Chapter 353 Investment is Risky

The flat tire of the car was obviously a little reconciled, and he planned to run out of the tower and hook again. He was also very good at playing Zhong Kui before!It's just that the matches that came later were all pitfalls, so that his winning rate dropped all the way. After that, he never used Zhong Kui, and his winning rate remained stagnant.

However, in this round, he wants to use his strength to prove, so what if the current conventional winning rate is low?He will definitely be able to pull back this round!
However, as soon as the Zhong Kui he manipulated ran out of the tower, he was summoned by Hua Jiankai: "You are not suitable for going out of the tower now, first develop at the bottom of the tower for a while, and then go out after all the skills are out."

Car flat tire: "But if I go out now, the two of them can't do anything to me. Isn't the damage of the two of them the same?"

Flowers bloom: "But there are two of them, and Taiyi was the first to get the economy of the army line, so now there are two levels. After Hua Mulan takes the river lizard, there are only two levels. You can't beat it."

"..." The tire blew out and I didn't want to talk.

Zhong Kui can't come out, Taiyi Daoist and Hua Mulan have no choice but to guard their own tower, waiting for another wave of soldiers to come out to clear the line. The second child refused.

For one thing, Zhong Kui was too strict, and he was still at the bottom of the tower. If Hua Mulan was accidentally hooked and entered the bottom of the tower, it would be no fun.Secondly, Li Yuanfang was about to finish sweeping the bottom lane wild area, and was dragged by Zhong Kui. When Li Yuanfang came up, Hua Mulan couldn't leave, and the support in the middle lane should be very fast.

So now is the right time, place and people and it is not suitable.

The game progressed to 5 minutes, and the economics of the two teams were evenly matched. Due to the fact that the river lizards were controlled by Hua Mulan and Bai Qi, Lingqiao's economy was more advanced.

Hua Mulan stared at the tyrant ready to move, so why not Li Yuanfang!

So, who will the tyrant win? Let's see the first wave of team battles——

Wei Xia: "Because this pit of tyrants is located near the wild area under the blackboard eraser, it is easier to concentrate. Looking at Lingqiao, it is showing a tendency to encircle the entire pit of tyrants. In fact, everyone on the blackboard eraser is still walking In this state, if the situation permits, then Lingqiao can be easily defeated one by one. This may not be good news for Lingqiao."

Zhumu: "But investment is risky. If Lingqiao wants to get the first advantage since the beginning, he must get the first tyrant. In fact, they can also bear with it and hide in the grass, waiting for them to be shocked by the tyrant. When you lose blood from the damage, you can rush forward and take heads all at once. The efficiency is much higher than this."

Wei Xia: "That's not necessarily the case. Because after taking the tyrant's economic bonus, experience bonus, fast upgrade and high damage, it is still a very important issue to win."


Of course, the teamfight didn't involve the Tyrant, they fought outside the pit.

Zhong Kui was the first to strike. A hook was thrown out, and any of the five people on the opposite side could hit any one of them—and then Hua Mulan was hooked in.

Hua Mulan was stunned for two seconds, and her health bar dropped very quickly. Bai raised a paw and appeared behind the blackboard eraser, and immediately hooked everyone within the range of the paw. There were four in total, including the one who was hooked. Hua Mulan, there is also Yang Yuhuan, Jiang Ziya and Zhong Kui.

Master Taiyi quickly entered the circle to restore blood to Hua Mulan, and quickly left the circle to intercept Li Yuanfang and Xiahou Dun who were not hooked.

Because Li Yuanfang is a jungler, the economy is too high, and the real Taiyi has not reached the later stage, and the blood is not very thick. The damage of the two heroes is squeezed on him alone. It is inevitable that he will not be able to bear it. If B is disabled, he can easily enter the resurrection state, so——

"Mei Xiao! Come back to me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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