Chapter 357 Death
We didn't stay in the grass for a long time, and the iron donkey reversed the engine and let the van back out.

We choose another way to "escape", otherwise we will follow the police car, which will reverse the situation that has finally gotten better.

Tielv kept paying attention to the road conditions. We didn't encounter any police cars, so we drove to the vicinity of Yinyinmen City.

The iron fence outside the store has been pulled down, but there are still lights inside.

We called Yinyin first, she happened to be in the store, and there was a garage behind the store, with her help, we quietly drove the van into here.

I guess Yinyin will refit the car in the next few days.But that's not the main thing we're going to talk about tonight.

We went back to the shop with Yinyin, and told about the situation at Laoxian's place.

I found myself underestimating Yinyin, she has more connections in this small town than I thought.She doesn't care if it's midnight or not, just call now.

The result came soon. After putting down the phone, Yinyin told us with a cold face, "The old fairy died, but he died very badly. Someone smashed his head with a hammer."

All three of us became serious after hearing this.Just myself, I'm a forensic doctor, and I know very well what the different weapons mean.

Take the country as an example, the average murderer often uses a knife or a gun when committing crimes, and some experienced ones use an axe, while the most cunning and even experienced ones choose to use a hammer.

Because the knives and guns are powerful, but they are easy to leave a lot of flaws. When the knives are cut, blood will splatter, and the gunshots will alarm the surroundings.The ax is easy to hide, and when it is swung, it is more powerful than a knife.

As for the hammer, it is even more perfect, as long as you look for the right place to hit it, not to mention killing you with one move, it is not easy to bleed.

Just based on Yinyin's simple one-sentence description, I realized that the old fairy was probably killed by an experienced killer.

He is just a metaphysician, it is impossible to tell someone else's fortune, if something goes wrong, he will have such a big hatred.And it's such a coincidence.

I suspect that his death, though not our doing, had much to do with us.

The three of us didn't go to the scene, so we don't know the situation there. Otherwise, with our experience and ability, we would have found more clues than these local policemen.

Iron Donkey was the first to express his opinion, which means that we can't participate in this matter. Let's take a break and immediately enter the Mang tribe.

I asked a little more, "What about the brave soul?"

Tie Lu said that he can't think about that much anymore, especially since the old fairy is dead, who else can we ask to find out about Hun Huyong?

I thought so, and we didn't go back to the rental house anymore, we just continued to rest in Yinyinmen City for a while.

After such a flash until dawn, Yinyin not only prepared breakfast for us, but also gave us another big gift.

This is another rifle that she got while free, it is a very classic police mp series.This kind of gun is not as powerful as the AK, but fortunately it has a suppressor, and she also got two pistol suppressors.

We all know that once the Mang tribe encounters danger, it will be an advantage to shoot silently.

Iron donkey changed the rifle decisively, and he and I also hid the pistol muffler.

After that, the three of us set off with our backpacks for sundries.

There is a motorcycle parked outside Yinyinmen City. This motorcycle has also been modified. The seat is a bit longer than normal motorcycles. The three of us sat on the motorcycle and ran out of the town all the way to the suburbs.

In fact, the suburbs are not our end point. We still have to drive towards the mountains at a fork in the road.Having this motorcycle saves us a lot of trouble.

For the next day and a half, we were running on mountain roads, and almost used up the gasoline we had prepared separately in the trunk of the motorcycle.

The surrounding area became more and more desolate, not only desolate, but finally there were no roads.

The iron donkey stopped the motorcycle and beckoned us to get off.We have been curled up all the time, and it was a bit boring at this time. After we got down, we all moved our bodies to let it recover.

I took the time to look ahead, and there were four strange mountains there.

They are connected together, but there is a big stone on each mountain peak. This stone must have been deliberately carved, and I can tell it is the shape of a person after a little identification.

Iron Donkey knew about this place beforehand, so he told me, "The four stones on the mountain represent ghosts and ghosts. The Mang tribe is under the protection of the four little ghosts, just behind the mountain."

On the one hand, my heart sank, I felt that we were still so far away from the tribe, and our big feet were under great pressure. In addition, I couldn't understand why this tribe of reckless people was still protected by demons and monsters. These four little ghosts are not very Great spirit.

