Chapter 140 The Missing Raider

We have no right to speak about the phenomenon of the eagle. For a while, no one spoke, and all looked at the owner of the eagle.

It is said that men do not flick their tears lightly, but the owner of the eagle held the eagle, and two tears fell from his eyes.He has been stroking silently, and it took a long time before he said a word, "'Child' was attacked, there was no physical injury, but more mental injury."

I don't understand, and I also think this statement is a bit contradictory. What kind of weapon can damage the eagle's mind without harming the body surface?
Jiang Shaoyan is an expert in military weapons. He has a point of view, is this eagle encountered a sonic attack?

But before anyone could answer, he shook his head and rejected this point of view, saying that the enemy is holding cold weapons, so how could it be possible to have advanced sonic weapons?
The owner of the eagle carried a small package, took out some medicine from it, and fed it to the eagle. This is also a simple rescue and treatment.In addition, he touched the eagle's talons.

I saw that there was a thick and wide iron ring on the paw, and there was something hidden here.He pulled out a device the size of a grape grain from inside.

Since I joined the special case team, I have seen all kinds of weird equipment, and I am no stranger to the grape in front of me.

The owner of the eagle explained that this thing is a recording tracker, which can know where the eagle has gone during the flight. What he needs to do now is to use the tracker to restore the path the eagle took before.

I thought it was good, otherwise the eagle wouldn't talk, and we wouldn't know where and what happened to it.

We rested for a while, and the eagle owner put the tracker to his ear, found a pen and paper, and recorded and drew the path while listening.

A quarter of an hour later, the owner of the eagle let out a sad cry. The eagle couldn't bear it any longer. It was almost bald with hair loss all over its body. It also fell down and entered a semi-comatose state.

The owner of the eagle prepared the path and handed it over to us, then retreated with the eagle in his arms. It was obvious that he wanted to bid farewell to the eagle in his own way.

We can't persuade anything, and the business is important, so we all look at the road map.

There is a direction sign on it, the kind that goes up north and down south, and the starting point is the daughter village where we are.

We browsed through it roughly, and finally saw an abnormality. Before the eagle came back, it went to the bush area, which is where the iron donkeys stayed.

I have a very bad guess in my heart, it can't be that the iron donkeys are in danger, right?When the eagle rushed over, it was also hit by disaster.

We don't have time to wait for the Iron Donkey to return.Jiang Shaoyan took me, Lao Mao, and another elite special police officer. We drove a jeep and took the initiative to find Tielu and the others.

Jiang Shaoyan was the driver, and he drove the car fast. The road was bumpy, but I didn't care.

We soon saw the bushes, but when I looked from a distance, my heart skipped a beat because I didn't find the Iron Donkey's jeep.

I thought where did they go?Why don't you go back to Daughter Village to say hello to us?

Jiang Shaoyan was also in a hurry, and increased the speed of the car a lot, almost as if driving a car, and we came to the bushes so whizzing.

As soon as I got closer, I found that there were four people lying crookedly beside a bush. They were the iron donkeys and the others.

We all ran after them after getting out of the car.Jiang Shaoyan asked the others to stabilize, and told me to see what happened to these four people first.
There is a flashlight in the jeep. I took one and used it to illuminate it. After careful observation, I found that their faces were flushed, as if they had drunk too much.

But I'm sure they weren't drunk.I have a guess that these four people were poisoned, which led to drug allergies.In addition, I judged from their more physical signs that they just fainted and nothing serious happened.I found dexamethalone and sugar calcium from the chest sac and gave them medicine by injection.

Afterwards, Jiang Shaoyan took over and used his method to massage and poke the donkey, finally making the fat donkey wake up early.

We all asked him what happened, and Iron Donkey was a little confused, and he recalled it after a while.According to what he said, they were concentrating on searching for the whereabouts of Luo Yi and Jiuniang, but they didn't know what happened, and suddenly fell asleep.

He wanted to drive the jeep first and go to Daughter Village to find help, but he didn't resist.

When he was talking about this, he turned his head to look, and he let out a sigh, saying where did the mother's jeep go?

We can't answer anything.The old cat was quite strange, so he came to the last place where the jeep stopped and squatted down to observe.

Jiang Shaoyan is our leader. After some deliberation, he made up his mind. We will take everyone back to the village in one car. The previous division of labor needs to be adjusted again.

After careful calculation, eight people are riding in a jeep this time, and if they all want to sit in their seats, there is no room for them.But luckily the Jeep comes with a small platform.

We put the comatose SWAT on the platform like the stacked arhat. The old cat didn't get in the car and gave up his seat to the donkey. He wanted to run back by himself.

But in this way, the old cat arrived later than us.I don't think it's necessary for him to do this, especially since he's so good at it, it's not that difficult to find a place to stand in the car.

I persuaded the old cat to get in the car with us, but the old cat still had the same temper and bared his teeth at me.I was made uncomfortable, and I didn't want to persuade me.

