Chapter 258
Huang Zhong wanted to cry, but within 5 minutes of the game, he got first blood by Ling Qiao!

Bei Shao: "Many viewers are wondering why Yu Ji's level has reached level four, when Ming Shiyin was still at level two. Because Yu Ji took all the wild monsters in the lower road wild area by herself, and took away a river Weird. Ming Shiyin only removed the first wave of soldiers, and he still reserved the second wave of soldiers for Yu Ji. So with many gold coins added, Yu Ji's leveling up is naturally faster. Now it's removed Huang Zhong on the road, we can see that Guan Yu, who was guarding the top road with the old master, is rushing towards the bottom road. Now Bodhidharma is playing the jungle in the top road, and he can't care about the bottom road."

Qing Ning: "After Yu Ji took Huang Zhong away, she got another wave of gold coins from the minion line. Now Yu Ji's economy is stronger than that of the dedicated jungler Liu Bei. Now they can take away a part of Meny's bottom tower Blood volume. One more wave can take away Meny’s bot tower, but Guan Yu has already arrived, Huang Zhong has also been resurrected, and this bot tower can’t be taken yet.”

Bei Shao: "Move your field of vision to the middle lane. Ying Zheng has just reached level four. Now it's time to pay attention to your position after clearing the army line, and you still have time to run to the top lane. Ming Shiyin took advantage of Ying Zheng to go to the top lane and then ran to the middle lane I went there to guard the tower in the middle.”

Qing Ning: "The fourth-level Yingzheng's damage is already considered high, plus he can shoot from a long distance, the old master can't get close to him, but his blood volume keeps dropping, so I guess he feels uncomfortable. The old master is left alone on the road, It is estimated that Bodhidharma will come to help. But the premise is that Guan Yu and Huang Zhong can guard the jungle area of ​​Meny's bottom lane."

Bei Shao: "It's actually not difficult to defend. But Mei Laoer went straight back to his jungle to help Liu Bei take wild monsters after taking the pawn line. It seems that he didn't plan to go to Meny's jungle to fight. Bodhidharma came down from the top lane , Although the destination is the wild area of ​​the lower road, why do I feel that he is staring at the tyrant who just came out?"

Qing Ning: "Tyrant is very important in the game. There was a certain team before, which was already in a headwind situation. It relied on the jungler to grab a Tyrant. The economy continued to tie, and it was only later that the game was broken, and finally won. I think if Lingqiao makes it to the finals, they will meet the team I just mentioned."

Bei Shao: "The strong meet the strong. Bodhidharma's goal is indeed the tyrant. In addition, Yang Yuhuan in the middle can come to support, and there are also Guan Yu and Huang Zhong in the bottom. Huang Zhong can't go in and grab it once he uses his big move. Yes, once in, the damage to be borne is not limited to Huang Zhong's ultimate move. So Ling Qiao may give up this tyrant."

Qing Ning: "We can see that Concubine Yu is hiding in a bush opposite the pit of the tyrant. But she was soon discovered by Yang Yuhuan who cleared the field. If Concubine Yu does not leave, then Meny's other heroes may Come and get rid of Concubine Yu. After being discovered by Yang Yuhuan, Concubine Yu left, but when Yang Yuhuan went back, she hid in the grass next to the second pagoda on the lower road. I don't quite understand what Concubine Yu wants to do."

Bei Shao: "I don't know either. Let's wait and see."

"Ying Zheng defeated the old master"

"Arthur assists"

The sudden game sound effects almost didn't frighten the two commentators.

"Just now our vision was on the tyrant, and we didn't see the road. Now let's take a look at the replay. It's a very familiar routine, but this time it's Arthur clearing the line in the open space between the two towers, because Arthur The economy is too low, so the old master relied on his own economic advantages to take Arthur's head to make up for the economic gap between them and Lingqiao. The premise was that he saw Yingzheng playing the blue buff, which was a bit bold. But he didn't Thinking of Ying Zheng's speed so fast, Arthur just silenced him a second ago, Ying Zheng's big move shot in this direction, and the damage was too high. So, the old master was—"

(End of this chapter)

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