Chapter 382
In these sixteen frames, I saw the shadows of eight enemies, and also saw the iron donkey.

The iron donkey hid in a small room and squatted in the innermost corner. His right arm was drooping, and his whole arm was stained red with blood. He was holding a rifle in his left hand and was watching the door vigilantly.

I first murmured admiringly in my heart, the iron donkey is a good guy, that bullet must have killed an enemy, and he got a rifle by exchanging a small one for a bigger one.The problem is that his right hand is injured, and if he shoots with his left hand now, it will affect his shooting skills.

I weighed Yifan in my heart. In the state of the iron donkey, if it is still one-to-eight, the chances of winning are very low.

I picked up the pistol in the iron cabinet and greeted Yinyin, asking her to go with me to support the iron donkey.And before Yinyin could answer, I turned around and left.

This is a dark room, of course I wouldn't be so stupid as to think that if we want to get out, we have to climb off the roof, I stared at Yinyin again, so where is the main entrance?
Yinyin seemed unhurried, and even calmly took out a cigarette and lit one.

I think there is something going on here.Yinyin took a puff of cigarette and asked me back, "Brother Leng, do you think it would be useful for the two of us to go out and support?"

I shook my head honestly, but also emphasized, "You can't let brother donkey wait to die, can you?"

Yinyin smoked to refresh himself, and then he threw away the cigarette again and took me to the glass tank.

It is true that the glass jar is black glass, but there are two layers of glass, Yin Yin pushed against the outer layer of glass, and was able to push it away.

There is also a layer of transparent glass inside, and now I can completely see the scene inside the glass tank.It was crawling with all kinds of shelled insects.

There were gold beetles, silver beetles, and colorful bugs I didn't recognize, but I knew that the brighter the color, the more poisonous they were.

Yinyin pointed to the roof again for me to see.

I looked along, and there was a pipe protruding from the wall, and there was a big cover on one of the pipe walls.

I thought to myself, why did she let me watch this?Does this have anything to do with saving the iron donkey?

Yinyin went to the iron cabinet again. There was a lever at the bottom of the iron cabinet that looked like an electric switch. She broke the lever off.

At this moment, a humming sound appeared, which I could taste, coming from the tube.I was completely dumbfounded and stared at Yinyin.

Yinyin told me that this pipe is connected to the central air conditioner and is now activated.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I really want to ask, is it possible that Yinyin wants to use the air conditioner to freeze these enemies?

But I know it’s not that simple, and Yinyin didn’t keep her secrets anymore, she told me her plan, the big cover on the wall of the tube was connected with a rubber tube, we took it off, sucked it to the mouth of the glass tank, In this way, the bugs fly along the pipes all over the store. Think about it, under the siege of these poisonous bugs, can those enemies still survive?
My first instinct after hearing this is that this trick is really poisonous, but I like it.And then I had another doubt, what if the iron donkey was bitten?
I pondered for a while and let go of my doubts.First, I have poisonous blood on my body, so I really can’t feed Brother Donkey a couple of mouthfuls, and second, Yin Yin can raise these bugs, so there must be an antidote.

I finally nodded and took the initiative to get under the pipe.I stretched out my hands again and tugged at the big cover together.

According to what Yinyin said, there is still a rubber tube behind it.I really didn't have any worries, so I tried my best to get it down, but the embarrassing thing is that in the end, both my legs were off the ground, and I didn't pull the big cover off.

I also huffed and huffed a little rough.Yinyin was waiting for me, but now he had to walk over, pointing to a place and saying to me, "Brother, look here."

She pressed this place again, and I heard a click, and the big cover came down easily.

After careful calculation, this is the second time in a short period of time that I have become stupid in front of Yinyin, and I smiled embarrassedly.

I lifted the big lid and moved it over the glass jar.Yinyin cooperated with me and opened a piece of the seal on the glass tank.

I found that it was very coincidental, or it must have been designed in advance, the opening completely matched the outline of the big cover, and I sealed the big cover firmly on it.

The poisonous insects in the glass tank had been resting at first, but after the black glass was pushed away, they were stimulated by the light and more or less woke up.

