Chapter 456 Dongling Deception

At this moment, Xue Yunheng didn't even have half a smile on his face, and his narrow and clear eyes were full of coldness.

"It's really weird to be told by the elder brother." He said with a sullen face, took two steps towards Xue Yunyan with the lantern in his hand, and stopped again, his white shirt fluttering in the night wind: "Seriously, Mr. Tao Mr. Dongling told me about the name of "Shuanghe" in the first place. Furthermore, Mr. Dongling's gift to escort Qin Liuniang back to the mansion was also shown. The most interesting thing is that the "Shuanghe" crime also belongs to the Qin family. "

Having said this, he involuntarily turned his head to look at Xue Yunyan, only to see that Xue Yunyan was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other silently for a moment, and said at the same time, "There is fraud!"

"Indeed, there must be fraud in this matter." Xue Yunyan continued, his voice a little heavy: "Looking at the trajectory of Mr. Dongling's words, the Qin family will always appear vaguely. And just a while ago, in More than a month before Yuanlou was closed, the Qin family suddenly got involved in water transportation, and after that, the imperial court issued a decree for water transportation. There is another more interesting thing, which is also related to the Qin family."

He paused here for a moment, and Fang said in a low voice: "I only got the news two days ago that the imperial court intends to abolish gold and replace it with silver. But it is such a coincidence that as early as more than a month ago, all the properties under the name of Qin , he no longer accepts gold, and only accepts silver for transactions. The second brother wonders, will there be a shadow of Dongling Yelao among them?"

A scorching light flashed across Xue Yunheng's quiet eyes.

"Eldest brother forgot one more—Huang Baipi." He gritted his teeth and said, his expression could already be called gloomy, and his voice was terribly cold: "That place was also the first place that the Qin family took a fancy to. I was the first to take it down. And I did this because of... the words of Dongling Yelao."

Almost gritted his teeth and said the last few words, Xue Yunheng tightly clenched the lantern in his hand.

The most terrible thing is that Huang Baipi just let go of his hand recently, and he still followed Dongling Yelao's words and changed hands a few times, transferring the land to the second prince's mother clan, Feng's family.

Thinking about it this way, could this be another scam?
Xue Yunheng's complexion has completely darkened.

Even though he tried his best to avoid thinking in that direction, he couldn't suppress that thought no matter what.

Was he... being tricked by someone?

In other words, that person not only played tricks on him, but Xue Dalang as well?
With this thought, flames ignited in Xue Yunheng's eyes again.

"We must look down carefully!" His expression was ferocious, and he said bitterly, he remembered something, and glanced at Xue Yunyan, his expression suddenly became strange.

"I didn't expect that a dignified and iron-faced gentleman would be deceived one day, and he was deceived until now to understand the meaning. This is really..." He shook his head and squinted at him. Xue Yunyan gradually had an uncontrollable expression on his face.

Xue Yunyan closed her eyes helplessly.

He knew that once the matter was opened, it would definitely be like this.

His second younger brother was just out to get angry with him, and he never forgot to laugh at his elder brother all the time, he really wasn't well-behaved at all.How can it be as good as the little sisters in the family who are sensible and caring?

Xue Yunheng had already begun to laugh at this time, pointing at Xue Yunyan, holding back his smile and saying, "I'm fine with that, you're an iron rooster... A hairless iron rooster, an iron-faced gentleman, can be swayed several times." ,... I just thought about it... ouch... look at your black face..."

The more he talked, the more he couldn't help laughing, and what he said was intermittent, and finally he laughed out loud.

Xue Yunyan glanced at him indifferently, and said calmly: "I am not as good as my second brother, who has been tricked into running around." Having said this, he couldn't help remembering that he had also followed Dongling Yelao's advice and ran away on purpose. He made a trip to Qingzhou, and really caught a big handle of Han'an Township Hou.

He couldn't help his mouth full of bitterness.

If someone really used the name of Ye Lao Dongling to cheat, this person would have some real skills, and he would deceive the two brothers into a circle at the same time.Furthermore, if he hadn't had the big handle of Han'an Township Hou, he would not have left Liu Bao and others, and if Liu Bao and others hadn't interrupted those who committed crimes in He's house, then "Shuanghe's death" sin", which may not necessarily be the case today.

This is really true, one link after another, so that people don't know what to say.

Thinking like this, he finally shook his head helplessly, stretched his eyebrows lightly, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "Forget it, this matter...let's look into it later." He waved his words and walked forward with a lamp.

"Don't go, I haven't finished talking yet..." Seeing him drifting away with fluttering sleeves, Xue Yunheng hurriedly chased after him, and he didn't know what to say to him, and then he laughed They rang continuously.

The light of the two lanterns gradually dimmed, and there was no sound of people in the Peiyu Garden in the night, only gusts of east wind swept across the empty courtyard, and then blew towards the night sky full of stars.

Just when Peiyu Garden gradually quieted down, in a remote temple thousands of miles away from the capital, a woman in gray was standing outside the temple gate, bowing to someone hidden in the darkness: " Jinghong has met the Lord."

"You are too polite, sir." The man in the dark said softly.

He has a cold voice, it sounds like he shouldn't be very old last year, but his tone is vicissitudes of life, like an old man who is dying.

"I don't know why the lord asked me to come?" Jinghong said with his hands tied, with a very respectful attitude.

That person was silent for a long time in the dark, Fang hesitated and said: "I heard that you saw... Zhenzhen?"

"Yes, my lord." Jing Hong said immediately, his voice suddenly soft, and there was a little smile in his bright eyes, "She and Madam are very similar in life, it's almost like they were carved out of the same mold. I recognized it."

"Oh? Very similar?" The person in the dark asked back, with a slight strangeness in his voice, "Does it really look like mother? Are you sure you read it right?"

"I can see it very clearly, it is indeed very similar." Jinghong's tone is very sure.

The man fell silent, and after a long time, Fang asked again: "You said in your letter that you went to test... cinnabar?"

"Yes, I tested it myself." Jing Hong's tone was still very affirmative, "Because I found that she and my wife looked very similar, I was afraid that I might be wrong just because of her appearance, so I resorted to a method to test for cinnabar moles. Sure enough, cinnabar moles The mole is in that place, exactly the same location as Madam said."

The people in the darkness fell silent for a long time.

The east wind brushed over the damaged eaves, and from nowhere came the cries of night birds. The sound was heart-rending, which made this spring night a little bit desolate.

After a long time, a soft sigh came from the darkness: "Why did you go to Shilipu? Didn't I tell you to guard the wall?"

His tone didn't seem to be questioning, but on the contrary seemed a little helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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