Chapter 418 Scarface Man

The noise outside has become louder and louder. Qin Su heard the sound of footsteps fading away. Obviously, the gang of thieves were running to the bottom cabin. She also heard more voices from the pier, the sound of clappers It also kept ringing.

However, the cabin she was in seemed to be isolated from the outside world, and the room was filled with oppressive silence.

The scar-faced man looked at Qin Su sullenly for a while, then turned his head to look out the window again, with a stern look on his brow.

"Are you here to kill me, or to take me away?" Qin Su asked abruptly.

She had an inexplicable feeling that there was a strange emotion in the eyes of the scar-faced man looking at her.

It's not hatred, it's not anger, it's not like a man's desire to look at a woman, but it's another feeling.

As for what this feeling was, Qin Su couldn't figure it out for a while. The only thing she knew was that this man had no intention of killing her.

Maybe it was there at first, but from the moment Qin Su sat up and looked at him, the killing intent in him disappeared.

That's why Qin Su had the courage to be so presumptuous in front of him.

"You know me." Qin Su said.Not a question, but a statement.

The scar-faced man looked at her fixedly, neither denying nor affirming.

"You are Qin Liuniang." After a while, the scar-faced man said suddenly, and nodded, a light flashed in his dark eyes: "I want to take you away."

Qin Su looked at him silently.

He did know her.

Both he and his younger sister Ayan knew Qin Su's appearance.Even just now, Ah Yan deliberately went to the couch to take a closer look, just to confirm whether the person on the couch was Qin Su.

At that moment, a face suddenly appeared in Qin Su's mind.

It was the face of a woman wearing a silver mask. Under the moonlight, that face reflected a strange silver light.

The peach-eyed man in the painting, the silver-faced woman in memory, and the scar-faced man and Ayan in front of him, these four people were quickly connected in Qin Su's mind.

They are a gang.

definitely is.

Thinking like this, Qin Su felt a chill coming out from the cracks in his bones.

From Qingzhou to Shangjing, "that prince" really stared at her closely, even thinking about it now, she still feels horrified.

"Who are you? Why did you take me away? Do you have a grudge against me?" Qin Su looked at the scar-faced man and asked a series of questions. On his blood-stained face, the only pair of eyes were frighteningly bright.

The scar-faced man didn't answer, but turned his head to look out of the window again, his brows and eyes still gloomy.

"Where are you taking me?" Qin Su continued to ask, her eyes fixed on him without blinking.

The scar-faced man looked back at her, and a strange smile suddenly flashed across his eyes.

"I'll take you to a nice place," he said, and even had a couple of "hehe" laughs.

Qin Su's heart sank.

It is a hidden hall, it must be a hidden hall.

For some reason, she became more and more sure of this idea.

"Where is that good place?" Qin Su tried her best to hold back her "pounding" heart, and made her look a little panicked, and asked again: "Are you going to sell me to a trick shop?"

The scar-faced man stopped talking.

He turned his head to look at Ayan's body on the couch, gradually there was some sadness in his eyes, and he said plainly: " killed her?"

He simply ignored Qin Su.

However, his attitude at the moment made Qin Su's heart sink again.

A thought flashed through her mind quickly, but before she could figure out what it was, the scar-faced man suddenly turned his eyes, looked at Qin Su coldly, and asked for the second time: "Is it you?" Did you kill Ah Yan?"

His voice was gloomy, and a thick sternness flashed between his brows.

Qin Su didn't care at all, raised her eyebrows and said, "You said I killed her?" She stretched out her hand and pointed at herself, then at Ayan, with an undisguised sarcasm in her eyes: "Just by Me? Can I kill her? Do you think it's possible?"

The scarfaced man fell silent.

Qin Su does not know martial arts, which can be heard from the sound of breathing.

He can be sure that, except for Ah Yan, everyone in this room does not know martial arts.

However, the one who died was Ayan who knew martial arts, which made him a little puzzled.

Ayan was stabbed to death from the front.

A total of nine stabs were stabbed, and the knife stabbed in the heart.

He didn't think any woman in this room had such ability.

Seeing the man's pensive face, as if he was caught in some deep emotion, Qin Su also sat quietly without saying anything more.

She hoped that the scar-faced man would stay still for a while longer, so that she could delay for a while longer.After all, his sister just died, and he was so sad. If it were her, she would naturally be unable to help herself for a while.

In that case, this man can inhale Mixiang for a while longer.

It would be great if he could just be fascinated by him.

Thinking of this, Qin Su had a hint of self-mockery on his face.

Such a good thing can't happen.She even had a feeling that the scarfaced man knew she was stalling for time.

Knowing her intentions, he was still not in a hurry, and even sat down to talk to Qin Su, which only showed one thing: he was very powerful.

Because he is powerful, he is fearless, and he doesn't care about Qin Su's small tricks at all.

While Qin Su was thinking, she looked in Akui's direction without any trace.

Since the scar-faced man heard that Qin Su was pretending to be dizzy, then Ah Kui was faking dizziness, so he should have heard it too.Even so, he still didn't take it seriously, which only proved his strength even more.

Qin Su's hands and feet were cold, but beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Time passed bit by bit, no matter how lively the shouts outside were, this place was still as quiet as death.

Suddenly, the scar-faced man moved.

Almost at the same time, Qin Su's voice also rang out.

"You're bringing so many of us, how will you leave in a while? Don't forget, there are many people outside!" Her voice was a bit abrupt, and she stared at the scar-faced man firmly while speaking.

The scar-faced man turned his head to look at Qin Su, a strange look flashed across his sinister eyes, but he still didn't answer Qin Su's words.

However, Qin Su has already got the answer she wanted.

At that moment, her heart sank again.

The "so many people" she mentioned just now obviously could not refer to the maids in this house, but to the masters of this trip, that is, Zhong Jingren and his son.And from the flashing expression of the other party, Qin Su finally confirmed one thing:

Zhong's father and son are not in his hands.

The last trace of luck in Qin Su's heart was completely annihilated in the end.

Brother and sister Ayan and the silver-masked woman really belong together.

At that moment, Qin Su's heart was icy cold.

(End of this chapter)

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