Chapter 189 Timing
Next to the original sun, a "guardian" appeared.Although its brilliance is not as good as that of the sun, its brightness is not much worse.

I understand that this is not a fantasy phenomenon. I remember a scientific saying that it is called the same brightness of the sun and the moon. It refers to the fact that the earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth differently under certain conditions.

I've seen reports on this before, and what's more interesting is that when there is a phenomenon of the sun and the moon shining together, it is often accompanied by major events.

I can't say what's on my mind at this moment, anyway, I have a deeper understanding of Xie Jun.

He made an appointment with us. When the sun and the moon appeared together, it was the moment when the Neptune set sail. The iron donkey and I had no time to wander around. We hurried back to the house to pack up and prepare to go back to the ship.

But I also considered that Jiang Shaoyan and the old cat were not with us, should we go to them and inform them?

I told the iron donkey about this idea, and the iron donkey said that it was unnecessary, because both of them are human beings, and it is impossible for them to be confused about major matters.I was right when I thought about it, and the two suns are so big in the sky, are they blind?Can't see?

Iron Donkey and I hurried on our way, but when we got back to the Sea King, Xie Jun was still a little anxious.The dwarves of the whole ship are also standing in line, waiting for the next order.

Xie Jun asked me directly, "Where are the crow and the old cat?"

I was stumped, and the iron donkey played sloppy eyes, saying that these two people would come over soon.

Xie Jun snorted, took us both to the side of the boat, and stared at the transit island.He still holds a small whip in his hand. I don't know what it is usually used for, but Xie Jun shakes the whip occasionally. I reckon that if Jiang Shaoyan doesn't come back after a while, the whip might hit us both. Say hello.

I was worried, but I suppressed my temper and waited for half an hour.A figure finally appeared in the distance, running towards us with a swish.

It was just a little dark now, but I recognized it, it was Jiang Shaoyan.

He ran very fast, but compared to the time when he was chased by the robbers in Qiemo, his speed was obviously much slower.I suspect that Jiang Shaoyan's physical strength at that time must have something to do with eating the red lizard, but after such a long time, the medicinal effect of the red lizard meat disappeared, and his physique returned to normal.

This time Jiang Shaoyan did not escape by himself, he followed a group of people a mile away.I guess they are all islanders of the transit island.

I thought to myself, who did Jiang Shaoyan provoke again?And we can't just watch, the evil king waved his hand and asked the dwarf to put the plank, and we stepped on it to the shore.

After meeting Jiang Shaoyan, I couldn't help but ask first.Jiang Shaoyan panted heavily, and seemed to be running and tossing a lot. He pointed behind him and said intermittently, "Damn it, why don't you just steal a few chickens? As for chasing me like this?"

There was a buzz in my head and it was all connected too.We lived on the island for the past few days. The reason why Jiang Shaoyan has so many Kuomintang coins in his pocket, and he feels like he can’t spend them all, is that he got them by stealing?

I looked at Jiang Shaoyan, then at the group of people in the distance, and said to myself, crow, let’s take it lightly, why steal a few chickens?You stole chickens for a week in a row, right?It would be nice if you didn't steal the chicken from Midway Island once.

The evil king also lost his temper, and pointed at Jiang Shaoyan and said that he was not up to date.Jiang Shaoyan rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

Based on the principle of causing less trouble, I suggest that Xie Jun set sail immediately. Although the old cat has not come back, we can sail the boat to the sea, some distance from the transit island, and wait for the old cat like this.

The old cat is good at water, and it is not difficult to swim over.

But Xie Jun is a person who dares to face it. He waved his hand and didn't accept my suggestion. He even called the little man's men to wait on the shore together.

The three of us were also standing on the shore, but these islanders were so angry that they rushed over with "weapons" such as shovels and hoes, trying to find Jiang Shaoyan and beat him up.

The evil king and the dwarfs stopped him, and there were physical conflicts several times.The evil king even yelled at the three of us, let us get on the boat first!

I also understand, without Jiang Shaoyan being an eyesore here, things could be handled better.

We all went back to the deck, squatted down in a corner, and smoked a cigarette together.

I also took a look at Jiang Shaoyan while I was free, and found that he seemed to have something on his mind, and looked around from time to time.

I thought he was repenting, after all, a dignified Special Cases Commissioner, who has been a thief for so many days, just think about it!But judging by his current behavior, I feel that he has no intention of repenting at all, and he is even sincere.

I thought he might be addicted to stealing, right?Put your mind on the Neptune again?I said a few more words of persuasion. In fact, I didn't have any good reasons, so I repeatedly emphasized that stealing is not good.

Jiang Shaoyan responded with a grunt.When the cigarettes were finished, a person came out from the corner of a cabin behind us.

When I saw it was an old cat, I felt unbelievable at the time.Because I didn't see when the old cat came up, and the location where he appeared this time was still inside the boat.

I kept muttering, and I also had a guess, the old cat must be a weirdo, he came back by boarding the boat again.

The old cat came straight to the three of us.Jiang Shaoyan also looked at the old cat with deep meaning.The old cat stretched and said something very comfortable.

