Chapter 123 Escalation of Case
It is said that the opportunity cannot be missed and will not come again. Now the situation has reversed and it has suddenly become beneficial to me.

Aimati was almost as demented, sitting in a daze, the other little bandits were all besieged by golden beetles, and they didn't care about me at all.

After I fell just now, the machete fell on the ground not far away. I didn't even stand up, I just climbed over, picked it up, and cut it hard at the rope around my neck.

I was quite confused, and the cut was a bit large.The ropes were all torn apart, but there was also a cut in the neck.

I touched it with my hand, and felt that the hole was not too big, and it didn't bleed much. I didn't care, and ran to Jiang Shaoyan and Tielu again.

The two of them have been struggling to break free from the net, and they were short of strength, or a chance.I only slashed the net once, and they took their chance and escaped.

Jiang Shaoyan didn't say anything after he came out, and moved around on the spot a few times.The iron donkey looked very irritable, maybe he felt that the ship really capsized in the gutter just now.

He looked at the two bandits who had cast nets on him. They had no fighting strength at this time, and those who were bitten by the golden beetle lay paralyzed on the ground.

The iron donkey was walking towards them, clenched its fists, and seemed to want to beat them to calm down, but stopped halfway, and shouted, "Forget it, it's boring!"

Before and after the time for a cigarette, the fight here is over.Those golden beetles were victorious, but they didn't return to the magic cauldron, and scattered in groups.

The three of us quickly cleaned up the mess.Jiang Shaoyan and the iron donkey each found ropes and tied up the bandits firmly, while I acted as a doctor to check their injuries.

Being bitten by the golden beetle is no joke. I saw that the wounds of the bites were red and swollen, and the body turned black. Based on my own experience, I prepared a few medicines and gave them to take them.

Finally, Jiang Shaoyan took out his mobile phone, found the police and called for support.During the waiting period, the three of us were not interested in those little bandits, so we all gathered next to Amat.

Aimati's stupefaction hadn't passed yet, so I couldn't help but ask him first, "What did the golden beetle say?"

Aimati answered irrelevantly, and muttered, "The messenger of Xiandao!"

I don't understand what these four words mean. I wonder if it has something to do with the ghost island named after the Holy Land and the Corpse Kingdom?

I didn't have time to worry about this, Jiang Shaoyan observed it and said that Aimati's mental state was getting worse and worse, he couldn't go on like this, he was going to sleep, and then he stretched out his finger and poked the man unconscious.

We counted the number of bandits, except for those who had already gone outside the village as spies, all the other bandits were here, and we saved the trouble of going to the village to search again.

The three of us sat and rested. After more than two hours, a jeep and a semi-old Dafang drove over.

This jeep does not belong to Yinyin. I am a little disappointed that I did not meet her this time.The three of us sat comfortably in the jeep, while the gangsters were put in the back of the liberation vehicle, and we went all the way back to the police station.

It was still night, but the police station became very lively, and most people returned to their posts.

What Jiang Shaoyan meant was to interrogate the bandits as soon as possible, so as to dig out what we need to know.

In fact, several policemen in the police station have had contact with these gangsters, and they can be regarded as "friends", so the interrogation is not so strenuous.

Jiang Shaoyan and Tie Lu put all their energy on Aimati, and focused on listening to what he could say.

I also wanted to participate, but I don't know what happened. After returning from the bumpy road, I was very dizzy.I resigned early and found a small conference room to lie down for a while.

But I also did my part and prescribed some skin irritating medicines.If any bandit is dishonest, I suggest that the policemen make a statement by smearing medicine.

I slept for a long time, and when I woke up, I found that it was quite dark in front of me. I wondered in my heart, thinking that I felt wrong?How long have you not slept?Otherwise, why is it still not bright?

At this time, I heard movement and the sound of beeps. I remembered that there was no electronic equipment in this small conference room. Out of curiosity, I turned my head to look.

There was a man standing next to me, it was Pulsatilla.The place where I was lying was just as high as his chest. He looked at me coldly and grinned dissatisfiedly, which scared me a lot.

I had the urge to sit up, but after a struggle, I found myself tied up on a small bed. This bed was still a top bunk, and there was a devil-hearted Arhat lying on it.

My head is full of question marks, what's wrong?Why am I in Yinyin's big jeep again?Is there another posture to become a zombie warrior?

Just as I was about to shout, Jiang Shaoyan's voice came, telling me not to move.

Pulsatilla leaned to the side, Jiang Shaoyan came over, he first touched the back of my hand.I also felt it, there was a needle on the back of my hand, and I was getting an infusion.

Jiang Shaoyan said that I was recovering well, so don't occupy other people's bed.

He untied all the straps that bound me and helped me out of bed.Pulsatilla no longer grinned at me this time, but happily climbed onto the bed to rest.

