Chapter 148 The Cooking Old Slave
There are two stone statues in total. Since the Tocharian language can appear on the outside of the legs of the stone statue in front of us, we believe that there must be something weird on the other one.

We all ran for it again.There is no need for the iron donkey to look for anything specially, we all focus on the thigh of the stone statue.

There are indeed characters here, but there are four rows of characters, two of which are in Tocharian and the other two are Chinese characters.It is also obvious that Chinese characters are the translation of Tocharian.

Chinese characters read, "You don't move me, I don't move you."

This can be regarded as a kind of advice, and if you savor it carefully, it has a threatening taste.

Of course we know the danger of this trip, but we will not be intimidated by this threat, and the iron donkey snorted indifferently.

Jiang Shaoyan didn't want to stay here, so he sighed, pointed to the distance and said, "Go to the village and have a look."

I was very sensitive to his sighs, and I also had an intuition that he seemed to know something, but didn't say it.

None of us asked anything, we continued to maintain the formation just now, and marched vigilantly.After arriving at the entrance of the village, Jiang Shaoyan took the lead to stop again and asked us, "Do you feel something is wrong?"

All four of us nodded.That's what I think. It's been so long since we fell into the pit and now we came to the entrance of the village, and there is nothing abnormal in the village.It was what it was at the beginning, and it is still what it is now, and I haven't even seen anyone on the street.

I said whatever I wanted, "Is there no one in the village?"

But as soon as the words came out, I felt inappropriate. If no one was there, how could we explain the smoke from the house closest to us?
Jiang Shaoyan quite agreed with my words, and emphasized on this basis, "That's right, this is probably a dead village."

I mean, let's stop guessing like this, pointing to the house where the smoke is floating, "Let's go inside and have a look."

Jiang Shaoyan agreed with my decision, but he also made some adjustments.He was more interested in the other room, so he simply pointed to it and said, "Let's divide into two groups, I will go here with the iron donkey, and the three of you will go to the other room to have a look."

Most of the houses in this village don't have yards, including the one with Piao Cooking Smoke, but the house that Jiang Shaoyan and Tie Lu are going to has a yard, and it is larger than other houses in terms of scale.

I don't want everyone to spread out, especially now that there are only five people on hand, which is not enough.

But Jiang Shaoyan didn't give any room for negotiation, and left with the donkey after speaking.They both carry guns, like leopards.

I had no choice but to comfort myself, anyway, the two houses are so close to each other, something really happened, and it won't take long to get back up.

The two special policemen regarded me as a small boss, and showed an attitude of waiting for my order.I didn't delay anything, I waved my hand and set off with them.

We approached the door of the house.I found that it was still a wooden door, the kind that opened inwards.

I'm really inexperienced, so how do I figure out how to pick a lock?The two special police officers didn't hesitate at all. After looking at each other, they stepped out at the same time.

The two of them used great force, not to mention kicking the wooden door open, they kicked the door down at once.

This door can no longer be called a door, it instantly turned into a wooden plank, and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

The two special policemen raised their guns together. I was hiding by the door, but I also hurriedly looked inside.

The first thing I saw was that there was a large stove in this room with a big pot on it, and it was cooking. The smoke must be related to this place.

In addition, there was an old man sitting with his back facing us in front of the cauldron. He didn't turn his head because we broke in. He was still sitting on the small bench, seeming very happy, swaying his upper body.

The scene seemed innocuous, but it was actually very weird. The three of us looked at each other, and I gestured for them to come in with me.

I carry a gun just to recharge, so when I waited to go in, I deliberately leaned to the side, not wanting to block the sight of the two special police officers.

We approached the old man a little bit. We walked carefully and slowly for these few steps, but the old man still ignored us.

After getting closer, I noticed that the old man's ears were a bit strange. The outer ears were still there, but the ear holes were tightly blocked.

Preliminary judgment shows that the old man has been abused by others, or has had a very strange disease, which caused the external auditory canal to proliferate, and many sarcoids appeared, and the ear hole was forcibly sealed.

The two special police officers put their fingers on the trigger, and slowly moved forward, finally meeting the old man face to face.

Their expressions changed quickly, from surprise to disgust.But they both steadied themselves and did not fire.

I thought to myself, what did they see?I couldn't help but lean over to have a look.I saw that the old man's lips were turned outward, which was the scar left by the injury. He had no eyeballs, and the two eye sockets were empty.

A word popped into my head, deaf and dumb blind.

For a while, I had a strong sympathy for this old man. Thinking about it, it is true that ordinary deaf-mute people can still see, and ordinary blind people can hear with their ears.But in front of him, he was almost isolated from the world, unable to see, hear or communicate with others.

