Chapter 363 The Three Princesses and the Xian County King (1)
"Men and women have different seats at the age of seven."

Yan Zhaohua snorted lightly, obviously very dissatisfied with this statement: "We all share the same bed, let alone the same seat?"

Miss Qing really wanted to cover her face, but the maids and servants beside her were already blushing.

"That's right." Who knew that King Xian, who had always been at odds with Yan Zhaohua, agreed with his point of view, "It's just looking for something to do when there is nothing to do."

As a result, the third princess slapped King Xianjun directly on the back of the head, pushed and kicked King Xianjun to Yan Zhaohua's side, then took Miss Qing's hand and signaled the maid to lead the way.

Miss Qing who was forcibly taken away: "..."

Yan Zhaohua who was still in place: "..."

King Xian who was beaten and kicked: "..."

Although Miss Qing was forcibly taken away by the third princess, it would be easy for Miss Qing to break free, but she didn't, which shows that she allowed the action of the third princess. Yan Zhaohua was very upset, and looked at King Xian with ice knives in his eyes.

It was this familiar look again, King Xian frowned for a short time: "Hey, hey! I didn't do anything this time!"

You can't blame County King Xian for being so cowardly, anyone would have to admit cowardly in front of Yan Zhaohua, a pervert, he's not unreasonable at all, okay?King Xianjun has understood this truth since he was a child.

In the beginning, maybe King Xian was really provoking Yan Zhaohua, and he was beaten, but later, King Xian was beaten because Yan Zhaohua didn’t like him, so he beat him up, and after the beating, he still didn’t like him. Beat, beat endlessly, beat until it is pleasing to the eye!
Xian Jun Wang silently shed tears of sympathy for himself, it was simply too tenacious and inspirational for him to survive the perverted hands of Yan Zhaohua.

Yan Zhaohua snorted coldly, then turned around and left. Seeing this, the servant hurried forward to lead the way. The Xianjun King stayed where he was and muttered a few times, but walked a few quick steps to follow, and tried to talk to Yan Zhaohua. Zhaohua struck up a conversation: "Hey, Yan Zhaohua, I heard that your concubine likes to hit people with benches, doesn't she?"

This matter has been widely spread in Luoyang, so the king Xianjun asked this question, it was just to find a topic. If it was normal, Yan Zhaohua would ignore him at most, but now Yan Zhaohua is in a bad mood. Zhaohua?

He glanced coldly at King Xianjun, and said coldly: "I heard that you took in a woman and Princess Xianjun broke her head?"

Xianjun Wang was looking for a topic to strike up a conversation with, Yan Zhaohua's words were completely ridiculed.

Miss Qing hit someone with a bench, and it was someone else, but the third princess hit someone with a bench, and it was her husband.

Prince Xian's face turned dark all of a sudden, he gritted his teeth and glared at Yan Zhaohua: "None of your business!"

Although King Xianjun was tolerant of the third princess hitting him on the head with a bench, it didn't mean he was willing to be laughed at as a joke, let alone Yan Zhaohua, a pervert who laughed at him!

Yan Zhaohua, who was originally in a bad mood, heard the king of Xian County say his own catchphrase?hehe!He didn't say a word to him, instead he gave instructions to the invisible man beside him: "Go back and ask someone to send a cart of benches to Xianjun Prince's Mansion."

Yan Gan responded: "Yes, Lord."

King Xian's face suddenly turned green, oh!Grass!This pervert is too insidious, right?
Ever since the three princesses subdued Xianjun Wang with a bench, they have fallen in love with this "sport" ever since. The three princesses said: very good and a lifetime!And Xianjun Wang said: "It's very pornographic and violent!"

Yan Zhaohua and King Xianjun were at odds over there, while Miss Qing and the third princess got along very well, but after the third princess told Miss Qing that she was inspired by her to throw a bench at King Xianjun After that, Miss Qing's expression instantly became embarrassing!
Did Mo Sheng and the others tell the truth?
Miss Qing is hitting people with a bench, but the people who hit people are not her own. The learning ability of the three princesses is too... a bit tough, right?

The third princess didn't notice Miss Qing's expression, she was still talking enthusiastically, after all she didn't know anyone in Xiling, and Miss Qing could be regarded as the one closest to her.

The maid took Miss Qing and the third princess to a side hall for a short rest, and there were not only Miss Qing and the third princess in the side hall, but all the married female relatives present, and they seemed to be older than Miss Qing and the others. They are two big, but in terms of status, the status of Miss Qing and the third princess is probably the highest.

There are very few clan children in the same generation, and the fourth prince has not yet married, so among the daughters-in-law of Emperor Xiling, the eldest is the third princess, and Miss Qing can be regarded as the daughter-in-law of Prince Ding, so her noble status is self-evident As for the sons of Prince Gong and other princes, even though they married daughter-in-laws, they are not as good as Miss Qing in terms of status and status. They can be compared.

After Miss Qing and the third princess greeted the elders present, they found a place to sit down.

The atmosphere in the side hall paused for a moment after Miss Qing and the others came in, and then returned to normal, but people kept looking at Miss Qing and the third princess from the corner of their eyes.

No way, who made their husband Yan Zhaohua and Xianjun Wang notoriously at odds, but now Miss Qing and the third princess are as good as sisters (Dong Wu), so they will naturally attract the attention of others .

But even if they have doubts, other people dare not come to ask casually. If it is someone else, maybe they don't have so many worries, but if it is Miss Qing and the third princess, one has a backer so strong that even Xiling Emperor They didn't dare to offend anyone casually, and the other one was the daughter-in-law of the Xiling Emperor. Although the Xianjun King was not a favored person, he still had the Ye family as his backer, so let's forget it.

"Wuyou, you don't know, and the queen mother doesn't know if there is something wrong with her brain. She just rewarded a cousin last time, and she wants to send a second one after a few days." The third princess lowered her voice and said to Miss Qing. Complained, "I've never seen such a loving son and daughter-in-law, Wuyou, do you think it's because the father didn't dote on her that she was so twisted?"

The corner of Miss Qing's mouth twitched, and she glanced at the third princess speechlessly: "After all, the empress is also your mother. If you speak ill of her to me, should I agree with you or refute you?"

But having said that, Miss Qing feels that the three princesses may be the truth, not to mention that the last time Queen Ye sent eight women over to spy on Yan Zhaohua or something, but during the loving wedding of the young couple Eight women came over... Miss Qing curled her lips. The empress must be so unbalanced because the Emperor Xiling didn't satisfy her.

(End of this chapter)

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