Chapter 311 Chapter 310
Zhumu: "That's right, anyway, in this preliminaries, the more powerful teams have drawn the blue side, so in this preliminaries, the blue side's winning percentage will be higher. Soon, the game entered the first round of bans, and the wolf team was the first to ban Losing Hua Mulan. Because Duanmu didn't participate in this game, the ban is still somewhat limited. For example, Hua Mulan, Mei's second child, after all, Hua Mulan, who is the number one in the national server, can't be called for nothing, right? "

"Actually, the number one Hua Mulan in the national server does not necessarily have to be banned, because maybe if she is not as handsome as Duanmu, she will be slapped in the face, so average, I say average, there are other heroes who are good at it, Mei Laoer No priority will be given to Mulan."

"So, it's hard to say whether Wolf Warriors should ban Hua Mulan. Lingqiao's first ban was Su Lie. Because Wolf Warriors Scotland's Su Lie is not easy and easy to kill, it is in the team battle. It is very disgusting to be beaten to death at the time, and to be able to escape safely after lighting the lights. Therefore, in this kind of competition, all teams have a tacit understanding, and Yu Zhanlang bans Su Lie."

"After Lingqiao banned Su Lie, the next move of Wolf Warriors was to ban Bodhidharma. Lingqiao's jungler Mizhe, in recent games, because Han Xin was banned and Pei Qinhu was robbed, so he used both of them. It's Bodhidharma, the jungler, in the hands of Mizhe, head harvesting is very strong, I feel, I say feeling, Mizhe has made Bodhidharma his first-hand jungler, even worse than Han Xin."

Zhumu: "That's why Dharma was banned by Wolf Warrior. In the second round of Lingqiao's ban, Da Qiao was banned, and he can be changed if he is not locked. Does Lingqiao really want to ban Da Qiao? Why do I think Lingqiao Da Qiao will be stronger, because maybe I haven’t seen how Wolf Warrior uses Da Qiao. It’s a bit ignorant.”


Le Qiao tilted his head and looked at Mei's second child: "Second brother, do you really want to ban Da Qiao? I remember that according to the information given by Brother Wen, there is no one who is good at Da Qiao in Wolf Warriors."

The coach also didn't understand Mei's second son's routine: "What do you think, second son."

Mei's second glanced at Da Qiao in the ban frame, and thought for a while: "Maybe it's a slippery hand."

As he spoke, he slid through the list of heroes.Thinking about switching to a hero ban.

"If you want to ban support, at least wait for the next round. For this round, you should ban the jungler first. We haven't banned the jungler yet." The coach said, but the next second, Mei's second son was already Pressed the lock and banned Da Qiao.

"!" Ni Qiang's eyes widened, what the hell is the second child doing!
"Second Sister..." Midaya hesitated and called Mei's second child.

Mei Lao Er laughed: "It's not slippery this time. Wolves' Chongchong joined the team last year. Although she also used the nickname of Chongchong before, she has an alias called Cracking Heart."

Midaya came to a sudden: "Cracking heart! The former No. [-] Joe in the national server! The one who is particularly powerful, returns to the city with one hand and changes the team's routines in seconds! It's disgusting!"

The coach asked: "How do you know that his trumpet is Heartbreaker?"

Mei's second child laughed: "Duanmu said."

"..." The coach and the friends didn't want to talk anymore.

Or Duanmu.

In the first round of picks, Wolf Warrior selected the jungle hero Gongsunli, who is also an ADC.

Mei Laoer: "Gongsunli, Yizhihua's first-hand jungler has a very strong ability to grab the jungler. You should take it easy. Oh, and also, I accidentally matched with him before. He grabbed the master with one hand. Compared with Although I'm a little short, I'm still very strong! We may not have a lot of anti-wild opposition, but we still have to work hard to counter it."

Ni Qiang looked at her speechlessly: "Second brother, can you give us some confidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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