These bugs were suddenly disturbed, and they looked very irritable. There were even a lot of poisonous bugs flying around in the fiberglass in groups.Both Yinyin and I thought that after the big lid was connected to the glass tank, these poisonous insects would quickly fly along the passage to the big pipe, but the actual situation was quite the opposite.

Only a dozen or so flying insects rushed out here and there, and most of them didn't buy it at all.

Yin Yin looked impatient, and now time is running out, we really don't have much time.Yinyin knocked hard on the glass jar.

This method of hers only made the poisonous insect a little manic, but it had no real effect.Yinyin became more and more tempered, and the intensity of beating continued to increase.

I was a little worried watching from the sidelines, thinking that if she was more ruthless and didn't break the glass jar, then we would be miserable.Didn't this swarm of poisonous insects sting the two of us recklessly in the dark room?
I told Yinyin to stop, at this time I also thought of a method, although this method may not work, I want to try it.

I bit my half-healed finger and let the blood spill out, but it didn't hit the ground, it pooled on the finger.I winked at Yinyin again and told her to open the big cover quickly.

Yinyin's hand speed did not disappoint me, and I also tacitly flicked this drop of blood into the glass jar the moment the big lid was opened.

When the big lid was closed again, the whole glass tank was fried, and those poisonous insects ran around like they had seen a ghost.

First, a small wave of poisonous insects rushed towards the rubber tube, driven by them, the large army also started to move.Both Yinyin and I observed against the tank wall.

I believe I haven’t seen it before. When the last poisonous insect flew out of the glass tank, it not only flapped its wings vigorously, but also planed its legs vigorously. Got a pair of wings.

In this way, our victory is already set, we just wait for the poisonous insects to be carried by the airflow and fly out along the various air outlets to show off their power.

Yinyin was very happy, and smiled sweetly while looking at me.To be honest, I was almost dizzy by her laugh.

The two of us leaned together in front of the screen again. During the next cigarette time, life and death battles like movies appeared on many small screens.

The enemy used all kinds of embarrassing postures to fight against the poisonous insects. There was a very strong man who was even more funny, shooting randomly with a rifle, and finally hit the back of his foot.

Iron Donkey also encountered poisonous insects, but this guy is very smart, he hid in the room where there were piles of women's clothes, he didn't feel ashamed, and went straight into women's clothes.But this move also allowed him to completely avoid the poisonous insects.

Yinyin and I couldn't find any enemies that could stand up from the screen. Yinyin seized the time and said to me, "The poisonous insects can't live long after leaving the glass tank, and they are dying now."

My heart sank when I heard that, Yinyin didn't say anything, and gestured to me again, which meant we can go out.

Don't look at such a short period of time, Yinyin and I have a 180-degree reversal in our mentality.We are not so nervous anymore.

There is a secret door in this dark room, Yinyin moved a switch, and the secret door appeared, but it is a bit reluctant to call it a door, in fact, it is not much higher than a dog hole.

I walked with Yinyin for a while, and finally opened a secret door and came to a wardrobe.

This wardrobe must be a decoration in a certain room, and there is a dense row of small ventilation holes on the door of the wardrobe.Yinyin first looked at the ventilation hole.

I want to see it too, but I have to give in to her, so I have to half-bow and put my head in front of the ventilation hole below.

I saw an enemy lying in this room, he was not dead yet, lying on the ground humming.

Yinyin and I didn't know what kind of injury he was. To be on the safe side, we didn't rush out.

Yinyin rummaged through her pockets, and I found that since she came to this small town to do business, Yinyin has learned a lot of tricks. For example, this time, she found a small blowtorch from her pocket.

She stuck the blowtorch in front of the vent, and slammed a small dart at the enemy.

I heard a whoosh, and the enemy groaned in cooperation. He still scratched his leg, but he didn't have the strength anymore.

I watched helplessly as the enemy gradually died, and finally lay motionless on the ground.

Yinyin whispered to me, "It's ok." I also agreed with her words, there are indeed no other enemies in this room, otherwise why didn't he come to support when he saw his companion injured and fell to the ground?
Yinyin and I pushed the wardrobe door open and jumped out one after another.

But we were too happy, suddenly, danger appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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