Jiang Shaoyan suddenly lost the act of looking around just now, and the whole person calmed down a lot.

I don't know how Xie Jun talked with those islanders, anyway, after a quarter of an hour, he came back angrily with the dwarves, and those islanders withdrew.

Xiejun yelled, "Start the boat." The four of us went back to the boiler room and started our work.

However, Xiejun also asked us to wait for his order and burn coal normally if there is no emergency.

The four of us seemed very relaxed for a while, taking turns to work, one working, three resting and so on.I also found time to stand at the door of the boiler room for a while, wondering how the Neptune's next route would be.

But not long after the ship sailed, it suddenly withdrew its sails and slowed down.

Tie Lu and I were taken aback by this, but Jiang Shaoyan and Lao Mao seemed a little sensitive.The two of them went out together to see what happened.

As soon as we left the door, we found a lot of dwarfs running over, all grinning at us.

I don't think the atmosphere is right, and I don't know why the four of us provoked them again, and they are so ruthless, no matter what arguing, they all took out the small axes behind their waists and pointed at us.

This is the rhythm of face-to-face fights.I am more sensitive to small axes, so I took a step back in fright.

The old cat is an expert in cold weapons. He did not retreat but advanced. He took out the two knives and swished them.There was a flash of swords and axes, and there was a ping-pong-pong.These small axes were all blocked by the old cat.

The dwarves refused to admit defeat, they had more than one small ax on their backs, and at this time they took out new axes as a whole, and approached a little bit, as if they were going to fight us hand-to-hand.

I called Xie Jun at the top of my voice, hoping that the head of the family would come over quickly and take good care of his subordinates.

What I did was really effective, Xie Jun climbed up from below the deck, but his face was not very good-looking.Holding a ghost knife, he strode towards us in big strides.

The old cat murmured that the evil lord had a murderous aura on him.He raised his knife again to defend himself.

I was completely confused, but Jiang Shaoyan understood everything. He sighed and said that the evil king had discovered the secret.

I looked at Jiang Shaoyan in surprise, not knowing what the secret was referring to.Jiang Shaoyan immediately laughed along with him, walked up to the old cat, and said hello to Xie Jun.

The evil king let out a yell, and swished the ghost knife out.It was so fast, it came straight to Jiang Shaoyan's face.

Jiang Shaoyan lowered his head to dodge, and the old cat made up for it, and blocked it with both knives.But this time the old cat was deflated. Although it blocked the ghost knife, it couldn't stop taking a big step back.

After such an interruption, Xie Jun was very close to us, and he pointed at Jiang Shaoyan and cursed, "You crow, it's good enough for me to take the four of you to Ghost Island, how dare you bring outsiders on board ?”

Jiang Shaoyan still smiled and did not reply, the evil king let out a roar, and two dwarfs dragged Yaxin up from below the deck together.

I understood everything, and I thought that Jiang Shaoyan had staged a play with the old cat. Just now, Jiang Shaoyan deliberately showed off his tricks and let the islanders rush over to make trouble. Kong secretly carried Yaxin onto the boat again.

Jiang Shaoyan calmed down the evil king, and said a lot of good things, saying that we have already gone to sea, and Yaxin is just alone, so take it with you.

I secretly praise Jiang Shaoyan for being smart, because the evil king is really in a dilemma now, even if he doesn't want to take Yaxin and turn the boat back to send people away, but if the islanders see it, they must misunderstand that we are not only stealing chickens, but also kidnapping people secretly Woolen cloth.

But Xie Jun's thoughts did not waver at all, and he took these factors into consideration.Looking at the transit island in the distance, he gave an order to the little man, "Create an empty boat and let this woman row back by herself."

I was stunned, this way, Yaxin is very dangerous, the sea is vast, what should I do if I encounter a shark?
Jiang Shaoyan didn't have the expression of pretending to be stupid just now, and hurriedly said no.

The evil king waved his hands not wanting to listen to Jiang Shaoyan's words, and told the little man to quickly execute the order, and let other subordinates surround us.

The four of us watched Yaxin being taken away.I weighed it in my heart, with the three of them around, it would be no big problem to deal with the little dwarf, but Xie Jun is a ruthless character, and he also stood coldly around us.

I don't know whether to fight or endure, I looked at Jiang Shaoyan.

Jiang Shaoyan clenched his fists, and there were loud noises.He ignored me and took a look at the old cat.

The old cat shook his head slightly, showing that he was very scruples about Xie Jun's skills.Finally, Jiang Shaoyan sighed and said that we obeyed Lord Xiejun's order.

The two groups of us lost the tense and tense atmosphere, and went out to sea together again.

And not long after, we saw Yaxin's wooden boat standing on the deck. She was drifting on the sea alone, paddling the paddle hard by herself, rushing to the transit island.

I secretly prayed, wishing her a smooth journey, Jiang Shaoyan whispered something, although the words were soft, I heard them.

He said that if he came back from this trip to Ghost Island, he would definitely pick her up.

(End of this chapter)

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