Chapter 160

The aerospace carrier, that is, the aircraft carrier that Lynch and the others first landed on, is an aviation base built by S.H.I.E.L.D. at a huge expense.

Not only can it be used as an aircraft carrier on the water, but it can also fly into the sky and become a mobile space fortress.

Although I have seen the scene of this aircraft carrier flying into the sky in the movie, Lynch still feels very shocked when he comes to see it in person.

After the aerospace carrier ascended to the sky, Coulson called Dr. Banner to search for the Rubik's Cube, while the others were temporarily idle.

Lynch took this opportunity to walk towards Stark, stretched out his hand and introduced himself: "Mr. Stark, nice to meet you, my name is Lynch."

"Huh?" Seeing Lynch who was approaching proactively, Stark also extended his hand and shook Lynch, but he didn't say anything.

"Mr. Stark, I have something that I think you should be interested in. I wonder if I can waste your time." Lynch didn't care about Stark's impoliteness, and stated his purpose.

"Oh? What? Beauty? I don't seem to be interested in anything other than this." Stark said indifferently, he didn't think Lynch could have anything he was interested in.

"It's something useful for your Iron Man armor. I don't know if Mr. Stark wants to take a look. I believe it can greatly improve the performance of your Iron Man armor."

"Oh? Really? Let's take it out and have a look, but don't talk big, kid." Stark still said with some disbelief, he was confident that the Iron Man armor he transformed was perfect.

Seeing this, Lynch didn't say any more nonsense, and directly took out the much damaged Predator armor from the system space.

Lynch could use this armor before, but with the improvement of his strength, this armor is no longer useful to Lynch.

However, some technologies in this armor are very precious, such as its invisibility function, self-healing function, mask scanning function, and the weapon shoulder cannon is also a very high-end energy bomb. Much more advanced.

So this armor is useless to Lynch now, but if the technology inside can be thoroughly studied and mass-produced, then it will be different.

But Lynch doesn't know anything about these things, so he can only rely on Stark.

Stark picked up the Predator's armor and checked it, and found that this strange ancient armor actually contained a lot of cutting-edge technology, and even some things he hadn't designed yet.

" made it?" Stark pointed to the armor of the Predator and asked Lynch. He didn't think Lynch was someone who could research these things.

"Hahaha! Of course this is not made by me. This armor is alien technology, and it is the equipment of an alien race called the Predator. I just snatched it from them. But I don't understand these, so I hope Mr. Stark can help with the research." Lynch said to Stark with a smile.

"Oh? Aliens? I heard that Loki's conspiracy this time is also to let aliens invade the earth. You have dealt with aliens a lot! I am more interested in the space storage method of this armor, can you show me and study it." Stark said to Lynch.

"This... I'm afraid it's impossible. This is my special ability, not a technological means. I'm afraid you won't be able to study it. But I still have some other things that you should be interested in. I just don't know if you can research any results. Already?" Lynch said.

"Is that so? Then if you have time, you can go to Stark Great Summer, I believe you will be an eye-opener." Stark said.

Lynch smiled and agreed, so that one is settled, and it seems that it is not as difficult as expected, just do what he likes.

So, what should the Hulk do to attract him?


Gamma rays are the rays released when the atomic nuclear energy level transitions. Due to the huge energy contained in it, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube emits weak gamma rays all the time.

It is this kind of ray that caused Dr. Banner to mutate and become the Hulk Hulk.

Dr. Banner is the scientist who has studied gamma rays the most, and is also the most knowledgeable about how to capture it.

Using the experimental instruments prepared by S.H.I.E.L.D. on the aerospace aircraft carrier, Dr. Banner quickly found the location of the Rubik's Cube.

Germany, Stuttgart, Hannover 28.

The specific location coordinates have come out, and the superheroes are about to act soon.

But Lynch knew that this was just a conspiracy by Loki, and it was not so easy for Loki to be caught.

But Lynch is not going to stop this matter, Lynch is going to make a plan.

Loki loves to play tricks and tricks, but he can't play Lynch. This time, Lynch asked him to lose his wife and lose his army. Let's see what else he can do.

Stark drove his steel battle suit, and the others sat in combat planes and rushed towards the target location quickly.

"Mr. Lynch, what abilities do you have? You're going to start a war with Loki in a moment, so everyone should get acquainted with you. You are the most mysterious among them." Natasha, the black widow, was driving the plane. Said to Lynch.

Natasha has never had much contact with Lynch, and she is also very curious about this oriental boy who is valued even by her boss.

Lynch looked at the beautiful agent in front of him, smiled and said: "My abilities are very mixed. I am good at melee combat and envoy lightning, and I also have a little research on space teleportation, so you don't have to worry about me, Loki I am not afraid of this evil god."

Lynch's understated reply fell into the ears of Natasha and the others, but it was deafening. There are so many things!Can such a person still be considered human?God is nothing more than that.

But in fact, among these superheroes, many of them are stronger than the so-called gods, but they don't know it yet.

"You know a lot! But do you have super powers or special technological equipment?" Dr. Banner asked Lynch with a sigh.

"Some of my abilities come from self-cultivation, and some are brought by special equipment. It can also be regarded as a different kind of technological equipment. I just don't know if the technology in this world can be copied." Lynch smiled. replied to Banner.

"By the way! Dr. Banner, I also have a good method of controlling psychological fluctuations. I think it should be able to solve your problem. After you go back this time, if you are interested, you can find me." Lynch suddenly remembered One thing, said so to Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner was also very happy to hear this, and immediately said that he would go back to Lynch after returning.

Then everyone got to know each other slowly, and began to chat happily, completely without the appearance of facing a big battle.

(End of this chapter)

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