Chapter 590 Qingming Liquid and Resting Flower

In a secluded manor, Lin Fan stood in front of Aunt Mei, his eyes full of thoughts.

"You don't remember who I am?" Meigu sat at the top and asked with a slight frown.

Lin Fan embarrassedly stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said, "I have a little impression, but, but, I don't remember very clearly, I don't remember most of the past."

"In the Zhonghua Building just now, I saw that something was wrong with you. As expected, you stretch out your hand, and I will help you find out what's going on."

Mei Gu sighed and said, when she first saw Lin Fan, she already noticed that Lin Fan seemed different from before, when she brought him back and asked carefully, it was indeed so.

Lin Fan turned around and moved a chair, sat on Meigu's lower head, and stretched out his hand respectfully.

Mei Gu stretched out her hand to feel her pulse, and after a while, her brows became more and more tight, and she murmured, "It's strange, the qi and blood are full and surging, far better than ordinary people, there's nothing wrong with it."

Lin Fan's pulse made her feel particularly surprised, because when she took the pulse just now, the vitality and blood in Lin Fan's body were exuberant, just like an ancient beast, which was shocking.

Generally speaking, when amnesia occurs, it is caused by blocked meridians in the head, and the symptoms can be clearly distinguished from the pulse condition.

However, Lin Fan's pulse condition was not abnormal at all, the meridians all over his body were unobstructed, and there was no abnormality in his head. Analyzing from the pulse condition, there was nothing wrong with Lin Fan at all.

After a long time, Mei Gu withdrew her hand, her eyes were full of doubts, generally speaking, the appearance of this kind of pulse only indicates one result, that is, the patient is pretending to be sick.

But Lin Fan is her junior, so there is no need to pretend to be sick with her, and the confusion in Lin Fan's eyes when they met just now did not seem to be fake.

"Senior, what's the matter with me? Why did I lose my memory?" Lin Fan looked at Mei Gu anxiously and asked, judging from Mei Gu's expression, the result didn't seem too good.

Mei Gu thought for a while, then slowly said: "From your pulse, the amnesia is not caused by the impairment of bodily functions, but has another reason."

"What's the reason?" Lin Fan asked eagerly.

"For the time being, it is difficult for me to draw conclusions. Generally speaking, in addition to brain damage leading to amnesia, psychological trauma may also cause this to happen."

Mei Gu answered very slowly, she was thinking about Lin Fan's condition carefully.

"Psychological trauma? What's going on?" Lin Fan asked suspiciously. He patted his head with a look of bewilderment.

"Psychological trauma refers to the sudden occurrence of some bad things, which make you unable to accept it all at once, and you fall into a psychological breakdown. Under the protection of self-defense function, your brain will selectively forget these things. "

Mei Gu patiently explained to Lin Fan.

"What's wrong, even if I forget, I can't forget everything, senior, when I just woke up, I didn't even know who I am." Lin Fan shook his head, he thought it was impossible for him It's that kind of psychological trauma.

Mei Gu nodded slowly and said, "You're right. Ordinary people may lose their memory due to too much stimulation, but for practitioners, their willpower is far superior to ordinary people, so it is impossible for this to happen."

"Senior, then do you think I will be in that kind of situation, the physical damage is ruled out, and the psychological damage is also ruled out, then what is the problem?"

Lin Fan continued to ask unwillingly. When he first woke up, the feeling of amnesia was not too uncomfortable, but the more he understood the people and things in the past, the more he hoped to recover his memory as soon as possible.

"Your current situation is very likely to be the most troublesome one, and it is also the most difficult to treat, that is, the damage to the soul." Mei Gu's brows were furrowed. Helping Lin Fan heal with certainty, the title of Holy Hand Meigu is not for nothing.

But she is not sure about the trauma of the soul, because the soul is the foundation of a person, and it is also the most mysterious place in the human body.

"Senior, then, can you cure my illness?" Lin Fan asked anxiously. Now that he is suffering from amnesia more and more, Li Xiner, the most important woman to him is still missing. Unable to retrieve his memory, he has no clue to find someone.

Mei Gu nodded solemnly, then sighed slightly and said, "I can cure your illness. When I was traveling abroad, I once inadvertently broke into a cave left by a practitioner with your master and found it inside. In the jade slips about witchcraft, there are some cases like yours recorded in it, and there are corresponding prescriptions."

"It's just that, alas, I have the prescription, but I don't have the two main medicines here. These two medicines are indispensable, and they are extremely rare and hard to find. They can be encountered but not found."

Lin Fan looked at Aunt Mei inquiringly and asked, "Senior, what kind of medicine is it? As long as you tell me the name of the medicine, I can search for it from the outside at a high price."

Mei Gu laughed dumbly and said: "Silly boy, if I can buy it with money, why would I be in such a difficult situation? Although I have been hidden from the world for so many years, I still have plenty of money."

"The two medicines I want, you can't find them in the world at all. You just go to buy them. Many people have never heard of them, and I don't know where they are."

"I haven't seen these two medicines before. I just read the names on the jade slips, and I know that there are two medicines. One is called Qingmingye. It is said that it is a spiritual liquid mixed with innate clear energy. It is recorded in the bamboo slips that this kind of Qingming liquid usually exists in jade, and it has a miraculous effect on healing the wounds of the soul."

"The second medicine is called Resting Flower. It grows in the place of death. As long as ordinary people get close to it, they will die naturally, as if they have rested."

"Qingming liquid heals the wounds of the soul, and resting flowers can replenish the energy of the soul and speed up recovery. These two medicines are the main ingredients of that prescription. Without them, the prescription is useless."

Hearing the names of these two medicines, Lin Fan was at a loss. He had never heard of such things, and they sounded like they only existed in legends.

"Senior, can we use other medicine instead?" Lin Fan asked persistently.

Mei Gu shook her head and said: "No, I have never used this prescription since I got it. Apart from its efficacy, I don't know anything about other pharmacological aspects, so how can I replace it."

Seeing the disappointment and frustration on Lin Fan's face, Gu Mei smiled slightly and said, "Actually, you don't have to worry, there is another solution besides medicine."

"What way?" Lin Fan's originally dim eyes became eager again.

"Find your master. I remember he said that your Kunlun lineage seems to have a technique that focuses on the soul. It should be able to restore your memory through self-healing."

(End of this chapter)

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