Chapter 138 The Trend of the Styx Nebula

Styx Galaxy Death Song Academy.

Even after thousands of years have passed, the bar furnishings in the Death Song Academy are still the same as before, with an unchanging scenery.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the technology here has made great breakthroughs. Just a while ago, Karl, the main god of the Styx galaxy, completed the research on the void particles, and successfully developed the void engine, which was tentatively armed on both sides. Among the big mecha gluttonous fighters.For thousands of years, he has been committed to introducing void matter into the human body, so that people can have void power, but this matter is easier said than done?After repeated research and experiments, Karl finally found a way to break through the current research bottleneck, that is, the void engine.

Karl was very sensible, and didn't use it on himself immediately, but selectively equipped the void engine on the two large mech fighters.As a result, the experimental effect was unexpectedly good, which was undoubtedly a great encouragement to Karl, and made Karl feel that his experimental idea was feasible.

Standing on the left and right sides of the desk were two tall mech warriors, looking majestic and majestic, they were warriors armed with void engines.Although these two void engines are still immature, if we want to distinguish the relationship between levels according to the divine body, then these two void engines are just the first generation of experimental products, but this is enough to make Karl feel proud.

Carl in the middle of the two large mecha fighters looks so thin, but he reveals an unfathomable aura, which makes people feel that he is absolutely extraordinary.

The gravedigger Snow, the gluttonous king Howl, the giant wolf star commander Howell, these senior generals of the Styx galaxy gathered together, lined up one by one, standing upright, with serious expressions, and they were waiting for the instructions of Karl, the god of death. .

They are the backbone of the Styx galaxy, and they are Karl's closest subordinates. It is difficult to see these people together on weekdays, unless it is very important.

Howell took a step forward and reported, "My god Karl, we have found the trace of the main god of the Vulcan galaxy, Levi."

"Really?" Karl raised his head, his calm face finally moved a little, and he said with emotion: "You have disappeared for thousands of years, the god of the Vulcan galaxy, my teacher, you have finally appeared! He is now in where?"

When mentioning his teacher Li Wei, Carl's handsome face became very serious.As long as there is information about Li Wei, he will definitely be full of energy and dare not slack off in the slightest.

Howell said: "The soldiers who sneaked into the earth's military reported that 'Vulcan' Levi is on the earth!"

"I didn't expect him to be on the earth by coincidence?" The current situation is beyond Carl's expectations. He thought that the invasion of the earth would at most be Dukao's group of super fighters who would have the power to resist once the other earth's The military strength is vulnerable, who would have thought that there would be an extra Li Wei now?The situation is getting more and more complicated!
"It's a bit troublesome now, Mr. Li Wei is here on Earth..."

At the beginning, Karl told Howl about Levi's deeds. He understood Levi's horror better than Howell, so he advised: "My god, there are more Levi who are not planned on the earth, should we suspend the invasion of the earth?" The plan? After all, what Li Wei symbolizes is the entire Vulcan galaxy, if the Martian civilization also participates, then this war will become extremely difficult to fight."

"No, Kaisha is the biggest stumbling block blocking the void world. Sooner or later we will have conflicts with Teacher Li Wei. Keep the original plan unchanged and carry it out as usual. But when you meet Teacher Li Wei, be careful, he It’s not like Keisha Morgana and the others. I have always been unable to figure out Teacher Li Wei’s thoughts, so you must not come into direct contact with him, or you may be burned to ashes by him.”

Karl couldn't wait any longer, he was eager to let the void come earlier.That's why he wants to unite with Morgana and destroy Kaisha, as for invading the earth?It's just to attract everyone's attention.The justice and order formulated by Kaisha do not allow civilization to invade. Even if Kaisha falls, the remaining angel warriors will still help the earth resist the gluttonous invasion.Karl just wanted to take advantage of the time when these angel warriors were busy dealing with the war on Earth, looking for a good opportunity to let the void come.

"Yes." Biting Howl put his hand on his left chest and knelt down on one knee.

For Che Howl and the others, this could not be better. If Karl really lets the soldiers of Tao Tie and Giant Wolf Star confront Li Wei head-on, then there is no doubt that they can only die, not Li Wei.

Howell suddenly said: "My god Karl, the earth is no longer as easy to deal with as it was originally estimated, should we increase some important combat power?"

"What do you mean?" Carl asked meaningfully with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

"My god stored the genetic data of a third-generation super soldier somewhere on the earth. I wonder if this soldier should wake up and help us conquer the earth?" Howell replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Whatever you want, as long as you can subdue him, I will treat this soldier as a gift to you, and you can dispose of it as you like." Carl looked indifferent, and now he thinks that no matter how many generations of super fighters have been created, he should be The focus should be on the research of the void engine, this is the kingly way.

Karl believes that in the face of the void, everything is meaningless.As for creating a genetic warrior?That's a waste of time.

"Thank God."

In Howell's view, it would be great if a third-generation super soldier could be brought under his command and become the main force to invade the earth.Because the combat power of a super soldier is absolutely extraordinary, this can greatly reduce the casualties of his subordinates.

"Snow, you know Thornton's location, so follow them to reset the genes of 'God Crocodile' Thornton."

Snow, who had been silent all this time, received Carl's instructions, and was suspicious of Carl's decision on the future of "Alligator" Thornton so rashly, but he still said calmly: "Yes."

"My god, I don't know if I should ask this subordinate something." Biting howled.

Carl glanced at Howl lightly, and said, "There is going to be a war soon. If you have any doubts, speak up as soon as possible, so as not to hesitate when you get it."

Howl hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "My god Karl, why do pre-nuclear civilizations like the earth always attract the attention of the main gods? Like that 'war madman' Ducao, he chose to implement the super gene on the earth. plan, and my god once placed the data of a super soldier somewhere on the earth, why? A small earth can attract so much attention?"

"Earth civilization..."

Carl pondered for a while, and then said: "It should be said that it is a civilization with great potential. As early as many years ago, Principal Kieran spread the idea of ​​​​Super Seminary here, and even angels came here to promote justice and order. These have long destined that the future of the earth will be very extraordinary, it can be said that the main gods like to visit the earth, perhaps it is a place where the dreams of the gods gather."

"My god Karl, I still don't quite understand it." Biting Howl couldn't understand why a pre-nuclear civilized earth could be praised by Karl so much.

"You will understand these things gradually in the future."

There are many super fighters on the earth who have not really grown up yet. Their genes are very powerful. The current earth is like a child who walks into the downtown with a lot of gold nuggets in his arms. be watched by others.In the face of alien invasion, the earth is powerless to resist. Those so-called military weapons have very little effect on a civilization like gluttony.

(End of this chapter)

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