Chapter 244 Bad News

After driving to the entrance of the hospital, Li Xiner's mood suddenly became bad. During this period of time, she seemed to have become attached to the hospital. Grandpa was sick, and she stayed for a few days, and now she wanted to visit Shao Yanan again.

The moment they saw Li Xiner, Captain Pang and Xue Yi were a little surprised. Neither of them expected that Lin Fan would bring this woman. They took advantage of Li Xiner's inattention and showed Lin Fan a tacit smile.

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, as if some secret had been discovered. He himself couldn't tell what his relationship with Li Xiner was now. It should be between boyfriend and girlfriend and good friend, and his position was somewhat vague.

"Has the expert arrived?" Lin Fan asked from the side. Li Xiner had already walked into the ward, and there were bursts of sobbing.

"Not yet, but the inspections have been done, and we'll wait for the experts to come and analyze the test results." Captain Pang shook his head. Speaking of this topic, the atmosphere here is a bit heavy.

Lin Fan's face also became solemn, and he remembered Li Xiner's instructions, and said in a low voice: "Old Pang, Xiner told me on the way that she wanted to donate to the families of those killed members of the Sword Squad. How does the unit’s donation procedure work?”

This matter was told by Li Xiner to Lin Fan on the way. She hoped that she could make a donation to make herself feel better. After all, so many people sacrificed for her.

Captain Pang shook his head and said, "Our unit is quite special. It never accepts donations from the outside world, not in any name."

The Secret Special Operations Department is a high-level confidential unit. In order to maintain the purity of the team, their unit strictly prohibits close contact with the outside world. It is absolutely impossible to accept things like donations, no matter what the name of the other party is.

"Can't we be more flexible, after all, those comrades died because of Xin'er, if she can't do something, I will feel sorry."

Lin Fan asked a question. Before asking, he was mentally prepared. The secrecy of this kind of unit is particularly strict, and it is not something you can donate just by saying a donation.

"Lin Fan, this is our discipline. In fact, Ms. Li doesn't have to feel sorry. Those brothers died in the process of carrying out their missions. Soldiers are proud of dying in battle. For us, this kind of death is also regarded as He deserved to die. Besides, our family has units that pay pensions on time, which is enough to support our lives.”

Captain Pang explained a few words aside, as a member of the Special Operations Division, they had the consciousness of sacrifice from the first day they joined the unit. This is a group of soldiers who regard honor as their life, and they are not afraid of death.

"Old Pang, can you tell us the home addresses of the comrades-in-arms who died, and we will send the money to their families."

Lin Fan continued to ask about the family situation of the sacrificed team members. Although these people have pensions, they are definitely not too high, so Li Xiner and Lin Fan both want to do something.

"No, the information of our members is strictly confidential. Even if they are sacrificed, these materials must not be leaked. If I tell you, they will be directly tried by a military court."

Captain Pang's refusal was very straightforward. As a joke, revealing the home addresses of the members of the unit, even if they were sacrificed members, is also a leaking act.

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore. I will hand over the money to you, and then you will distribute it. We will not participate in the process."

Lin Fan had no choice but to stop here, he was not willing to speak out about the unit's affairs at all. From the current point of view, he could only leave the matter to Captain Pang.

Captain Pang pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Well, after I go back, I will report to my superiors, and if possible, I will call you."

He didn't dare to make decisions about this matter. He had never encountered such a form of donation, so he could only report it to his superiors to see if it complied with the discipline of the unit.

While discussing donation matters, Captain Pang's phone rang suddenly. He took out his mobile phone, connected the call, and communicated with the person on the other end of the phone for a while.

Then he waved to Xue Yi and said to Lin Fan: "The expert has finished his lecture and is rushing here now. Xue Yi and I will go down to meet you. You wait here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Captain Pang led Xue Yi towards the downstairs of the hospital. Lin Fan was the only one left in the corridor on the third floor. In the ward, Li Xiner was talking to Shao Yanan, and Lin Fan didn't go in to disturb him.


About half an hour later, Captain Pang and Xue Yi accompanied a white-haired, fair-skinned foreign old man from downstairs.

A group of people first came to the door of the ward, and Lin Fan consciously followed behind the crowd. Li Xiner, who was inside, heard the movement and opened the door voluntarily.

After the old white man walked into the ward, he first stimulated various parts of Shao Yanan's body with tools, and then asked the patient how he felt.

From the neck down, Shao Yanan did not respond to any electric shock stimulation, and the cerebral cortex did not receive any nerve response signals.

Then the expert checked the muscle atrophy, turned his head, and asked Captain Pang to take out the inspection data.

Captain Pang took out a large stack of receipts, on which were the inspection data just completed. The old white man looked at it intently for a while, and then walked out of the ward.

After leaving the ward, the expert and a group of people entered an office. After he sat down, he carefully looked at the scanned MRI picture on the fluorescent screen for a while.

"The patient's current situation is not ideal. The nerve endings of his whole body have begun to die, and the muscle atrophy is irreversible, and this kind of necrosis will come from the outside to the inside. Her organs are currently showing initial symptoms of failure. Currently the best The best way is conservative treatment, using weak electronic pulse waves to continuously stimulate the god level in various parts of the body every day, so as to ensure that the state of necrosis of nerve endings does not continue to deteriorate."

The old white man was analyzing it very professionally. He used German, and a middle-aged man next to him was responsible for the translation.

"Doctor, is there any possibility for the patient to recover, or in other words, if the treatment continues, when will she be able to stand up and regain normal activities?"

Captain Pang couldn't help but ask, what this expert is saying now is a means to maintain the status quo, and there is no further treatment plan at all.

The middle-aged man translated Captain Pang's words to the old white man, who shook his head quickly and babbled for a long time.

"Sir, you must understand that the patient is currently in the initial stage of deteriorating condition. At present, the direction we need to work hard is to maintain the status quo to the greatest extent. As for your further treatment, it needs to be discussed after the condition is stable. It is believed that this patient has the potential to regain mobility because the bone marrow in her cervical spine has not regenerated..."

The translator repeated the old man's words. Anyway, the meaning is the same. It is not easy to maintain the status quo. As for the recovery of mobility, don't hold on to such hopes.

 The first update, today is still the eighth update.

(End of this chapter)

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