it is indeed a jammed firearm, and it must have been disputed by me and the bear.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the white bear all the time, this time it was good, its chest and jaw became bloody and bloody, and it didn't have the strength to fight with me any more, so it plopped back and sat on the snow.

Although I am not as good as the iron donkey, but shooting bullets at such a short distance, a blind man can hit them.

I didn't care about that much anymore, picked up the shotgun, and slammed the remaining three bullets into the face of the white bear.

Three shots!These were three shotgun bullets. After the shots, the bear's face could not be seen, his facial features were all blurred, and his head tended to split into several pieces.

The white bear went limp and lay on the ground, the blood on his head and chest turned the white snow under him into red water.

I dropped the unloaded shotgun to the ground and gasped again.In fact, at this moment, I didn't feel happy at all, because after seeing the blood, the killing energy in my heart became stronger.

Iron donkey stood up and walked towards me. He still called me vigorously, "Apprentice! Apprentice?" I didn't respond. Iron donkey finally pulled me by the shoulder, pulled me over, and shouted, "Leng Shi Jay!"

When I first saw him, I was angry.The iron donkey was startled.But I immediately recognized the iron donkey as if I had woken up.

The feeling of killing in my heart also quickly reduced and disappeared, and the more evil ones are yet to come. The bugs hanging on my face have become listless one by one, and they all came out of the skin, swishing fell to the ground.

I couldn't see my face, it was all red like a rash.The iron donkey didn't care about my face, but stared at the strange bugs on the ground more.

The iron donkey knew the goods, and asked me in surprise, "Where did you get this bug?"

I briefly described what happened.The iron donkey clicked his tongue again and again, and told me that these bugs are treasures, put them away quickly, and communicate with them more often, otherwise you will go crazy if you use them blindly.

I was also afraid that the bugs would freeze to death, so I hurriedly squatted down, lifted up my clothes, made them into pockets, and picked them up one by one.

In addition, when I heard the last sentence of the iron donkey, I always felt weird, what did I mean by going crazy?I didn't practice martial arts cheats.

Next, the iron donkey found the dagger and went to the white bear to hack and poke. I didn't have time to pay attention to him, so I found the black box and put all the bugs back.

After such a short while, these bugs are straight, there is a feeling of dead bodies.I had to bite my fingers again and feed them some blood.

They have a special liking for me, and soon the black box started shaking again, I ignored it, put the box in my arms, and said to myself that they can shake whatever they want.

I found the iron donkey again, and found that he had cut off the bear's paw and dug out the bear's gall.

These are the most precious things in a bear. The white bear almost killed us. We finally took something from him, which is not too much.

In fact, I thought about it, the bear skin is also good, it is good to take it off and wear it on the body to keep warm, but Yinyin has not shown up during this period, and Iron Donkey and I are very worried.

The meaning of the iron donkey is to divide the work with me and search for it in this snow field.

I nodded in response. I am responsible for the two directions of east and north. I am not afraid of hard work, and I don't know how many miles I have walked.

I found the dead bodies of several dogs, which made my heart even heavier.After about a quarter of an hour, the iron donkey yelled that he had found something.

But I was too far away from him to hear him, and the iron donkey fired again into the sky.I hurried over.

The iron donkey squatted next to a snow pit. The pit was not deep, only about one meter, and there was a person lying curled up at the bottom.I can vaguely recognize that it is Yinyin.

The two of us did not dare to go down the pit with big movements, for fear that the snow would suddenly collapse and block the pit.

The iron donkey squatted beside the pit, dragged me, and put me down little by little.After I came to Yinyin, I did a preliminary inspection.

She was not dead, which made me ecstatic, but her breath was weak and her face was pale.I took off the belt, used it as a rope, and tied Yinyin to me.

I asked the iron donkey to help again, and we got Yinyin up.

The iron donkey looked at Yinyin and asked me if I needed some medicine or caterpillar fungus to feed Yinyin to keep warm.I shook my head, because Yinyin took a lot of medicine and caterpillar fungus before, and it doesn't make much sense to take it now.

What I mean is, find a place to warm Yinyin, as long as the body temperature rises, the matter will be slowed down.

But there is snow all around, so how can there be a place to keep warm?I have a headache.Iron donkey has a way.

He ran out and found an equipment bag.I recognized it as a tent, but I didn't expect the snow waves to wash it down the cliff.

It's just that the equipment bag is broken, and the tent inside is missing a lot of accessories.Iron Donkey and I turned our attention to the boulder again.

The two of us used boulders as the foundation, and used it to prop up the remaining tents. Although it is a bit different, it can be used.The iron donkey turned over to the charcoal from near the sled again, and he squatted outside the tent to make a fire. During this time, I carried Yinyin into the tent.

What I thought was that Yinyin's coat was covered with snow and ice, and she must not wear it to warm herself by the fire. It wasn't my intention to take advantage of it. Anyway, I was very cruel and took off all her clothes.

It was the first time I saw Yinyin's body, and I was stunned for a moment. On the one hand, I admit that she has a good figure, which makes my heart throb. On the other hand, she has a strange body, which reminds me of...

(End of this chapter)

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