Chapter 360 Still positioned as vendetta
Bei Kemo touched Song Yue's back: "What's going on?"

"Hey? Why is this happening here? It should be an allergic reaction, but I haven't seen it before."

Xiao Wang frowned, his condition was not very good yesterday, and it took a lot of effort to dig out the body.

If you really made a mistake, it would be really serious.

"This should be an allergic reaction caused by plants. It's definitely not serious, because it's not fatal. When I tested it, I did see that there was a plant preparation in Song Yue's body."

Bekomo nodded: "What kind of plant preparation is that?"

"It's something like essential oils, but it's the kind that can be taken orally, because I have doubts, I put it down."

"I also plan to come here today to investigate. It seems that it has something to do with what happened to the deceased."

If it doesn't matter, then you can follow this clue to find it.

Bei Kemo looked at the corpse over there: "Look at the situation, anyway, as I said, I have to put more thoughts on my home in the next time. It is impossible for the family to ignore it, my son is not yet to one year old."

Tang Yutang expressed that he could understand, after all, he also hoped that Bei Kemo could have a home of his own.

Now that Bei Kemo can think like this, Tang Yutang is also very happy.

If Bei Kemo really gave everything for the case, then Tang Yutang would definitely disagree.

"That's how I promised Xiaoyin at the time, it's impossible for my words to count."

Tang Yutang curled his lips: "I can't see you all the time for making you so obedient. Although Qiao Fanyin made me wonder what to do in some aspects, he is indeed a very good person."

Bei Kemo nodded in agreement: "I think so too, otherwise how could I be so obedient?"

Xiao Wang looked at them helplessly: "If there is nothing wrong, I will conduct an inspection here."

Tang Yutang looked at the reaction behind Song Yue: "Can this situation be investigated clearly?"

"You can only know by looking at it. I don't think the problem should be big, but it's not necessarily true."

Xiao Wang can't say with certainty that the problem will definitely be solved, but can only say that it should probably be investigated.

The results of the investigation of Song Yue's case came out, and the plant preparation that Song Yue was allergic to was rose water.And Song Yue's allergen should be roses, but this time it was only a slight skin problem, nothing else.

Bekomo looked at the report and breastfed the child by the way: "What else is there besides this?"

"There is also the detection of the contents. The deceased had eaten durian-flavored pastries before his death."

"However, no toxic substances were detected in the stomach contents."

Tang Yutang looked at the inspection report, but still failed to point out a more definite direction.Although they were investigating Song Yue's relationship, people said that Song Yue was fine the day before.

Song Yue is a very competent teacher, and is usually loved by many students.

Song Yue died at five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no abnormality before his death.

Song Yue's phone call was made to her boyfriend during the time before her death.

Song Yue's boyfriend also said that Song Yue also said that she would go home for dinner.As a result, Song Yue's person was never found, and her boyfriend didn't answer the phone call, so she fell asleep later.It was only when the police found them that Song Yue's boyfriend knew about it, and he didn't know anything else.All along, Song Yue's evaluation in school has been very good. She can't think of such a teacher who can make enemies with anyone.

The principal of Song Yue's school also said that Song Yue usually has many friends but no enemies, so the principal doesn't believe that Song Yue has trouble with anyone.Song Yue's sudden death was unacceptable to the whole school.

Several teachers who usually have a good relationship with Song Yue also said the same, and even the students liked Song Yue very much.

Therefore, people felt that there was no reason for Song Yue to be killed.

Facing the situation where it was a murder scene at first glance, no one could say that it was suicide.

If it wasn't a vendetta, what else could it be?Such a scene is really complicated.

Bei Kemo sighed: "It's another case that hasn't progressed, let's take a look at Song Yue's situation recently."

This should be the way to do it now, let's see who Song Yue has quarreled with recently.Let's analyze other situations again, in case there is something they missed, it can also be used as a reference.

Faced with such a situation, Xiao Wang seemed very excited.

"The idea of ​​the murderer in this case is very interesting, but I still think there may be many problems."

The situation caused by the trees now seems obvious.

If the murderer had other intentions in this way, what kind of intention could it be?Is it really for nutrition?

This is not impossible, as it happened in previous cases, if this case is also the case, what should they do?What kind of person would think so?
But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this case is not the case.

If it is purely for nourishment, it is absolutely impossible for such a complicated thing to be formed.

Who would spend so much energy just for the so-called nutrients of trees?
Anyway, Bekomo felt that it would be too cumbersome to do so.

Xiao Wang also thinks so, and Xiao Wang can clearly see that those things can only be done by specially treated pipes.Because the roots are very soft, it is impossible to pierce human skin.

Especially after death, the skin will be less elastic, and it is even less likely.

Xiao Wang found some iron filings near the wound, and it can be seen that this time the thing has just been made.

There will always be some iron filings in the newly made constitution products.

And if the murderer wants to use these things, he must usually make them himself.Letting others handle these things will definitely cause unnecessary trouble, and may also expose your own affairs.

Secondly, generally, people who can do such detailed things will not let others do things by themselves.

Bei Kemo looked at Xiao Wang's pensive look and found it very novel.

"Xiao Wang, did you think of something? It's rare to see you thinking so seriously."

Xiao Wang shrugged: "I thought of something, but I don't know exactly what I was thinking about."

Xiao Wang was also thinking in confusion, not knowing what he was thinking.Anyway, when I think of something, I continue to think about it. As for the result before it comes out, who knows?

The corner of Sun Ce's mouth twitched: "What are you talking about? What's wrong with my Xiaoyue thinking about it? Thinking about the case, even my Xiaoyue must have some feelings. Don't you think my Xiaoyue can only dissect corpses? Well? In this place, you must have your own advantages, and it's hard to say who has a feeling about the case. You really don't like the look in your eyes."

