Chapter 461 Summoning
As time passed, the feeling in Lin Fan's body became more and more clear. He felt the call ahead, as if he had suddenly realized the mission he was carrying.

That feeling is very miraculous and indescribable, like going back to the source, but at the same time, there is another sense of mission, which makes Lin Fan confused about how to classify this feeling.

Little Jinzi was also excited at this moment, if Lin Fan hadn't stopped it, this little guy would have already rushed over regardless.

When Lin Fan followed his intuition all the way forward, there was a slight fluctuation in a certain place ahead, the yellow sand on the ground was slightly undulating, and there seemed to be an invisible big hand slowly stirring it.

A violent energy fluctuation is constantly churning here, like a tornado, the closer to the center, the more you can feel the fluctuation of this ability.

Lin Fan and Xiao Jinzi were firmly attracted, the two of them finally let go of their speed, and rushed towards the center of the wave like flying.

With Lin Fan's arrival, the fluctuation became more and more intense. The ground shook intermittently, as if a major earthquake had occurred. Also covered by rolled up yellow sand.

The greeting ahead slowly became clear, and Lin Fan had a strong expectation vaguely in his heart. Although that call was invisible, an extremely strong sense of belonging rose in Lin Fan's mind.

In the yellow sand flying all over the sky, Lin Fan took the little gold and quickly swept towards the center of the fluctuation.

The yellow sand blown up by the strong wind crackled and hit his skin, like hailstones fell from the sky, the only difference was that it was not ice but sand that fell.

When Lin Fan stepped into this area, a mass of nine-colored brilliance suddenly appeared in the center of the fluctuation, forming a hemispherical mist, which looked as magnificent as a mirage from above the desert.

Seeing that smoldering color, Lin Fan's heart suddenly became enlightened, and he began to understand what was calling him in front of him.

It's not a mysterious bird, nor a treasure, but a kind of inheritance, a kind of inheritance of mission calling him, more precisely, it's a summoning of the essence and blood left by the mysterious bird in his body.

When Little Jinzi was born, the Yangyin Yinming Tree also absorbed a drop of the black bird's blood essence, and Xiao Jinzi was receiving the supplies from the Yangyin Yinming tree at that time, and indirectly inherited part of the black bird's blood essence.

So it also felt this kind of calling, but the calling it felt was not as strong and direct as Lin Fan's.

Because the blood essence of Xuanniao did not transform the body structure of Xiao Jinzi, in its body, the blood of the Hanuman monkey and the blood of the Yin Yin tree of the anode were dominant, and the blood essence of Xuanniao only acted as a kind of The role of palliatives.

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes were staring straight, and he ran towards the cloud of mist without hesitation. He was surprised while running.

His body seemed to be completely out of control. He even felt that he couldn't give orders to his limbs, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

There is an inexplicable existence in front of him that firmly attracts him. He is a piece of steel, and there is a huge magnetic mountain buried in front of him. That kind of attraction makes his reason unable to control his body's actions.

The feeling after escaping from Lingyin Temple re-occupied his body, he seemed to be a bystander, watching his physical body running towards the distance, his eyes were dull, his expression was crazy, and he was running tirelessly.

Little Jinzi was also frightened by Lin Fan. It jumped onto Lin Fan's back, firmly grasped Lin Fan's neck with its two front paws, put its mouth next to Lin Fan's ear, and screamed anxiously. He wanted to wake Lin Fan up.

But Lin Fan's madness was beyond imagination, even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he was still going forward without hesitation.

Lin Fan felt that his body and soul had formed a kind of separation. His spirit was watching his body, but he didn't have the slightest control over it.

And he found that when the body got rid of the control of the soul, the surrounding whirlwind began to automatically avoid his existence, and even began to lift his body to help him run forward at a faster speed.

At this moment, Lin Fan felt no surprise, but more panic. He thought of what he had seen and heard at the underground altar, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that he will become a puppet, like the puppet guard of the underground altar, guarding this piece of Nirvana.

What was Xuanniao's real intention in giving him this drop of blood? Did it really want to turn Lin Fan into its loyal servant, even destroying Lin Fan's soul?
"No, it can't be like this, I have to stop this behavior, I have to figure out what is going on first?"

Lin Fan's soul is screaming silently. Human beings have a fearful attitude towards the unknown, and Lin Fan is no exception. He doesn't know what will happen next, but this feeling of being out of control is too frightening .

The unknown ahead is waiting for him, and he is like a moth flying towards the seemingly bright direction at this moment, regardless of the danger of being burned.

For the first time, he questioned Xuanniao's original help. Could it be that the bird was plotting against him from the very beginning?
Facing the unknown situation, Lin Fan began to get nervous and flustered. He felt deeply powerless, and he had no way to change the current situation. He didn't even know whether he was Lin Fan or not. Perhaps in the future he would use a brand new Appearances appear in this world.


When Ziyang Zhenren and others reached an agreement with Director Bai Haosong, they accelerated the search, but they found nothing.

When they were at a loss, they suddenly felt a violent energy fluctuating not far away, as if an ancient giant beast was slowly recovering.

"Go there and see what's going on?"

Immortal Ziyang, Immortal Danyang, Elder Liaokong exchanged glances, and immediately made a decision.

The energy fluctuation not far away made them vaguely feel that there should be some inevitable connection with Lin Fan, so these six people flew away at the fastest speed.

The six people tapped lightly on the ground, their bodies stretched like eagles spreading their wings, soaring and leaping in mid-air.

Their speed was very fast, and they were eager to know what was happening ahead. When these six people approached the energy fluctuation area, they saw a familiar figure in the gray yellow sand.

"It's Lin Fan, it's him." Master Ziyang was overjoyed, and finally found Lin Fan's trail, and there seemed to be some treasures about to be born in front of him, and the nine-colored brilliance and rising clouds all indicated that he would break out of the ground soon. treasures.

Seeing Lin Fan, and seeing the hope of obtaining the treasure, the six people quickly approached Lin Fan as if they had beaten a chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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