The allure of the mad concubine is too defiant

Chapter 559 Let go of my man [7]

Chapter 559 Let go of my man [7]

"Then you guys have a good rest, and I'll call you when it's time for dinner." Bailiye stopped to disturb them after sending them to the yard, he thought that they must have a lot to say after not seeing each other for a few days Let's just say, he can see that the relationship between Xueqian and Dongfang Qingcheng is very deep, which makes him a little envious.

After returning to the room, Dongfang Qingcheng hugged Xueqian tightly in her arms, resting her head on her shoulder to absorb the unique breath that only belonged to her, "Xueqian, I really miss you, I miss you so much .”

Thinking of the moment when he separated from her, Dongfang Qingcheng still has a lingering panic in his heart. He is afraid that he will never be able to leave her behind in this life.

"I want it too, I really want it, but why don't you come to me?" Xueqian complained a little, she was looking for him every day, if he came to her earlier, they would definitely meet sooner .

"I can't see." Dongfang Qingcheng said helplessly, the moment he woke up he wanted to come to her.

Hearing these words, Xueqian pouted and stopped thinking about it. She knew that if she hadn't had the purple jade pendant for lighting, she would not be able to see everything here clearly.

"What place are you talking about here? Why did that strong light send us here suddenly?" Xueqian asked lightly, as lazy as a kitten leaning against Dongfang Qingcheng's arms. After a lot of research, I still can't figure out the mystery.

"In the past few days, I have also been thinking about what that black light is, and why it merged with the light of your purple jade pendant before sending us here." Dongfang Qingcheng looked at Xueqian's neck. The purple jade pendant still glowing with purple light, all of this must be related to this pendant.

When the two of them were at the bottom of the cliff last time, it was the light from the purple jade pendant that attracted the two people who looked exactly like them out.

Then he told them that there would be a catastrophe between the heaven and the earth, and that Dongfang Qingcheng put this matter on the back of his mind for the time being, because what should come would always come, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

The important thing now is that he and Xueqian disappeared like this, and they don't know what will cause some people to do something. Dongfang Qingcheng has a premonition that Dongfang Yunze will definitely take advantage of him and Xueqian's disappearance this time.

It is estimated that Dongyun Kingdom is already in turmoil at this time. Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingcheng frowned tightly. Could something happen to him?
(End of this chapter)

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