Chapter 629 Yamanashi Research Institute
Berrich, whose surname Leng Jun is no stranger.

This surname is a household name in the Sinnoh region.

Almost everyone in Sinnoh knew about this insanely wealthy Berrich family.

However, whether or not Bellerich is rich has nothing to do with Leng Jun. At this moment, Leng Jun is frowning at this surname, but it is because of the Mrs. Belleci in front of him, that is, Dr. Yanase.

In Leng Jun's memory, there is not much information about Dr. Yanase, but as Sirona said, Dr. Yanase is a talented researcher, and her scientific research achievements are very famous in the world.

It is precisely because of her excellence that Dr. Yanase was later invited to the Yoshien area to participate in the capture plan of Rikuza, and created emerald fragments in order to control Rikuza.

Although the plan ultimately failed in Leng Jun's memory, Dr. Yanase obviously played a pivotal role in the plan.
Mr. Leng is actually thinking at this moment, if he tells Dr. Yanase in front of him now, not to participate in the experimental plan on the slit empty seat in the future, will it be so?can change some things. For example
Shijana's death due to the capture incident of Rikakuza
Thinking of little Xi Jiana's innocent smile, Leng Jun's heart sank slightly.

But in the end, Mr. Leng gave up and didn't tell what he knew. Mr. Leng and Dr. Yanase had just met for the first time, and everyone was not familiar with each other. Besides, if Leng Jun speaks about the future, whether the other party will listen or believe it is a question. Maybe after Leng Jun finishes speaking, there will be a few eyes like looking at a fool.

Therefore, Mr. Leng blinked and looked away, and then greeted the two with a smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"We are also very happy to meet a champion who has come from afar. Your presence makes us feel honored by the entire Sinnoh."

Dr. Bell didn't notice Mr. Leng's strangeness before. After hearing Mr. Leng's greeting, he immediately responded politely with a smile like a good old man.

Dr. Yanase, who was beside Dr. Bell, gave Leng Jun a strange look. Obviously, Dr. Yanase had already noticed that something was wrong with Leng Jun just now, but Dr. Yanase didn't know why. Think about it, and said with a polite smile.

"First of all, we want to apologize for the rudeness of the doctor just now. Dr. Yamanashi is like this. Please forgive me, Mr. Champion. Next, let us, husband and wife, take Mr. Champion to visit our research institute first, while visiting the research institute While waiting for the doctor to come out, it shouldn’t be boring.”

After Dr. Yanase finished speaking with a smile, he and Dr. Bell turned sideways, and stretched out their hands as an invitation.

After listening to Dr. Yanase's words, Mr. Leng immediately nodded with interest, and then spoke.

"Then I'd rather be obedient than respectful. It just so happens that I'm also very curious about Dr. Yamanashi's research institute."

Immediately afterwards, Leng Jun glanced back at Sirona.

"Does Sirona want to be together?"

Seeing how familiar Sirona and Dr. Yamanashi are, presumably Sirona also knows the Yamanashi Research Institute very well. I don’t know if she is still interested in visiting together.

And Sirona's answer is
"Yeah! Together!"

Sirona nodded quickly to confirm, as if she was afraid that Mr. Leng and the others would leave her behind.

After Sirona also joined, a total of four people visited the Yamanashi Research Institute together.

Dr. Bell walked in the front of the team, explaining to Leng Jun the various high-tech equipment and special laboratories of the institute with an excited face.

It has to be said that the Yamanashi Research Institute is much more impressive than the Oki Research Institute, and there are many more research facilities and laboratories.

After all, Dr. Damu is the only one who is really doing research in Damu Research Institute, and at most one empty wood is added.

The Yamanashi Research Institute is said to be a research institute, but it is actually more like a school. There are a large number of researchers in this institute who are doing their own experimental research. They are busy all the time and look positive.

And when the four of them walked around half a circle and finally came to a spacious hall, Leng Jun suddenly found that there was a platform in the middle of the hall, and beside the platform were several staff members who were recording the two treasures on the platform. The data of the Pokémon, and the two Pokémon are a Bogaman and a tortoise.

Both the Pogaman and the tortoise looked small, obviously they hadn't undergone much training, and their level was not high, so they must be the initial Pokémon to be given to new trainers.

For the initial Pokémon to be handed over to newcomer trainers, both the alliance and the research institute will control the level. Kemeng bullies the other rookies traveling with him because of his high level.

Mr. Leng looked at the staff who were busy recording some relevant data, while the two little Pokémon stayed quietly on the platform in a well-behaved manner, and they were very cooperative to let the staff various measurements.

Leng Jun, who was very interested in this harmonious scene, walked towards them while smiling, Sirona and Dr. Bell also followed slowly.

When Leng Jun approached, those researchers who were recording data quickly found Leng Jun and wanted to stop him, but after seeing the three people behind Leng Jun, they stopped moving and turned around to continue their own records.

Leng Jun, who came to the front of the platform unimpeded, bent down to look at Bogaman and the grass seedling turtle on the platform, and then
"Come out Oman!"


Following Leng Jun's soft cry, a white light shot out from behind Leng Jun, and Oman's tall body appeared next to Leng Jun.

"Boga! Boga Boga!"

"Hardy Hardy Hardy"

As soon as Aman appeared, Bogaman on the platform immediately ran to the edge of the platform excitedly, danced with his round body, and greeted Aman kindly.

On the other hand, Oman lowered his head, looked at his junior indifferently, and let out some unexplained cries.

Oman's performance is actually very kind. You must know that Prince Bo and Emperor Naboko are very proud Pokémon. They each think that they are the strongest one in the group, and they will treat other companions I also ignored it, and now Oman is still "chatting" with this little Pogaman, which already shows that Oman is very optimistic about this Pogaman.

However, just when Oman and the little Bogarman were "chatting" vigorously, a puzzled expression appeared on Leng Jun's face.

"Bogaman, tortoise, huh? Where's the little flame monkey? Has it been taken away by the newcomer trainer?"

Mr. Leng saw that there were only two initial Pokémon on the platform, and the remaining one, the little flame monkey, did not know where it went. For a fan of the Great Saint, it was a bit regretful that he did not see the little flame monkey. , So Leng Jun turned to Dr. Bell and asked.

But Dr. Bell, who heard Mr. Leng's question, suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment on his face full of honesty, and then Dr. Bell explained.

"Actually, no newcomer trainer has come to collect the initial Pokémon. Little Flame Monkey had an accident and is not here now."

"Oh? There was an accident? What's going on? Are you injured?"

Leng Jun asked with a slight frown.

"It's actually"

And Dr. Bell's expression at this time was already a bit embarrassed, and he couldn't explain why he was hesitating.

Dr. Yanase at the side saw that her husband was embarrassed and couldn't stand it anymore, so he took a step forward and said to Leng Jun with a smile on his face.

"Actually, Little Flame Monkey is no longer Little Flame Monkey."


Dr. Yanase's words directly confused Mr. Leng, and he didn't understand what Dr. Yanase was talking about at all.

But just when Leng Jun looked puzzled.
"Catch it! Don't let it get away!"

"This guy is really annoying!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and grab it before anyone else finds out!!"


A loud cry and chasing sound quickly came from a corridor next to it, and the sound was getting closer
 happy New Year everyone!Take your time today!I don’t know how much more I can do~ But everyone don’t care about how much~ It’s all my heart~
(End of this chapter)

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