Chapter 638
In the middle of Europe, in the castle of Le Senbai, well-dressed men and women are shuttled around, and everyone has a complex expression on their face, excitement, excitement, anxiety... Several emotions are intertwined, let's see it here It adds a bit of dignity to it.

All of these people looked pale, like patients who had lost too much blood, but the facial features on their pale faces were extremely handsome, and their gestures showed elegance and nobility.

"Prince Nina crawled out of the blood coffin. It is said that in her deep sleep, she suddenly felt as if her heart had been stabbed by an ice knife, and she suddenly felt the pain that penetrated to the marrow."

"I heard that the direct descendant of Prince Nina, Grand Duke Hasher's soul light has been extinguished, which shocked the elders in the entire castle..."

In the corridor, people in twos and threes were whispering to each other. There was only one topic they talked about, and that was the legendary princess of the Le Senbai family——Nina Le Senbai crawled out of her sleeping coffin, and, like a tyrannosaurus, With a shrill roar, all the vampires in the castle were startled.


In the depths of Le Senbai Castle, there is a magnificent and well-guarded large living room. At this time, here, sparse people are holding red wine glasses and communicating with each other.

Suddenly, an astonishingly beautiful girl came out from inside. She was wearing a violet robe, and her perfect figure was graceful and moving inside the robe. She had delicate facial features, fair skin, and a high bun, extremely elegant. No matter how you look at it, this is a perfect woman.

Seeing her, one can't help but sigh, this is really the darling of the creator, everyone, no matter men or women, when they see her, they will be shocked by the beauty that is so perfect that it takes one's breath away.

When she walked out step by step, everyone in the hall focused their attention, and there was a sudden silence inside, everyone was staring at this beautiful woman.

Behind this woman, followed by several charming maids, they followed respectfully, slightly bent their soft and slender waists, and carefully supported the hem of the long skirt behind the woman with both hands.

In the crowd, a red-haired old man took a step forward, covered his heart with his right hand, and saluted the woman respectfully: "Honorable Prince Nina, please allow me to be proud of the Le Senbai family, His Majesty's immediate descendant, Grand Duke Hasher, mourns a moment of silence and sincerely wishes His Excellency to recover from his grief."

After the red-haired old man made this movement and said those words, the others followed suit and covered their hearts with their right hands, bowed to salute, and said in a low voice: "Mercy for Grand Duke Hashir, I hope His Excellency the Prince can recover from the grief. walk out."

Hundreds of people uttered this deep voice at the same time, and the hall suddenly gathered into a deep and shocking sound wave, and everyone present felt a tinge of sadness.

Prince Nina stretched her hands forward, palms up, and slowly raised the void upwards, and said expressionlessly: "Thank you for your concern, brothers and sisters of the Le Senbai family."

The person below straightened up, with his hands hanging down on the outside of his legs, and he stood there very politely, listening to Grand Duke Nina's speech quietly.

"Everyone, Hashir died at the hands of the evil Orientals. This is the most serious provocation to the Le Senbai family. Their methods are more brutal than the church in the Middle Ages, and they actually put Hashir's soul in the flames." to ashes."

"I saw Hashir's crying in my deep sleep. I saw that tragic scene. Even the light of the soul was turned into nothingness in the flames. Those evil Easterners are declaring war on us."

"Brothers and sisters, are you ready? We will use blood to defend the honor of the Le Senbai family. Despicable thieves and evil oriental wizards will all pay for their actions."

In Prince Nina's tone, apart from sadness, there was also a ray of anger mixed in it, like the magma in the ground, which seemed calm but was actually surging.

This tone, coupled with Prince Nina's dignified and calm expression, produced a cold and chilling aura. Every blood race in the hall felt the desire for blood and the yearning for battle from the bottom of their hearts. .

The red-haired old man came out again, and he bowed to Prince Nina and saluted slightly: "Your Excellency, it is said that the Oriental who killed Grand Duke Hasher came from an ancient and mysterious organization. This organization is powerful. It may not be inferior to us, so is our Le Senbai family going to start a life-and-death battle with them alone?"

"Burning the blood race with fire is a challenge to the Dark Council. Should we be more cautious and report to the entire Council to use the power of the dark world to destroy that ancient Eastern organization."

Prince Nina waved her hand lightly and said: "Paul, our Le Senbai family has enough ability to take revenge. I don't think it is a good proposal to use the power of the Dark Council. Our family has to wash away the shame with our own hands. Only in this way can we get revenge." Restoring the honor of the Lescenbe family."

"However, Your Excellency, the organization called Hongmen has many believers, and it is rumored that there are even masters who are not inferior to you. If our Le Senbai family fights with them alone, I am afraid that the losses will be very serious. It may shake our family's position in the dark world."

The red-haired old man said worriedly that he had a certain understanding of Hongmen, and it was based on this understanding that he disapproved of Prince Nina's decision.

After being objected by the people below, Prince Nina didn't show any displeasure on her face. She still kept that cold expression, and glanced at the red-haired old man lightly. Just as she was about to speak, she heard a rush of voices coming from outside. pace.

A middle-aged woman walked in from the outside with her clothes in her hand. Judging from her expression and movements, it seemed that something big happened outside.

The middle-aged woman walked up to Prince Nina, bowed, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, the latest news has come from America. Hongmen has denied our accusations against them, and sent the soldiers of our family The corpse was brought back..."

"The leaders of the Hongmen organization in Europe have found a gathering point for us, hoping to have an interview with the high-level family members. They claim that they are sincere to clarify all unnecessary misunderstandings."

After the news came out, there was a small commotion in the hall. The people below were whispering among themselves, and the red-haired old man had an unexpected expression on his face.

Only Prince Nina, her face is like the eternal ice in the Antarctic glacier, she always maintains a calm expression, her whole person's temperament is like a black hole in the universe, as if she wants to suck in everything around her deeply.

"Tell them that I will meet in person. No matter whether Hashir was killed by them or not, the Le Senbai family will ask this Eastern organization to give an explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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