Chapter 795 The fog is heavy
Perhaps because he didn't feel any hostility from Ye Mei, Lin Fan finally agreed to go to a good show together at night.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the reason why Ye Mei issued this invitation was to show Lin Fan the strength they possessed.

However, Ye Mei made a mistake because she had never really understood Lin Fan at all, and she was a halfway cultivator, and she did not understand what the four words "Zongmen disciple" meant.

In the world of practice, sect disciples are equivalent to the disciples of aristocratic families in the secular world. You may not see any difference between them and others in normal times, but deep down in their hearts, every sect disciple has his own pride and stubbornness .

If Ye Mei had a deep understanding of Lin Fan and the Kunlun lineage, then she would have discovered that the most proud people in the cultivation world are neither the so-called six major sects nor the two long-standing families, but The sparsely populated Kunlun lineage.

The Kunlun sect rules allow only one person to walk outside. Each generation of Kunlun disciples is an amazing generation. Accumulated from generation to generation, they have formed a unique style of arrogance.

Whether it was Lin Chengfeng back then or Lin Fan now, no matter how their behavior styles have changed, the arrogance in their bones is exactly the same.

So this time, even if Ye Mei showed strength enough to shock Lin Fan in this invitation, it was impossible to recruit a Kunlun disciple like him.


After eating a sumptuous seafood meal in the restaurant, Lin Fan and Emily followed Ye Mei and left the pier to a farm on Lamma Island.

Emily kept a gloomy face on the way. She had a very bad impression of this woman, Ye Mei, because this woman had a very distinctive coquettishness and charm. A fatal attraction.

Lin Fan naturally also felt Emily's displeasure, but he didn't explain much on the way, and Emily was also very face-saving. Although she didn't agree with his decision, she followed him obediently.

If it is inferred according to common sense, when Ye Mei sent out the invitation, Lin Fan's best choice was to refuse immediately, but he just agreed.

This can't help but make Emily have some doubts in her heart. Could it be that Lin Fan is really having an affair with this woman, or that he has already been fascinated by such an alluring woman.

So when Ye Mei arranged the two of them properly, Emily questioned Lin Fan immediately: "Do you know what you are doing? You actually believe such a woman?"

Lin Fan didn't respond right away. He first sensed if anyone was eavesdropping, and then checked the furnishings in the room. After ruling out the possibility of being eavesdropped, he turned his head to communicate with Emily calmly.

"Emily, I know, it's a bit reckless to do this, but there are many things behind this woman that I have to figure out, so I hope you can forgive me for being arbitrary."

Lin Fan said very sincerely that he also knew that he had taken a great risk in doing so. However, in Ye Mei's place, he vaguely felt a bunch of mysteries, and they were still closely related to himself.

Although he could refuse, or even leave immediately, and take Emily to find another way to escape from Hong Kong Island, but when would such an escape be a problem?
As a disciple of the Kunlun lineage, he endured the situation of being wanted every day. For Lin Fan, he was tired of this kind of life, and it had greatly hurt his self-esteem.

The pressure of the six sects is pressing him step by step, in exchange for his repeated concessions. With his current ability, it is not a problem to live incognito, but if this is the case, what is the dignity of the Kunlun lineage?

Could it be that he was going to be the same as the evil demons of the Six Paths back then, who were so desperate to be chased and suppressed that they could only hide in a corner at the foot of the mountain, just like destroying the door?
Compared with the previous practice world, today's cultivation world has undergone great changes. The rebirth of the ancient family and the resurgence of the six evil spirits all indicate that the cultivation world will face a drastic change.

At such a time, as the only member of the Kunlun lineage who joined the world, Lin Fan must participate in it, and must seek the truth through layers of fog.

However, it was difficult to explain all this to Emily, because the other party did not understand the inside story of the Eastern practice world, so Lin Fan could only ask for the understanding of the other party, and forgive his abruptness this time.

After hearing Lin Fan's plea, Emily smiled coldly and said, "What do you want to know about that woman? Body or something else? Do you want me to create an opportunity for you to communicate in depth?"

"Don't say such angry words. You should know that I am no less afraid of this woman than you are. This is a difficult guy, but I still don't know what she really thinks."

Lin Fan said solemnly, why did Ye Mei go to such great lengths to attract him? Is it her own intention or the instigation of the forces behind it.

She was greedy for her own strength, or had other ulterior motives, all of which made Lin Fan confused and puzzled.

The conflict with the six major sects and the religious committee sounds complicated, but in fact it is very simple, that is, the other party wants to snatch the blood essence of the black bird from his body. Apart from this, there is no other direct contradiction or conflict.

But the relationship with Ye Mei is just the opposite. It sounds simple, it is a cooperation or solicitation, but in fact, it is unusual.

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't dazed by Ye Mei, Emily felt relieved a little, but still said firmly: "Hmph, you'd better remember what you said, don't let the beauty cover your eyes , let the lower animal impulses control your reason."

"Am I that kind of person in your eyes? If it's what you said, your charm is greater than that woman's, but I've never surpassed half a step." Lin Fan said half-jokingly.

Hearing the other party praise herself, Emily was happy, but she still put on a cold expression on her face and said: "That's because I never gave you a chance."

Lin Fan chuckled, he didn't try to refute anything, and he wasn't in the mood to make fun of the other party.

He walked slowly to the window, pushed the window open, and looked into the distance, with a mess of thoughts in his heart.

In the situation where the practice world is facing great changes, why has there been no movement from the master, and why has there been no response from the master?
What is the origin of the power behind Ye Mei? Why is it even used by ancient monsters like Bono? Besides, how many masters are hidden?
Why did the two oldest families choose to reappear in the world at this time, why did they choose the Religious Committee as a partner, and why were they at odds with the six major sects?

All of this is like a dense mass of threads mixed together, making people unable to figure out the context at all, as if they are in a fog, and their eyes are hazy, all illusions.

(End of this chapter)

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