Chapter 295
If it's just a lack of etiquette, this matter is not difficult to deal with, as long as you give the other party enough face, it will be relatively simple to reconcile.

"I think this should be the case. I will call that fellow later and report to you as soon as I have the result."

Ma Yongjian stood up, bid farewell to Li Xiner and Lin Fan, and then walked outside.

Seeing his back as he walked out, Li Xin'er snorted coldly, and said to herself, "After all, I'm not one of my own, so I can't be relied on."

The little Jinzi on Lin Fan's shoulder was already impatient for waiting. He kept scratching Lin Fan's hair, pointed his paws out of the window, and screamed.

This guy was very measured, he just messed up Lin Fan's hairstyle, but it definitely didn't hurt Lin Fan in the slightest.

Seeing Lin Fan's distressed appearance, Li Xiner chuckled, thought for a while and said, "Anyway, there's nothing else to do today, why don't I go out for a walk with you."

Lin Fan grabbed Xiao Jinzi and held it in his arms. While comforting it, he said, "Wait a little longer, we won't tell you anything after that Vice President Ma finishes his call and comes back. What's the matter? Do you also want to enjoy the scenery here?"

"I'm fine. The key is the little gold in your arms. If I don't get out, he will drive you crazy."

Li Xin'er said with a smile, she and Xiao Mo both liked this monkey, Xiao Mo mainly looked at the appearance, and thought that Xiao Jinzi was cute and beautiful.

But Li Xiner mainly likes it's cleverness and cleverness. This little guy's IQ is simply against the sky, smarter than ordinary children.

Xiao Jinzi watched Lin Fan's face secretly in Lin Fan's arms, and found that Lin Fan was not angry, but now he made a fuss even more, and tried his best to slip out of Lin Fan's arms.

"Forget it, don't wait for him, just let him call and tell me the situation."

While talking, Li Xiner stood up from the sofa, and then took out two looser casual clothes during the salute. She didn't shy away from Lin Fan, and went directly to the bathroom to change.


When the two went out, they specially brought a local Chinese guide with them. Seeing that Li Xiner was going out, the veterans also prepared to follow behind to protect them, but Li Xiner rejected their offer.

I just told these people to protect these family members well, and not to relax before they boarded the plane, because Li Xiner didn't want to see any accidents happen again.

As for those mercenaries who are still waiting for Li Xiner's orders, these people are paid by the day anyway, and their employers don't give orders, so they are happy at leisure.

Lin Fan and Li Xiner did not stay in the urban area, but drove to the suburbs.

When they arrived at a place in the suburbs where the crowds were sparse, they opened the door and got out of the car and walked side by side.

Little Jinzi sprinted up the tree from Lin Fan's body, ecstatic all the way, swinging on the branches, teasing Lin Fan from time to time, trying to lure Lin Fan to chase it.

But at this moment, Lin Fan put all his heart and soul on Li Xiner, where Xianxin was playing with Xiao Jinzi.

Xiao Jinzi expressed extreme indignation at Lin Fan's behavior of forgetting friends because of sex, and kept using dried fruits, branches, and small stones along the way to disrupt the conversation between Lin Fan and Li Xiner.

Living on the streets of this foreign country, Li Xiner seemed to have temporarily forgotten the troubles around her. She pointed at some buildings next to her and continued to marvel at them, like a little girl, talking nonstop around Lin Fan. .

At this moment, Lin Fan felt a touch in his heart. Maybe the Li Xiner in front of him was the real her. In front of outsiders, she would always wear a cold mask.

But thinking about it back, Lin Fan realized that he was not like this. For the world, wearing a mask is a necessary defense, which can make him suffer less damage.

In October, the sea breeze in Yangon has become a lot more refreshing. Wandering in this city full of Buddhist amorous feelings, looking at the crowds coming and going around them, they are wearing various national costumes, and they all look like It's so laid back.

Because of the influence of Theravada Buddhism, the pace of life of the local residents is not fast. Compared with those big cities in China, their pace is obviously more than a beat slower.

The outskirts of Yangon are not considered prosperous, and there are many low-rise and old buildings, but this does not hinder Li Xiner's interest in shopping. When she came out, she brought a lot of Myanmar domestic banknotes with her. If there are more handicrafts, she will stop and choose carefully.

The Chinese guide next to them kept telling them about the local customs, and also taught Li Xiner a few simple words in the local language, which probably meant how much money, thank you, and so on.

In the past, Lin Fan always thought that shopping with girls was a very hard work, but today it is obviously different, because every time Li Xiner buys her favorite accessories, she has to show them off in front of Lin Fan, as if waiting for him. praise.

The three of them strolled around for about an hour. Xiao Jinzi was enjoying himself by jumping up and down the trees. People here generally have a kind attitude towards monkeys, because in Buddhist culture, monkeys are a kind of animal that can directly communicate with the gods. animal, and is one of the apologists in the Buddhist scriptures.

What's more, Xiao Jinzi's strength is much weaker than Lin Fan's. Ordinary people have no way to get close to it. Even some masters of cultivation, it is difficult to deal with Xiao Jinzi, so Lin Fan is not very safe about this little guy. Worry.

After shopping in the street for half a day, the Chinese guide and the two of them recommended three good places to visit. One is the world-famous Shwedagon Pagoda. The symbol of Myanmar is also the pride of the Burmese people. When tourists travel to Yangon, the first place they choose to go is there.

The other two tourist attractions are Inya Lake in Yangon and the historic palace in the urban area, and he also warmly invited Lin Fan and Li Xiner to visit the local Chinatown.

Li Xiner discussed with Lin Fan and decided to go to Yinya Lake for a while, because it is said that the environment there is beautiful and there are not so many tourists.

After the three of them decided on their next destination, Lin Fan waved to the little Jinzi on the tree, telling him to come down quickly.

Little Jinzi hadn't had enough fun yet, but he still reluctantly got down from the tree, jumped into Lin Fan's words, and let out a cry of dissatisfaction.

After Lin Fan took it into the car, the car had just started when the cell phone in Li Xiner's pocket rang. She picked up the phone and glanced at it, then pressed the answer button.

After about a minute, after the call ended, Li Xiner said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lin Fan, we can't continue shopping."

After finishing speaking, she said to the guide driving ahead: "Please, drive back to the hotel."

(End of this chapter)

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