Why didn't Xiao Wang feel that Sun Ce was saying something good, anyway, he just listened to it and let it go.

Tang Yutang coughed: "Xiao Wang, what did you think of?"

"I haven't thought of anything yet. I just don't know what the murderer of this case is thinking."

Tang Yutang is also very puzzled by this question, and has always been unable to understand the murderer's thoughts.The situation at the scene of throwing the corpse is really a bit too weird, most people wouldn't understand the murderer's thoughts, right?
Xiao Wang shrugged: "Whether you can figure it out or not, it's hard for anyone to say."

Bei Kemo did not deny that sometimes things are like this, and you may not be able to understand it if you think about it carefully.

But when you really keep thinking about it, maybe you don’t know when you will gain something.

Qiao Fanyin called: "Honey, what shall we eat later?"

Bei Kemo's face became much gentler: "Whatever you want to eat, I will take the child and eat with you."

Tang Yutang shook his head helplessly: "You said you've been together for so long, why don't you get tired of it? It's getting sweeter and sweeter. What do you make us think?"

Qiao Fanyin's face changed a bit: "What's the matter with him, it's just a meal."

Bei Kemo's face became more gentle: "Don't pay attention to him, are you tired from work today?"

"Not tired, isn't this earning milk powder money for the child? After the child is weaned, there will always be milk powder to drink."

Bei Kemo couldn't help laughing: "Isn't it too early? The child is only one month old. It's really boring to think about milk powder so early? I can't say enough about breastfeeding children, Don’t you like milk powder?”

Tang Yutang looked at them in embarrassment, did he already feel disgusted?

Tang Yutang actually just stated a fact, the two people are getting more and more sticky, isn't it right?
What Bei Kemo said just now really made Tang Yutang feel very entangled.

"You said people called, what did you do in the past? Can people who get married and have children be like you!"

Sun Ce glared at Tang Yutang, as if he was despising someone who had never been in a relationship.

Tang Yutang looked at Bei Kemo inexplicably: "I'm also married. Although I don't have children yet, it's not so sweet. Xiaolu doesn't seem to have talked to me like this, and I wouldn't pester Xiaolu like this."

Lu Xiaoyu rolled his eyes helplessly: "This is the view of love from different people."

Not everyone is the same when they fall in love, so what does it have to do with others if they are not sticky together?

Bei Kemo took the phone and went to the side, Zhou Wen shook her head helplessly.

"Why do I feel that Ke Mo is only a little bit like a girl in love now?"

No matter how you look at it, I feel that Bei Kemo's attitude before is no different from when he was single.But the current state of Bei Kemo seems to be in love with Qiao Fanyin.

Lu Xiaoyu nodded approvingly: "I think so too, what do you think they are doing?"

Zhou Wen curled her lips: "Who knows, I can do whatever I want."

Qiao Fanyin looked at the phone in front of him, and Bekemo's attitude really made him feel very happy.

It's just that although he felt happy, such an attitude was a bit abnormal, and Qiao Fanyin couldn't tell what was going on.

Seeing Qiao Fanyin in a daze, Qiao Weiyin looked at Qiao Fanyin's phone incomprehensibly: "Didn't you talk to Xiao Mo on the phone? Why do you still look very unhappy? Xiao Mo couldn't have told you what?"

Qiao Fanyin shook her head: "It's nothing, I just feel that the recent situation is a bit tangled."

Of course, Qiao Fanyin also knew that there was no need to say some things.

Qiao Weiyin didn't ask in detail, but just talked about it, and felt that Bei Kemo was a little different.

Qiao Weiyin patted Qiao Fanyin on the shoulder: "I think it might be related to having a baby, so you think so."

Qiao Fanyin thought for a while: "It's very possible, but it's hard to say. I don't think my wife is so easy to change. Even if she really gave birth to a child, it is impossible for her to change too much. It's okay, brother, go out Go handle your own work, my wife and I will go out to eat at noon, brother, will you go with us, or go out to eat by yourself?"

Of course, it was impossible for Qiao Weiyin to disturb the two of them, he must have chosen to eat alone.What's more, there are still some unresolved matters here, Qiao Weiyin will definitely go to dinner later.

Zhou Wen sorted out the situation of the case here, and saw that Bei Kemo was about to leave.

Seeing Bei Kemo's situation, Zhou Wen felt very incomprehensible, because Bei Kemo had always been very obsessed with the case.

Even when Bekemo was pregnant, Qiao Fanyin always came with her.

But the current situation is really unusual.

"What's the matter with you? I haven't sorted out the case yet, are you leaving? Don't you wait a while?"

Bei Kemo looked at Zhou Wen as a matter of course: "I have already made an appointment with Xiaoyin to have dinner together, so I will not be here with you. If you have anything to do, please come to me directly."

Although Zhou Wen found it very incomprehensible, she really had to say that this was really unusual.

Qiao Fanyin frowned. It's been 10 minutes, but why hasn't anyone come over yet?

With Bei Kemo's calculation ability, even if he knew the situation here, he would definitely set off early.

Xiao Wang watched Bei Kemo leave, and suddenly felt that he needed to work harder.

If he doesn't work hard, Xiao Wang feels that the case may become more and more a burden for them.If this continues, then they don't know when the police case will be resolved.

Tang Yutang came out with these things, but found that Bei Kemo had disappeared for some reason.

"Why isn't Xiao Mo here? When I came out just now, Xiao Mo was still here."

Zhou Wen handed the sorted things to Tang Yutang.

"Of course I went to dinner with my husband. What's the point of being with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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