Chapter 104 Discovery
Ducao finished a lot of work and returned home in the middle of the night. When he stepped into the house full of melancholy, he saw an unexpected person on the sofa.

"Rose? Why are you here?"

Qiangwei sat on the sofa, glanced at Ducao lightly, and said, "This is my home, why can't I be here?"

Ducao was very happy to see Qiangwei, but when he thought of the god who attacked Du Qiangwei, his face darkened, and he asked seriously: "Qiangwei, what's going on with you these days? You didn't go home, and there was no news at all. No. Where the hell have you been?"

"Tch, you think of me now?"

Ducao was full of guilt, and said: "Qiangwei, I'm usually busy with work, and I haven't been able to take care of you, but this matter is really important, and it concerns the safety of the earth."

Qiangwei sneered and said, "Old Du, I didn't mean you, you are such an adult? Why do you still make up such a lie? To protect the safety of the earth? Could it be that aliens really invaded the earth in this world?"

Ducao looked serious, and said: "This time it's not aliens, but gods. There is a god lurking on the earth, who wants to harm the earth!"

"God?" Du Qiangwei remembered that Li Wei seemed to say that she was a god, so she couldn't help muttering to herself: "He must be a good god."

Daughter Qiangwei's reaction made Ducao have a thought in his heart, and he hurriedly asked, "Qiangwei, have you ever been in contact with this god?"

Qiangwei nodded slightly, and said: "Well, he looks very knowledgeable and full of wisdom, he should be a scholar."

very smart?Still a scholar?
Ducao was startled, could it be Karl, the god of death?Yes, it must be Carl!Among the known gods, only Karl has a unique scholarly atmosphere.If it is Karl, it is clear that the threat to the earth is even greater!
"He said he has no malice towards the earth." Du Qiangwei said.

Ducao shook his head and said: "Qiangwei, you don't understand God. In their eyes, they think they can control everything. The intelligent life of the lower civilizations in the universe is just a toy they play with. Unless you have the same Strength, otherwise it is impossible to talk to them on an equal footing."

Ducao said solemnly: "Qiangwei, this god you have come into contact with is very dangerous, you can't associate with him anymore!"

"Come on. I think this god is better than you." Du Qiangwei stood up with an indifferent face, took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, and drank it down in front of Ducao.

Qiangwei drinks in front of Ducao on purpose, one is to express dissatisfaction with Ducao, and the other is to see how Ducao reacts.

"When did you learn to drink?" Ducao had a very headache. This daughter's character is becoming less and less rebellious, and now she has learned to drink.

"It was the god you mentioned who taught me. I think this god is pretty good, at least not as dull as you."

Ducao scolded: "Qiangwei, no matter what, you can no longer communicate with that god!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving first!" After finishing speaking, Qiangwei walked to her room, not paying attention to Ducao's words at all.

Ducao stood up from the sofa and said to Qiangwei, "Qiangwei, I am your father!"

Qiangwei raised her eyebrows, and said with a sneer: "Now you know it's my father? You ask yourself, since I was a child, parent meetings, birthdays, and holidays, have I always been alone? Now you have a whim, just say Is it my father?"

Ducao sighed, he wanted to say something more, but found that he couldn't find any way to communicate with Qiangwei Du.

Ducao finally sat down weakly. At this moment, he was in a mess, and he blamed himself deeply for this unharmonious relationship between father and daughter.

Seeing her father's remorse, Qiangwei felt uncomfortable, but she also thought of Ducao's indifference to her, so she hardened her heart and walked into the room with her head turned away.

Qiangwei still didn't listen to Ducao's words, she still went her own way, fought when she needed to fight, drank when she needed to drink, and went to Li Wei's restaurant more often.


"Ajie, have you checked it out?"

Behind Ducao, there were more than 20 soldiers armed with guns and ready to go. They lined up in a column and stood upright.

Holding a sledgehammer in his hand, Jagustin reported to Ducaohui: "I found out. Qiangwei is going to that restaurant now, and I will send someone to follow."

"The next thing will be very dangerous. We will face the god of death Karl directly."

