Chapter 277 Hua Mulan - Showing to the Dead
"You guys are really fearless." Baijiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Many people think that this kind of hero rarely appears in diamonds and above, and then think that this kind of hero should not appear in higher-end games. But otherwise, as long as you play well, even the least used hero can carry The audience. Because this kind of hero has been with us from the very beginning, some people may be the first Daji in the national server, or the first Xiao Qiao in the national server. This kind of initial achievement is easy to be misunderstood. This game is more beloved. So we don’t have any standards for the heroes we choose during the game, as long as we don’t get stuck.”

Mei Laoer explained, "But in this kind of high-end competition, we generally don't recommend using this kind of hero, because everyone's starting point will be one of these heroes, so the skill combo will be quickly eliminated. Crack. Therefore, the role of this hero in this game is not that great. Midaya chose this Arthur, probably because he found a better combo skill, and the opponent has never had a better way to crack it, so he chose it. She has been using Arthur recklessly. One day, if her skills are seen through by the opponent and she can defeat Arthur with a simple set of skills, I guess Midaya will not choose Arthur."

"Okay." Mei Lao Er took a sip of mineral water, "I won't talk nonsense. Back to our game, after Midaya chose an Arthur, Diabolo also reacted quickly and chose Arthur. One Su Lie. Su Lie is a pretty good hero, according to the information we have, when we enter the final adjustment, it will be Su Lie who is picked by Diabolo's deputy team."

"Yes, because Kaikai's Su Lie has always been very good. Now we can see that Lingqiao has taken a Mulan. We know that Mei Laoer next to me is the number one Mulan in the national server. Second, who do you think will take this Mulan?"

"Anyway, it won't be me." Mei's second child made a harmless joke, and then became serious, "I think it will be Duanmu. Mizhe can't play Mulan well, and Duanmu definitely wants to show off Hua Mulan. And This Hua Mulan is still going to be a deadly show. That is to say, this Hua Mulan may not be ashamed, and it is the king of kills or assists. The economy may not be the highest in the team, but it will definitely be higher than the opposing jungler's economy."

Baijiu was surprised: "So confident?"

Mei's second child smiled, because this was her standard for taking Hua Mulan. After Duanmu found out, every time Duanmu took Hua Mulan, it would definitely meet this damn standard...

"Then there is Mengqi on Diabolo's side. The two sides are in the final adjustment. On Lingqiao's side is Mizina's Pei Qinhu. He focuses on junglers, so Pei Qinhu is definitely right. Then there is Duanmu's Hua Mulan. As for whether Mulan can be as dazzling as the second child said, let us wait and see."

After Baijiu finished speaking, the screen on the big screen at home turned into the game interface of Canyon of Kings, accompanied by the sound effects of the game:
"Welcome to the Glory of the King"

"The game has officially started. The blue team is the Lingqiao team, and the red team is the diabolo. I am the commentator Baijiu."

"I'm Mei's second child."

"According to our past experience, Hua Mulan is the top laner, and usually runs on the top lane. In this game, Hua Mulan switched positions with ADC Marco Polo. After she helped Marco Polo remove the red buff, she went down the lane. The tower rushed over. And Marco Polo ran through the wild area and ran up the road, ready to partner with Arthur."

"I haven't seen this routine before, and I don't dare to play it like this. It is said that they are all wing heroes, so it should be nothing to switch positions."

(End of this chapter)

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