Chapter 676 Reunion

"Why did you turn around and come back again?" Lin Fan complained secretly in his heart. He thought the mysterious man had taken him so far, but he turned around around the small town of Sheffield unexpectedly.

"Hey, Asians, it's not that we don't like you Asians, it's just that a Chinese came here two days ago and caused a lot of trouble in our town, so people in the town don't welcome strangers. I hope you can understand." The white man explained a few sentences.

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Lin Fan, took his hand away from the dagger, pointed to the direction to the left and said, "This is a pasture, and if you walk about ten kilometers further, you will arrive at another small town. I'll drive you there."

Just when Lin Fan was about to say thank you, there was a sound of horseshoes not far away, and a girl with long hair came galloping on a maroon horse.

The white man glanced back, waved and shouted into the distance: "Little Jessica, why are you here?"

The maroon horse galloped to the front very quickly, Lin Fan turned his head to the side, not daring to let people see his face clearly, because the girl on the horse was Jessica from the small town of Sheffield.

"Hmph, Uncle Neil, Uncle Joseph actually called my dad and grounded me, my God, I'm an adult, and they treat me like a five-year-old I."

After Jessica arrived, she didn't bother to look at Lin Fan, and complained directly to the white man Nair, venting her dissatisfaction with an angry expression.

She was wearing a cowboy hat and a smart denim jacket today, and she looked chic and free and easy. When she rode over just now, her long golden hair fluttered in the wind, and her heroic posture gave people endless aftertaste.

"Little Jessica, don't blame your Uncle Joseph. I heard your father said that you should not associate with that Asian. You know, your parents will not accept an Asian..."

When he was talking about this, Neil suddenly realized that there was another Asian beside him, so he quickly turned around and smiled apologetically at Lin Fan and said, "I'm sorry, what I just said didn't mean to discriminate against you Asians in the slightest. But I think there are too many differences in culture and life between us white people and you Asians."

When Nair was talking to Lin Fan, Jessica noticed that there was another person. She glanced casually, feeling a little familiar, and then took a closer look, her expression changed suddenly, and she said in a low voice: "My God, you..."

Seeing that Jessica was about to expose his identity, Lin Fan quickly winked at the girl. He is still in danger, and that mysterious man was so irresponsible that he didn't take him out of the danger, and let him stay in danger. Stay in such a dangerous place.

"What's the matter? Little Jessica?" Neil looked back at Jessica in doubt and asked. He didn't hear what Jessica said just now, but only heard my God.

"No, it's nothing, Uncle Neil, who is this Asian? How did you know each other?" Jessica quickly waved her hands, indicating that she was fine.

"Oh, this friend from China is a tourist. He seems to have lost his way. I just showed him the way and reminded him not to go to our town, because people in the town have views on Asians recently."

Nair explained a few words, and he looked at Jessica, feeling a little puzzled, because Jessica's eyes wandered around which Asians from time to time.

"Oh, I'm lost, Uncle Neil, why don't I drive him off?" Jessica immediately begged to send Lin Fan off. She wanted to have a chat with Lin Fan alone, because what happened to this man before was really serious. Very unusual.

Just this morning, the town was in a state of panic. It was heard that even the State Guard had come, sealed off Lin Fan's residence, and brought out a few bloody corpses from somewhere.

If it were an ordinary girl, after seeing Lin Fan again, she would have screamed in fright, but Jessica always felt that this Asian was not a bad person, so she helped Lin Fan cover again.

"No, Jessica, it's too dangerous, I'm not saying this Asian friend is a bad guy, it's just that if I let you send him, your father and Joseph will know, they will tear me apart, and Your mother, she won't let me go."

Neil smiled softly, and refused Jessica's request. He was worried about letting the beautiful Jessica send such an Asian of unknown origin. In case of an accident, how could he explain to the girl's family.

"Then I'll accompany you to see him off. Anyway, I'm bored staying here. Father said he would let me stay in the ranch until the holidays." Jessica pouted and said coquettishly.

Nair obviously doted on this little girl at ordinary times, and he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled when he saw this, "Your father has created a problem for me, letting you, a naughty ghost, live with me."

"Hmph, Uncle Neil, I'm an adult, you can't say that about me anymore, otherwise, I'll tell Aunt Mary that you bullied me."

Jessica curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly that she was unwilling to let Uncle Neil treat her like a child in front of Lin Fan, it would be really embarrassing.

"Okay, our little Jessica has grown up to be a big girl, and she has to learn to respect you..." Neil laughed and teased Jessica jokingly.

But at this time, he was also a little puzzled, did his little niece become interested in the Asian kid next to him again?Could it be that Jessica has a general liking for Asian boys?

Puzzled and puzzled, but Neil didn't see anything wrong, he bent down, stretched out a hand, and said to Lin Fan: "Young man, grab my hand, get on the horse, and when we reach the ranch, I will drive to see you off. "

Lin Fan put his hands together, bent his knees slightly, pulled his arms lightly, and jumped onto the horse's back lightly, with coherent and smooth movements.

"That's right, you should have ridden a horse often before." Looking at Lin Fan's movements, Neir couldn't help but praise, even if he was an old cowboy, he couldn't compare to this Asian kid in these movements.

Lin Fan smiled modestly and did not speak. He and Neil rode the same horse and ran slowly towards the ranch residence. Jessica followed unhurriedly and vomited at Lin Fan. He stuck out his tongue and did a gesture like Pinocchio wiping his nose, mocking Lin Fan for lying just now.

Lin Fan smiled gratefully at Jessica, spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

He doesn't want to do this either, but it's too close to the town of Sheffield. If Neil knows his identity, he will definitely be in trouble. What's more, those enemies don't know where they are. If he kills a carbine, he will even escape. Not much hope.

The two horses walked back slowly, Lin Fan looked at the scenery along the way, and couldn't help but feel a sense of envy in his heart. This kind of peaceful life made his tired heart feel a strong longing.

At this time, Lin Fan made up his mind. After leaving the small town of Sheffield, he must find a similar place to live in seclusion, and sharpen his state of mind in a peaceful and ordinary life.

(End of this chapter)

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