Chapter 411

After banning the hero, the next step is to pick. The first floor of [-] picks first, and the pick is the jungler, Serpheus.Then on the first and second floors of Jinchang, I chose the winger Malos and the mid laner Chris. Anyway, the opponent has already chosen the jungler, so they can't choose another one, and there is no threat of ban, so they can choose. The winger and mid laner who are good at will consider playing the jungle.

This makes Team Zero Three a bit passive.

The two picks were given to Zero Three. They chose a winger Max and the support Zania. In fact, Zania also has tank attributes. From the perspective of skills, he should be Liu Bang in the national server, because the big move has teleportation in this way.

It seems that Zero Three will save the mid laner for the next round.


"With the current lineup, the zero-san team is more mobile, because most of them are more flexible in their positions. As long as they are fast enough and their thinking can keep up, they can be flexible. Moreover, the glory of the king also has a Korean server. Before they It should be that I have been playing the Korean server, just like we play the national server, there are also some differences.

Therefore, in this game, we should mainly focus on Jinchang, to see how they transform the habits they developed in the Korean server into the habits they have now. "

As Duanmu said, he opened the iPad casually, and opened the information of Team Zero Three and Team Jinchang: "Team Zero Three used the international server before, so their operation may be much smoother. We can see the position and skills, but We can learn their tricks without learning them. Understand?"

Almost everyone in the Lingqiao team is equipped with a headset, so that Duanmu can hear everything without being too loud.

"But we can't see the tactics of the Jinchang team." Mei Laoer muttered, and when he looked up, he saw Duanmu's warning eyes, and he flattened his mouth a little bit aggrieved, and she was right...

"Now we are relatively passive, and we can't just watch whichever player we want. We have to follow the director and commentator, and we may not see anything. But we still try our best to watch, and we will show our pretense later, I, Mei Xiao, Jiangsu, Mizhe, and Midaya each have a column, and if they are the same as our usual outfits, tick them off."

Duanmu continued to talk, in fact, it was his first time to participate in this kind of international competition, so he would inevitably be nervous.

He also watched international competitions, but when it was his turn to play, he was still a little nervous... afraid that he would not do well.

At the beginning, the two sides exchanged the red buff wild area. The red buff is called power rock demon in the international server, which is a kind of buff effect.Both sides were very well-behaved, and left after sweeping the red buff wild area.

The wild area of ​​the international server is not as twisted and twisted as the national server. From the middle lane to the top or bottom lane, there is a direct line, and the wild areas on both sides are the same. Therefore, the habit of taking the blue buff first in the national server is here in the international server. Not so easy.

The two sides only went to the jungle for three people, and the mid laner still stayed in the middle lane. After all, the middle lane is the vital gate to the base, and it would be a big trouble to drop the taco.

Then there is a person guarding Lingsanxia Road, and Jinchang Shanglu Road is guarded by a person.Because there are many people in the wild area, the heroes guarding in front of the tower can only lead the line of soldiers.

The first wave of team battles took place in Jinchang's red buff jungle area, because Zero Three wanted to take other people's red buffs, but Jinchang's hero did not go to Zero Three's jungle area, and the exchange could not be reached, so they fought in the wild area. shelf.

The heroes in Jinchang's middle lane and top lane came to help quickly. When the second wave of red buffs was revived, everyone had almost reached level [-], and their skills were all used up. As long as there are many people, it will be easy to fight a wave of team battles.

Accidentally, a few people from Jinchang's side followed the hero with residual blood into Zero Three's blue buff wild area. While collecting the residual blood, they collected a wave of wild monsters from Zero Three.

Zero Three's economy suffered a lot, lost his head, and lost the wild area, feeling a little depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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