Ducao stared at Jagustin, and said with a heavy heart: "Carl always exudes an aura of conspiracy. He is not as bright and upright as an angel. He is an out-and-out conspirator. This time he came to Earth, he must be Have a plan."

Jagustin whispered in Ducao's ear, "General, if it's Karl, the god of death, I'm afraid that these soldiers will be killed in an instant."

"When you meet a god, you have to show some ostentation. Only in this way can you show the dignity of that god. Don't worry, Karl is a very rational god, and he won't easily attack these soldiers."

Ducao and others got into the military vehicle and drove towards the restaurant.

Neighbors in the neighborhood would never see a real military vehicle, so they walked through the door one after another, pointing at this military vehicle and discussing it.

A young guy said: "Wow, a military vehicle! And looking at the posture, there should be a general with a high rank!"

"Hey, how do you know!"

"Nonsense, I've played more gunfight games than you have eaten shit, so of course I know those ranks very clearly."

The man kicked the boy and scolded, "Can you talk nicely? Don't spit on people?"

The young man looked innocent, and explained: "Didn't you see the epaulets of those soldiers? These are all soldiers above the rank of sergeant, and the rank of the officer on the military vehicle must not be lower."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "The direction they are going seems to be the restaurant opened by Boss Li Wei."

"Huh? It seems to be! Could it be that Li Wei committed some serious crime and sent troops to arrest him?"

"Well, it's possible."

Today coincided with Sunday, and Li Wei closed the restaurant for the day, intending to take a good rest. He was sleeping leisurely on the bed on the second floor.

Qiangwei noticed that someone was following her secretly. After taking the opportunity to see that this person was a soldier, Qiangwei immediately thought that maybe the soldier was sent by Ducao. Qiangwei smiled slightly and decided to make trouble , Take him to Li Wei's restaurant, let Li Wei and Ducao fight each other face to face, it is best to fight.Qiangwei knows that Li Wei is very skilled and knows a lot of advanced technology, and his father Ducao is a well-qualified general. If these two people match, who will win?
With a firm mind in her mind, Qiangwei successfully led the soldier to the door of the restaurant, and took out the key to open the door of the restaurant with ease, and walked in without closing the door.

Hearing the sound downstairs, Li Wei also woke up from his sleep. After finding out that the person who came was Qiangwei, he stopped sleeping and chatted with Qiangwei enthusiastically.

"Qiangwei, why are you here?" Li Wei asked strangely as he pushed a glass of freshly poured cold baikai in front of Qiangwei.

Qiangwei didn't drink any water, and while slowly rotating the water glass with her hands, she joked, "Uncle, Lao Du is coming, and I deliberately attracted him. I'm going to catch you soon! Why don't you run away quickly?"

"Ducao?" Li Wei's eyes widened when he heard this, and he walked back and forth in the living room, feeling very irritable.

Qiangwei was very satisfied with Li Wei's panic. Even the god Li Wei lost his temper when he heard her father Ducao was coming. Doesn't this prove from the side how powerful her father is?On the contrary, Qiangwei was very happy.

"Hey, why did you recruit your father?" Li Wei finally stopped, pointing at Qiangwei, almost speechless with anger.

With a smile on her face, Qiangwei leaned on the sofa and said: "So, uncle, run away quickly. If Lao Du knows that you taught me to be bad, he will definitely be furious."

"Actually, you don't have to be so afraid. Although Lao Du is a bit rigid, he is still quite reasonable."

Li Wei laughed loudly and said, "Am I afraid of that kid Ducao? I just find it annoying. Once he finds out that I am on Earth, this kid will definitely come and annoy me every day. That's why I deliberately hid my tracks. Don't let him find out."

Qiangwei asked in surprise, "Don't you know Lao Du very well? Why don't you want to see him?"

Li Wei thought about how to explain to Qiangwei, and said after a while: "Qiangwei, how can I tell you. I guess Ducao's first sentence after entering the door was 'Dean, why are you here', and then he didn't come out. In ten sentences, Ducao is about to invite me to be the tutor of the academy, do you believe it?"

Qiangwei was full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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