Chapter 164 Chapter 160 Four Training Camp

Mei's second son couldn't make up his mind, looked at Duanmu, Duanmu gave her a mouthful: willing to bet and admit defeat.

Mei Laoer gritted his teeth and agreed.

They went to the gymnasium lounge to change their jerseys. When Su Ke came out with the basketball, Jimmy Lou and the others had already set up their mobile phones and were ready for a live broadcast.

Mei's second son really felt that this punishment was overplayed.

Skillful dribbling, turning around, fake moves, and then jumping shots... It shows that Mei's second child is still capable.

Although Lu Jiuke is only 15 years old, he is the main force of the school basketball team, and his playing posture is so flirtatious.

The other three are also good players in basketball.

Therefore, this basketball game was played equally, and finally ended with a beautiful three-pointer from Duanmu.


When I returned to the club at night, the receptionist in the lobby on the first floor told Mei's second son that Ms. Mei had come to see her in the evening, but she said there was nothing urgent and wanted to come and see her.

Then Duanmu, smelling of sweat all over his body, went to Mei Laoer's house to pick up Ms. Mei, saying that he wanted Mei Laoer to accompany Ms. Mei, and by the way, Ms. Mei would be staying at the club tonight.

In the evening, the two mother and daughter got together to watch the live broadcast of their basketball game today. Ms. Mei pointed to Duanmu's handsome figure and praised him for being handsome.

The next day, Ms. Mei got up early in the morning to buy breakfast for her friends. When she came back, she saw Dong Sanxing screaming—she remembered that there was no such person in Lingqiao Club!What's more, this guy is not wearing a battle uniform, so Ms. Mei is sure that this guy is not from the club.

So he screamed out, so that Duanmu and the others could make mental preparations and come out to arrest people.

Then Mei Er Er introduced Comrade Dong Sanxing to Ms. Mei, and told him that he was her agent by the way.

Ms. Mei's memory is a bit good, she remembered the phone call she had made to find Mei's second son... Then she looked at Dong Sanxing with a very loving look, which caused Duanmu to be alert.

Ms. Mei left at noon, and Dong Sanxing was dragged into the office by Duanmu to talk about life.

In the evening it was a training match with DET.

DET is not as strong as LT.W, but not weak, so they only won the first and third games.

The hateful thing is that Duanmu didn't talk to the captain of DET about the rules, otherwise they really wanted to give the DET people a unique punishment for fun.

After participating in several training games, a week passed quickly.

On Monday, they will arrive in K City to participate in this year's training camp and prepare for the season.

A total of more than 20 teams came to K City to participate in the training camp, and five teams came out of T City, including L7 teams.

So that day's plane was basically contracted by all kinds of people wearing some weird costumes, and you can meet people from other teams when you go to the toilet.

When they arrive at the training camp, someone will come to greet them—don’t think too much, there is no person in charge of the training camp. This kind of training camp is attended spontaneously, and the itinerary and hotel stay must be arranged in advance.Therefore, it was their managers and coaches who had wandered abroad for a long time who came to pick them up.

The club has personal information of the two of them, so Mei's second child also knows each other, so there is no need to introduce themselves.

When a group of people first met, they simply said hello, got in the car and went to the hotel they booked.

The manager's name is Cai Wen. He is a man from the Northwest. He is tall and burly. He looks rough, but he is careful and proper in his work, and he does a good job in management.He was originally Duanmu's assistant, but later Duanmu transferred him to the club as the manager.

(End of this chapter)

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