Chapter 594

Yan Wuge tugged at him: "Let go."

"I do not want!"

Xiao Huai hummed, "If you don't tell me, I won't let you go!"

Yan Wuge narrowed his eyes slightly: "Really not letting go?"

Xiao Huai snorted, "No!"

Hearing this, Yan Wuge raised the corners of his mouth, showing a creepy smile, and suddenly raised his voice: "Aunt Wan, I heard that Xiao Huai went to the drunk spring breeze again last night, and the Mingyue Pavilion who was still with me a few days ago Miss Xiangmei went boating on the lake together..."

Xiao Huai's eyes widened, and he looked at Yan Wuge in disbelief: "You!"

Yan!none!Ge! !

You vile and shameless traitor! ! !

Before Xiao Huai could swear, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, and then his ears were directly pinched by a hand, and he twisted hard,
"Xiao Muran, you're bold, huh? You don't like the girl from a good family I found for you. After a blind date, you deliberately ruined it. You actually like those brothel prostitutes?"

"I just said that the palace banquet ended early last night. Even if you drank too much, you shouldn't stay in the palace. You actually went to drink flower wine in love?"

"What did you promise me before? You ignored what I said, didn't you? How dare you give me a set of things behind your back? Are you so courageous?!"

Xiao Huai covered his ears and yelled:

"Mother, mother, please be gentle... Ouch..."

"Mother, listen to me, I didn't..."

"Misunderstanding... This is all a misunderstanding..."

Yan Wuge said coolly beside him: "Aunt Wan, don't worry, Muran said it was a misunderstanding, maybe it really was a misunderstanding, maybe I was wrong."

"And I didn't see the boating with my own eyes. I just heard that he took Miss Xiangmei and the others to go on a night tour of Jinghu Lake, and there were many girls playing music on the boat. Maybe it wasn't Muran on the boat."

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?!"

After Yan Wuge's words fell, Princess Changhe was even angrier, and slammed his ear and scolded, "Everyone in Beijing cares about their reputation and knows how to keep themselves clean. Who is as coquettish as him, all over the world soulmate."

"Today is Little Taohong, tomorrow is Little Willow, and now there is a Xiangmei girl, I think he owes a lesson!"

Xiao Huai hissed in pain directly, glaring at Yan Wuge.

You traitor!

Selling friends for glory!

Shameless and despicable! !

Princess Changhe immediately became furious when she saw his appearance, pinched his ears and twisted, "You still dare to stare at Wu Ge, why are you staring at him?"

"He can't understand your foolishness. No one else will care about you, and you will get married if you have nothing to do. But you, when are you going to marry me a daughter-in-law? Who cares if you're like this? The girl dares to marry you?"

Xiao Huai tilted his head and called in a low voice: "Mother, your son, I am handsome, handsome and suave. People who admire me can go around the capital several times, and there are even more people who want to marry me..."

"I bother!"

Princess Changhe was even angrier when she heard the words.

Xiao Huai's appearance is too good, there are many women who like him, but whoever has a better family background can appreciate his merciful appearance.

Xiao Huai provokes women everywhere like a slut, every year in the Marquis of Xian'an, there will always be some inexplicable women who come to their door, either Little Taohong here or Little Willow there.

If it wasn't for Xiao Huai's sense of propriety, and he didn't leave seeds everywhere, maybe the descendants of the Marquis of Xian'an's mansion would be all over the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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