Chapter 423 2 Minutes from the Start

Chagonard played a very important role in the team battle. In the game just now, Lingqiao's economy was too strong. Even if they had Chagonard to relieve the control, they couldn't beat Lingqiao-the economy was flawed.

Lipstick also has two pick positions, one for jungle and one for single.

In retrospect, Lingqiao's jungler used Zuka, an assassin with warrior attributes, which was a bit difficult to deal with.

Then they chose a lighter and more flexible jungler, Violet, this is Sun Shangxiang from the national server.How can I say she is flexible, because she has displacement!A jungler with displacement, and can be regarded as an ADC for long-range attacks. They feel that they have chosen the right jungler!

They still chose Flash as the mid laner, and they had a good record just now, and if they play it again now, their record must be higher than the previous game.

They are confident.

Then there was Lingqiao's last pick, which was locked by Midaya and Tara.

Midaya’s reason is that she hasn’t used Zhong Wuyan as a winger for a long time, because Zhong Wuyan should be included in the support unit in the national server, but it’s impossible for Midaya to play. Support, she prefers fighters with physical damage.

This Tara is just right enough to meet Midaya's needs. She needs to pick up the hero Zhong Wuyan again.Originally, Zhong Wuyan was her natal hero, but from now on, she wanted to make Tara her natal hero.Although, the two are only somewhat similar in appearance.

Just like, Tara's opening line: "I want to hit ten!"

Although it's a little impossible to get ten kills in one high-end game, but she must do it to carry the audience!

After the final adjustment, the two sides began to enter the game, and the field of vision was mainly on the Lipstick team.

In view of the experience of the previous game, the lipstick team also knew that the Lingqiao team would not use the usual routine to exchange wild areas, so they did not plan to exchange wild areas with Lingqiao.The jungler Violet and the top hero Zhao Yun went directly to their own jungle.

Then he saw Zuka and Tara who were standing next to the two powerful rock demons, and was stunned.

They also didn't know if Ling Qiao was going to exchange wild areas, and Ling Qiao didn't say anything.It's just that when Violet started to fight the power rock demon, he also started to use skills, but all the skills hit Violet, and his blood volume dropped by half.

Zhao Yun attacked quickly, and Zuka and Tara also went up to meet him, expressing that they were not afraid.

The lipstick team is going crazy here!What's the situation?If you want to exchange wild areas, you should have said earlier!People don't want to trade with you now, but you actually made a move!Can you play the game happily!
The audience and the narrator were also a little surprised. This is Ling Qiao, who is not following the routine at all!They wanted to exchange wild areas in the first game, but you are not allowed, and you even stole all the wild areas in the bottom lane!They don't want to exchange in this round, but you still come over and start the fight without giving an exchange?
This Lingqiao's game style, why is it so cheap!

This is simply overwhelming!It's easy to be cheated to death!

Zuka was fighting with Tara, Zhao Yun, and Violet, and suddenly Zuka was upgraded—he was two levels!In addition, the skills will always hit the Power Rock Demon, and the attack of the Power Rock Demon is mainly borne by Violet. In this way, Zuka got rid of Zhao Yun's attack one by one, and moved to the side of Violet. One stick down, one blood is in hand.

Zhao Yun didn't have time to be stunned, so he just raised his gun and went up, because Zuka killed Violet, and there was a bonus of life, so, with the assist of Tara, who was almost bloodless, Zuka got two people at once head.

This is the situation within 2 minutes of the opening.

The audience said, is this too fast?The lipstick team is not the No.1 in Malaysia, why is it so scumbag?

(End of this chapter)

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