I asked a little more, but Tie Lu shook his head and said that he didn't know the specifics, and he specifically emphasized that most of the current domestic Mang people are in Yunnan, and the Mang tribe here is just a small branch.

Yunnan is not too far from here, but if you want to migrate here on foot, the workload is not small. I thought to myself, what did the ancestors of the Mang tribe do?Why do you have to come here?And do they have to live and thrive under the protection of demons and monsters?
Of course, this is not something I can understand right away.We stopped talking here and started to walk into the mountains again.

The old cat is an expert in the jungle. He opened the way in front, and the iron donkey and I followed behind.

The old cat told us to pay attention to our feet, because the weeds covered our ankles here. He said that if we were not careful, we might be bitten by poisonous snakes.

I didn't quite believe it at first, because it's not like I haven't walked the mountain roads since I joined the special case team, and I haven't encountered poisonous snakes every time. Why is it so special this time?

But I was wrong. After walking for less than an hour, the old cat suddenly turned around and rushed towards my feet.He also took out the knife and poked it hard there.

I was taken aback suddenly. At first glance, I thought he was going to poke my foot, but when he raised the knife again, there was a small snake about a foot long hanging from it.

The snake was stabbed about seven inches away by the knife. It was already dead, but its mouth was slightly open, and a small stream of venom dripped down the corner of the mouth.

The old cat asked me to look at the little snake on purpose. Does that mean I am careless?
I thanked the old cat for his gesture, and I was also really worried. I thought how many snakes would I encounter along the way?

I was originally the last one, but in order to make myself safer, I traded with the iron donkey and got caught between them again.

Let's move on, let's go for another hour. The old cat suddenly stopped and turned around sharply.

I was still haunted by what happened to the snake just now, and his behavior scared me to death.I hurriedly pay attention to my feet.

The old cat nodded in satisfaction, saying that it is only right that I have this mentality.During this period, I also looked at the area under my feet, and found no snakes.

I thought to myself, is it possible that the old cat is testing me on purpose?Then he is too unreasonable.

I can't say too much about him, so I urged us to continue on our way.The old cat shook his head and said he was hungry and wanted to eat.

After I figured it out, it was indeed time for dinner.Half of the food we brought was eaten, and the rest was not tasty, such as compressed biscuits or something.

But what delicious food do you want?As long as it can fill my stomach, these foods are also placed in my backpack.

I took off my backpack and wanted to share the food with them.I also emphasized that let them save some food, otherwise they may be hungry later.

Both the old cat and the iron donkey looked at the compressed biscuit and shook their heads.I didn't understand for a while.

The old cat looked around, and then said, "Junk food, eating too much will make your stomach feel uncomfortable, let's get some game!"

Iron Donkey agrees.The two brothers stopped listening to my advice, and immediately started searching together.

I saw them walking farther and farther, and I thought I couldn't wait for them here alone, so I hurriedly followed.

Then we walked a lot, especially if I couldn't get too close to them, otherwise the old cat would always make gestures to me, which meant that I was making too much noise.

Finally, the old cat and the iron donkey cooperated, and through keen observation, the old cat found the whereabouts of a wild goat.The iron donkey also shot the wild goat.

The iron donkey has always been the sharpshooter in my heart. This time he missed the shot. In fact, it can't be blamed for his inaccurate performance, but the wild goat is too agile.

At the moment of shooting, it moved a little ahead of time as if it had noticed something.

After being injured, it didn't stop, and ran forward desperately.It was impossible for the three of us to lose the meat that reached our mouths, so we all followed up as fast as possible.

I also reminded the iron donkey to let him take advantage of the time to fire two more shots, aiming for the target.

The iron donkey did the same, but it was an evil way. Every time he shot, the wild goat would dodge left and right.

Iron Donkey fired three more shots in total, but missed all of them. This was also a humiliation to a shooter like him. Iron Donkey was so angry that he wanted to throw his gun for a moment, but he held back.And we followed the wild goats like this, gradually deviated from the original route, and ran into another strange area.

(End of this chapter)

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