I also understand why the old man didn't respond to our actions just now.We just stood beside him silently. In fact, it is really easy for us to kill him at this time.After a while, the old man made some moves, but not against us.

He stood up and groped forward.

I found that although he is so severely "disabled", he knows where the big pot is, and he can lift the lid of the pot to taste the cooked food by feeling the heat coming out of it.

The three of us couldn't ask him anything, and we didn't shy away from the old man, so we got together in front of him and discussed it quietly.

The meaning of the two special police officers is to go to other places in the house to see if they can find other people, and even try to dig other clues.

I think this is a way, and I nodded in agreement.But I also think it's not appropriate for the three of us to wander around, leaving only one person to guard the old man.

I simply became the left-behind.There are quite a few rooms in this house, one on each side, and the doors are still tightly closed.

The two special police officers chose the room on the left first, and approached one after the other with their guns raised.

This time, the two of them were not in a hurry to kick the door. The special policeman turned the doorknob and found that it could be turned.He asked his companion to stay behind, and he opened the door and went in.

In fact, the tension and vigilance in my heart at this time were no worse than his. After staying like this for half a minute, the special police who went in did not respond, and his companion was a little impatient, and walked in too.

But something went wrong. Just as the companion entered, gunshots came from inside, rattling, almost non-stop.

I was frightened, and thanks to that companion who hid quickly, I jumped out and fell to the ground.All the bullets in the room hit the door, which also made many small holes in the wooden door.

I tried to shout and asked what was going on inside.But the gunfire completely drowned out the shouting.

I couldn't do anything, although I was worried about the safety of the special police inside, I could only hold back my temper and wait.

That companion was quite courageous, even though he was terribly frightened, he managed to pull himself together after slowly recovering.He didn't stand up, but sat on the ground and walked forward.

He came to the door little by little, and sat down against the wall next to him.The wooden door was not closed tightly, and a small gap was exposed outside.

He raised his gun, pointed the muzzle at the edge of the door, and pushed it hard again.The door was pushed wide open by an external force.

I'm in a different position from him. Once the door is opened like this, I can clearly see what's inside.

There was only one person inside, that special police officer. Looking at it from a distance, I thought he was a little nervous, panting heavily, with a tense expression on his face, and even pointed his gun at the door on purpose.

I reckon, what he just did was pure random shooting.I'm afraid that he is still like this now, let alone being accidentally injured.

I didn't even care about what to say first, so I quickly rolled to the side, and when I felt safe, I shouted inside, telling the special police to calm down, come out and join us.

After I shouted and waited for a while, the special policeman ran out in a panic and closed the wooden door firmly.

In fact, it was nothing more than closing the door, but the moment the door was completely closed, the special police officer seemed to have collapsed, his legs were weak, he staggered a few steps, and sat down.

He didn't look at me and my companions, and was still facing the wooden door, as if he was afraid that something would come out of it.

My companion and I couldn't let him go on like this, so we took the initiative to get close to him, and I asked, "What happened?"

The special police said that ghosts appeared in the room just now, and many ghost faces suddenly appeared on the four walls, exactly the same as the one we saw before, and there were also vague things floating in the air. He thought it must be ghosts.

I haven't seen a ghost, so it's hard to draw conclusions about it.Another thing that I don't understand is how this hut is so evil. According to the special police, it feels like a grimace concentration camp.

I got entangled, I really wanted to ask them to follow me into the house again, but I felt that it was wrong, the three of us were too weak, it would be better to call Jiang Shaoyan and the iron donkey.

At this time, there was a sound of twitching and twitching, which interrupted my train of thought.It was obvious someone was eating something like noodles.

All I could think about was the grimace, and I was startled by the slapping sound sensitively.I shivered, and turned my head to look again.

The deaf-mute and blind old man took out a bowl out of nowhere, and it contained good food, and he was eating mouthful by mouthful.And he doesn't think it's too dirty or hot, so he picks up vegetables with his fingers.

I think there are too many eccentricities in this house, and even the atmosphere is weird.I don't want to stay here any longer, so I called two special police officers and retreated first.

We didn't really retreat either. After we got out, I took them to another house and joined Jiang Shaoyan and Tie Lu.

This house has a yard, I want to go through the main entrance.It was a coincidence that the moment we opened the gate of the courtyard, the iron donkey also opened the door and went out.

The two groups of us stepped forward, both holding guns sensitively.

We all recognized it as one of our own and put our guns down.I was in a hurry, and I recited the weirdness in the house of Piaochuyan and the iron donkey.

I didn't say anything, and I thought it would attract the attention of Iron Donkey.

But after hearing this, Tie Lu gave a casual hum, pointed to the house behind him, and said to the three of us, "Hurry up, come with me, there are discoveries inside."

(End of this chapter)

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