Chapter 324 Choose Mozi
"Tsk tsk, this Dian Wei is a good choice." Duanmu shook his head, "He defeated our two heroes at once. Ni Qiang, I'm sorry, I'll choose an old master first."

Ni Qiang let out an oh, and obediently chose.

"Who plays this old master?" Midaya spoke.

"Of course it's me, just your old master. I lost the first game to Zhuojue before I made up my mind." Duanmu fully expressed his distrust of Midaya's old master.

"...So Meng Qi is mine, right?" Midaya gritted his teeth and forced himself to beat others without remembering the villain's fault. Anyway, Duanmu is just such a person.

Duanmu nodded.

Next, Lingqiao will start the first ban of the second round of bans, and the first ban will be Donghuang Taiyi.Release Donghuang, then Lingqiao's jungler will basically be useless, and it will be difficult to fight when he is suppressed.

Now that Ling Qiao has chosen the old master, Zhuo Jue is not obsessed with banning heroes who can restrain Dian Wei. Since Ling Qiao has not yet selected a single, Zhuo Jue has chosen Ling Qiao and may choose one of them. The single Diao Chan was banned.

Now there is no support on both sides, so Ling Qiao chose a support bull demon who is more suitable for Zhuoju's team.Of course, Zhuo Jue thought so too. Although he knew that Lingqiao was the support position played by Mei's second son, Zhuo Jue still banned Da Qiao. After all, Da Qiao's more disgusting gameplay was easy to learn once he came out, so the ban was as a result. good.

When it came to Zhuo Jue's fourth-hand hero, Zhuo Jue hesitated for a while before locking on to the assistant Jiang Ziya.Since the current basic lineup has been determined, Ling Qiao did not choose a hero according to the so-called restraint hero, and chose a Mozi for Ni Qiang, which was her own request.

When the commentator saw that Lingqiao had chosen Mozi, he was stunned for a moment. This was the first time that the hero Mozi had appeared since the National League preliminaries.The official also quickly gave Lingqiao Niqiang's regular win rate of Mozi, as high as 60.00%. No wonder Niqiang dared to choose.

I'm afraid that after this game, the regular winning percentage of Mozi released in the future will be a little higher, and roughly another winning percentage will be displayed-the league winning percentage.

Then there was Lingqiao's last hero, Mei's second son chose Cheng Yaojin - this hero was chosen, obviously not listening to Duanmu's words, but with the lineup there, she must choose Cheng Yaojin.Moreover, Cheng Yaojin still has a certain restraint effect on Dianwei, so if you don't choose Bai, you don't choose.

In the end, Zhuoju's last hero was chosen Liu Bang.

Zhumu: "The lineups of the two sides are in the final adjustment, and everything is distributed according to the original lineup——I'm talking about Lingqiao, which is completely in accordance with the lineup distribution that was leaked from the Internet before. In fact, it can be seen that the Lingqiao team The strength of Zhuoju. Of course, the Zhuoju team is not bad. We don’t know what the Zhuoju team’s lineup is, but we probably know that they will play the same way in the next game after looking at this Zhuojue. In fact, if we say this, Lingqiao didn't suffer either."

Wei Xia: "Whether Lingqiao suffers or not, we will see in the next match. The match has started, the blue side is Zhuoju, the red side is Lingqiao, I am the mid laner commentator, Wei Xia."

Zhumu breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm the sidewalk commentator Zhumu."

Ming Chi: "I'm a special guest to explain Ming Chi, and I'm mainly responsible for explaining the junglers of both sides."

After Mingchi's voice fell, Wei Xia quickly interjected: "Take back what I said just now. The topic of whether Lingqiao is at a disadvantage mainly depends on Lingqiao's performance in the future. Because Lingqiao's basic lineup is also out of them. The team's encrypted training missions, we can clearly guess Lingqiao's tactics through their training missions. Whether Lingqiao can break his own training routine is the basis for whether they can win this game. Next, let us We'll see."


  Alright, it's four o'clock today, good night

(End of this chapter)

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