Chapter 472
On a desolate Gobi Desert, a vulture hovered in the sky, and a naked young man was lying on the ground, curled up as if he was in a deep sleep.

The vulture hovers back and forth in the air. This is its favorite food, whether it is human or animal corpses, it is within the scope of its diet.

But this vulture was very cautious. It hovered for a long time but did not dare to rush down to eat, because the motionless body below gave it an extremely dangerous intuition.

The vulture croaked in the air, trying to attract nearby companions to deal with the man on the ground together.

Soon a dozen or so vultures rushed over, they landed around the naked young man, and took two tentative steps forward.

At this time, the man's fingers suddenly moved twice, and then he opened his eyes, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Then, he slowly got up from the ground, stood up, scratched his head with his hands, and said to himself in doubt: "Where is this? I, I am..."

The young man looked around blankly, with a look of ignorance. His skin was fair and he had a lifelike tattoo on his chest. It was a majestic monkey holding a stick in his hand. With fierce light, staring into the distance.

This tattoo looks like the Monkey King in myths and legends, but unlike that Monkey King, it does not wear armor, and its eyes emit a kind of bloodthirsty tyranny.

After the young man stood up, the surrounding vultures tilted their heads and stared at him for a while, then flapped their wings and flew into the air.

This is not a corpse, nor is it their food. The vultures lost hope of eating, so they flew into the distance, each looking for the next target.


The young man stood in place and touched his bald head. If there was a mirror, he would find that he looked very funny. There was no hair on his head, no eyebrows, beard, or hair, as if he had been shaved A bare meat ball is round and round, which is really gratifying.

Standing there for a while, he looked around, then took a step, found a direction casually, and walked forward slowly.

This is a desolate area with a dry climate, the wind and sand are very strong, and there is no human habitation nearby. There is a vulture hovering around him leisurely.

It was a very smart vulture with rich hunting experience. From its point of view, in this uninhabited Gobi desert, this creature walking on two legs would soon fall down.

Because there is no water, no food, and even animals are very scarce, without these supplements, young people will soon be overwhelmed by hunger and thirst, turning into a real corpse.

But things didn't move closer to what Vulture wanted to see. The young man was still walking unhurriedly. His footsteps were very steady, with a hint of leisure in his steady steps, like a bard admiring the scenery, unrestrained .

He didn't seem to be aware of the imminent danger at all. In this barren Gobi desert, ordinary people would be defeated by thirst even if they walked for a day without a drop of water.

However, all of this is not a problem for him at all, he has maintained a constant forward speed, and the vicious sun in the sky has not caused him any trouble.

Under the dry and cracked wind, his fair skin still maintained a kind of moisture and fullness, and the sand in the wind hit the surface of his body without leaving a trace.


The young man walked in the Gobi Desert for a day and a night at the speed he liked. He was like a robot, tireless, always maintaining that pace of neither fast nor slow. At a loss.

It wasn't until he set foot on a road that he saw his own kind in the cars passing by.

"Damn, this buddy is playing performance art, right?"

"Tsk tsk, the snow area is really interesting, there are everyone."

"Hey, that tattoo is not bad, is it the Monkey King? I've seen Guan Gong's tattoo before, but I haven't seen the Monkey King tattoo."

In the passing cars, those passengers couldn't help sighing when they saw this naked young man walking leisurely on the road.

The young man didn't realize how shocking he was, he still maintained his speed and moved forward, just like the common pilgrims in the snow area, but the only difference between him and those people was, No clothes.

The coming and going vehicles made him a little curious at first, but it didn't take long for him to remember what this four-wheeled monster was, so he was soon relieved.

Just as he was walking forward step by step according to his own rhythm, a green off-road vehicle suddenly slowed down and stopped beside him.

"Hey, buddy, do you need help?" A young guy on the passenger seat in the car rolled up the window and asked kindly.

The young man glanced at him, shook his head, didn't speak, just smiled at him, showing his white teeth.

"Understood." The young man in the passenger seat nodded and said with a smile.

When the car window was rolled up, the young man gave the young man a thumbs up and said sincerely, "Dude, you are really good."

After speaking, the off-road vehicle accelerated and drove forward.

The young man touched his head, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Compared with those of his kind, he seemed to lack something.

He thought for a while in confusion, and finally, he knew the difference between himself and others. Others were wearing clothes that covered their bodies, but he was naked and had nothing on.

In his subconscious mind, this kind of behavior of running around naked without clothes is very indecent, and he feels a little embarrassed.

But after looking around, there was nothing that could be worn on the body to cover up the sensitive parts.

The young man began to deliberately stay away from the road. He still walked along this road, but he no longer approached the side of the road, but chose to stay a hundred meters away from the road. In this way, he deliberately reduced the sudden sense of shame in his heart.

Soon, on the way, he found a rag on the ground, which looked like a tattered veil.

He picked up the rag and wrapped it around his waist to cover his most critical parts.

With this piece of rag, the sense of shame in the young man's heart has been greatly reduced. Although he doesn't look much better now than before, at least the parts that should not be exposed have been covered.

A familiar word-fig leaf flashed through his mind. He felt that the meaning of this word was very suitable for his current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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