I saw that apart from me and Jiang Shaoyan, Tie Lu was also here, looking at his phone.

This phone belongs to Jiang Shaoyan. After the two of us approached it, I took a look. There were pictures and text on it. I didn't read it carefully. Instead, I focused on the date on the upper right corner.

After careful calculation, I couldn't help shouting, "I've slept for more than a day?"

Both Jiang Shaoyan and Tie Donkey looked at me.Jiang Shaoyan said that I was too tired for a while, I just fell into a coma, nothing more.

But when I looked at Tie Lu's expression, I felt something was wrong, he was obviously worried.

I wanted to ask something else, but Jiang Shaoyan changed the subject and talked about the case.

He told me that people like Amat have been recruited one after another. Judging from the compilation of confessions, there are not only this group of bandits near Qiemo, but also another mysterious village. Coincidentally, it is in the restricted area in the southwest of Qiemo. middle.

This village has little contact with the outside world. Aimati and the others don't know what the village is like, and they can only get in touch with a woman named Jiuniang in the village.

The people in Jiuniang are very strange, unlike their gang of bandits who rob to survive. Although the village of Jiuniang is more remote and the conditions are more difficult, it always gives people a feeling of having nothing to worry about.Jiuniang also takes good care of people like Amat, and even provides some special food, such as dried insects.

When Aimati first saw the dried worms, he was very disgusted and felt that it was not edible at all. However, according to Jiuniang's method, after putting the dried worms into food as an ingredient, they found that eating this kind of food would make their bodies stronger.

And Aimati also mentioned to Jiuniang that if she needs anything, these bandits will do their best to help.

Jiuniang's request is very strange. On the one hand, let Aimati pay attention to it. Once there are tourists who are not like normal people near Qiemo Town, they must report to her in time. On the other hand, every few months, Jiuniang The mother will send a few women over to have sex with these bandits and collect some of their essence.

I was surprised to hear this.Ever since I got mixed up in the bandit's den, I never heard Jiuniang's name for the next time. I had a vague feeling that this woman was a key person and had a lot to do with the whole case, but I still didn't expect that she and even that village would be so Strange.

I asked Jiang Shaoyan again, "Is there any information about this village in the Qiemo Police Station?"

Both Jiang Shaoyan and Iron Donkey shook their heads.Jiang Shaoyan wanted to find a photo from his phone and show it to me.

This is the map of Qiemo Southwest, and there is also a red dot on it, which is the location where the mysterious woman ended up staying when we tracked it down.

According to Jiang Shaoyan's analysis, the woman must be Jiu Niang's subordinate, and the red dot should be the location of the mysterious village.If we want to solve the disappearance of the tourist group, it seems that we have to go here again.

I have a hunch that this red spot is dangerous.I can’t say I’m timid, I just suggested to Jiang Shaoyan that if we go to Jiuniang’s village this time, we have to bring weapons, otherwise it’s like going to a bandit village with only a broken machete on us It's too passive when it comes to danger.

Jiang Shaoyan nodded in agreement, and emphasized to me that this time not only must we bring all our weapons, the three of us are too weak, and we have to call a few policemen from the police station to help.

My first reaction was the Devil Heart Arhat case. When we went to Ghost Lake that time, we called Zhao Qian, Sun Li, and none of the four brothers came back alive.

This time Jiang Shaoyan looked for someone to help him again, and I thought that whoever was caught as a young man would be unlucky enough.

I don't need to worry about the next arrangement, Jiang Shaoyan is in charge, and we got out of the jeep one after another.

I found that we were in the backyard of the police station. Although we had been sitting in the car, we didn't go far.As soon as I recovered, I was still not very well, so I went directly to the police station again to find a place to rest.

Jiang Shaoyan was very efficient and powerful. That night, we packed our equipment and drove off.

In this operation, in addition to the three of us, the three policemen who shot down were Luo Yi, Lao Snake, and a Uyghur policeman. His name was too garrulous, but he had a nickname called Heizi, so we called him that.

In addition, we escorted three bandits with us, including Amat.

Jiang Shaoyan asked me to prepare some medicine to make Aimati and the others confused.On the one hand, I don't understand why I brought these three bandits, but on the other hand, I am also a little puzzled, why are they being given medicine?
But Jiang Shaoyan asked so, so I prepared.

We drove two cars and rushed to the northern suburbs of Qiemo Town first.Jiang Shaoyan led the team, and we came to a very desolate area together.

He told us to sit in the car and wait and have a cigarette and take a break or something.

We were patient, and about a quarter of an hour later, three off-road jeeps appeared in the distance.

They are very fast, and they come straight to us based on their posture.In fact, although I don’t have much research on cars, I have seen off-road jeeps, but the three jeeps in front of me are too special.

(End of this chapter)

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