The jeep headed back again.When he came to the village, Jiang Shaoyan asked everyone to move all three wounded people down.

Jiang Shaoyan made me reassure that these wounded were not in danger of their lives.I was sure to tell him that it was only a matter of time before the wounded could wake up.

Jiang Shaoyan was relieved, and reassigned, and selected four special police officers to go to the southwest with us.

We waited another quarter of an hour for the old cat. I was surprised because the old cat didn't come back.I thought to myself that based on his running speed, this time should have arrived long ago. Could something be wrong with him?

When I expressed my worry, Jiang Shaoyan didn't think it was a problem, and sighed that he was used to it.

I also don't understand what this so-called habit refers to.Jiang Shaoyan said again that he would not wait for the old cat, and the seven of us set off.

We drove away with the only two jeeps, followed the route given by the owner of the eagle, threw out some tedious and repetitive routes, and set off to the southwest.

We drove for a long time, and there was nothing wrong with the road. After three-quarters of the distance, I found that the jeep had driven to the "end".

There is a big downhill in front of me, the slope is very steep, it is estimated to be sixty or seventy degrees, and it is still covered with sand.Although the jeep is known as a desert raider, it dare not drive into such a steep downhill, otherwise it will easily overturn, and how to climb up in the future will become a problem.

The two jeeps were parked at the front of the downhill, and those of us got off one after another, frowning as we watched the downhill.

Jiang Shaoyan observed the most carefully, pointed to several places and said to us, "Did you see it? The bones are exposed on the surface."

I followed him to point and see, it was indeed as he said.

Jiang Shaoyan cared a lot about the bones, and wanted to go down and have a look.I am afraid that his feet will not be slippery when going downhill, especially the surface structure like sand is not firm.

I suggest tying a rope around him so we can hold him.Jiang Shaoyan nodded in agreement.

The jeep also had iron octopus and rope in the equipment, so we used that.

Jiang Shaoyan didn't dare to be careless, and after going down, he didn't go far away. He found two bones nearby, held hands, and beckoned us to use force while crawling, and pulled him back.

One of the two white bones was as big as a palm, and the other was relatively smaller.Jiang Shaoyan fiddled with the white bone alone, and finally sniffed it, and took a small bite of the white bone.

I was stunned by his actions, and I don't know what his purpose is?

Jiang Shaoyan didn't swallow, took another mouthful, spat out the bone residue, and emphasized to us, "I'm sure, one is a wolf bone, and the other is not sure what kind of animal it is, but it's definitely not human."

I've learned a lot, Jiang Shaoyan added, "It's a pity that the old cat didn't come, otherwise with his bone discrimination ability, he would definitely be able to recognize the second bone."

I didn't say it out loud, but I had a new understanding of Jiang Shaoyan and the old cat in my heart.

In fact, thinking about it, I still don't understand why Jiang Shaoyan cares so much about bones.I said by the way, "Since we have read the bones and found nothing, let's continue down."

Jiang Shaoyan shook his head and said no, and took out the night vision binoculars from the jeep.

We are on the slope, so condescending to look at it, and the field of vision is also wide. He looked at it twice and said with a sigh, "There is trouble."

We all asked him what was wrong.He asked us to look at it alternately.

If he hadn't emphasized the trouble so deliberately, I would have relaxed my mind, and I certainly wouldn't see why, but with the attitude of finding fault, I soon found out.

Let me tell you first, "This downhill, near us, there are occasional white bones exposed on the ground and weeds close to the ground, but in the distance, white bones appear more frequently, and even vegetation is no longer visible. "

The others nodded in agreement.Iron Donkey went on to say, "There is a lack of oxygen here."

I remembered a place that I learned from watching the news when I was bored, the Dead Man’s Ditch in the hinterland of Karakoram, Xinjiang.I think the downhill in front of me is probably a replica of Dead Man's Valley.

If there are traps along the way, or poisonous insects and beasts, although it is dangerous, it is easy to handle.But when it comes to lack of oxygen, we really have a headache.

No matter how big the lung capacity is, how long can we breathe in one breath?It took two to three minutes to reach the sky. Once you go deep into the dead man's ditch in front of you, you will be in an oxygen-deficient or even anaerobic environment. If you want to escape back then, you will not have the strength.

I felt a deep sense of helplessness, feeling that I was finally going deep into the hinterland of the Southwest, but was blocked by this hurdle.

I really have nothing to do but look at other people and wonder what they think.

I found that they were not that anxious, especially represented by Jiang Shaoyan, whose expression was more of a kind of entanglement.

Among the four special police officers, someone couldn't help asking, "Crow, can you do it?"

Jiang Shaoyan was silent for a while, then nodded and said to try.The four special police officers got together next to the two jeeps and started working in coordination with each other.

I was a little confused, thinking what are they going to try?
I didn't ask much, just watched.The four special police finally opened the hood of the car and took out four things from it.

I understand everything now, and I really want to yell out, thinking that they have this treasure, so take it out sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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