Chapter 237 What a monster

Xiao Yao originally planned to wait until the next day to go to the Qingshan Temple, but now that another murder case happened, he could no longer wait any longer. In order to prevent innocent people from being victimized, Xiao Yao immediately decided to go to the Qingshan Temple immediately!
He told Long Yang of his decision,
Long Yang immediately stated that he would personally lead a few criminal policemen and follow him to Qingshan Temple.

The group set off immediately.

Ding Wei also went with her. She excused that the police car was a bit crowded and insisted on sitting in the same car with Xiao Yao and Leng Ruobing. Of course, there was Aqi in the car.

Along the way, Aqi wore earplugs and listened to its rock music, while Ding Wei chatted with Leng Ruobing.

The two seem to know each other very well, and they chat about everything, but no matter what they are talking about, Ding Wei always brings the topic to Xiao Yao intentionally or unintentionally.

Damn it!

This girl seems to really like Lao Tzu.

Forget it, it's better for me to pretend to be confused.

Xiao Yao pretended not to listen to what they were talking about, and concentrated on driving.

He was driving on the highway, when he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, there seemed to be a dark shadow outside the car window, following their car like a shadow, flying forward quickly.

Xiao Yao immediately turned his head to look out the car window,
Although it was pitch black outside, he used his third eye skill to see clearly what was going on outside. There really was a big black bird following their car.

and many more!

Isn't Nanima a mynah!

Xiao Yao's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it!

This mynah is not an ordinary bird, it is closely related to the Taoist priests in Qingshan Temple, once killed Mo Zixuan with a dart coated with Bianhua poison in front of him, and Ding Wei was also injured by it, if not He helped her take drugs in time, and she would have died long ago!

Not only that, even the black shadow that appeared in the underground cave where Zhang Zhong's coffin was placed was probably also this Mynah!
But now, this Mynah is following Lao Tzu again, nine out of ten it was arranged by those guys from Qingshanguan, that is to say, they have already set their eyes on Lao Tzu.

Last time, he used the Xuanyuan Bird Bow to wound the mynah, but this time, he can't let it escape.

Xiao Yao immediately pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped.

Ding Wei and Leng Ruobing didn't know what happened, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you stop the car?"

Xiao Yao didn't answer, but used his third eye skill to look out the car window carefully, and found that the mynah had also stopped and was perched on a branch of a big tree beside the road.

The branch it perched on was quite hidden, and it was night, so it was almost impossible to find it if it didn't have the third eye skill.

He immediately said silently in his heart: "Use the Xuanyuan bird bow."

After finishing speaking, the slingshot immediately appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Seeing this, Ding Wei asked suspiciously: "Master, what are you doing with a slingshot?"

"Shoot the bird!"

"Bird? Where is the bird?"

Ding Wei immediately turned her head and looked out the car window,
It was pitch black outside, not to mention the birds, even the big tree where Mynah lived, she could just barely see the vague outline.

Xiao Yao was too lazy to explain, opened the car window, raised the Xuanyuan bird bow, and aimed at the mynah on the tree.

Mynah realized that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to run away with fluttering wings.

But this time Xiao Yao didn't give it a chance, before its claws could even let go of the branch it was gripping tightly, its body was hit by an invisible force.

Immediately, it let out a sharp cry, and then flapped its wings indiscriminately, and fell from the tree.

Although neither Ding Wei nor Leng Ruobing saw the mynah, they were very surprised when they heard the call of the mynah and the sound of it flapping its wings.

"There really is a bird!"

"That's not an ordinary bird, but the eyes and ears sent by those guys from Qingshanguan. By the way, you've seen it before."

Hearing what Xiao Yao said, Ding Wei remembered, her face changed,
"Could it be the Mynah that almost killed me!?"

"I have a good memory!"

Xiao Yao said, started the car and continued to drive forward.

Leng Ruobing asked curiously: "What Mynah?"

Ding Wei immediately said: "Master, that's how it is. I followed Master to arrest a suspect, and that mynah suddenly appeared. Not only could it speak human words, but it could also shoot poison darts. The suspect was shot to death by it. It also shot a dart in my chest, but fortunately Master sucked the poison out for me with his mouth."

When Leng Ruobing heard it, his eyes widened immediately: "Suck with your mouth!? Chest!"

Xiao Yao's heart trembled slightly,
Damn it!

This stinky girl's mouth is really fast.

He hurriedly explained: "Little wife, the situation was urgent at that time, and I had no choice but to do that. I almost got poisoned to help her take drugs."

Ding Wei nodded again and again: "That's right! Master has been smoking for a long time, and his mouth is swollen."

Oh Nima!
Can you explain it well!

Xiao Yao is simply messed up, this is completely a rhythm that is getting darker and darker!
"Ahem...! Xiaowei, don't talk nonsense in front of your mistress..."

"I'm not talking nonsense, that's the truth at the time!"

Ding Wei said, then turned her head to Leng Ruobing and asked, "Master, you don't mind, right?"

Leng Ruobing smiled and said, "He did it to save lives, I don't mind."

Ding Wei did not expect that Leng Ruobing was not angry at all, a look of disappointment flashed across his face, and his lips curled up slightly.

And all of this, Xiao Yao saw clearly through the rearview mirror, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart,

Why!This smelly girl is afraid that she really likes me.

But this can't be completely blamed on her. In the underground cave of Dasheng Chemical Factory a few days ago, if I hadn't been wearing pants at that time, she would have been torn by me.

Coupled with a series of close contacts such as breast suction and artificial respiration before, it is no wonder that her feelings for me have not changed.

Although Ding Wei can be regarded as a great beauty, with good looks and temperament, but the problem is...,
With so many women, I can't even bear it!
As the saying goes: Three women play a drama.

If this stinky girl gets together with my big and small wives, she won't be able to sing every day, but if Lin Muxi is added, she can make a table of mahjong...

Xiao Yao was thinking wildly in his mind, when Ah Qi, who was immersed in rock music, suddenly raised his paw and pointed out the car window, and said:
"That mountain is so heavy!"

Only then did Xiao Yao come back to his senses, and turned his head to look in the direction Aqi was pointing.

Damn it!

Isn't that the Daqingshan where the Qingshan Temple is located?

He thought about it again, it was quite normal that Daqingshan was permeated with evil spirit.

The last time he and Zhang Mi were in Qingshanguan, they were attacked by giant rat spirits. By the way, there was also a building filled with evil spirits, and a hollow ancient locust tree with hidden mysteries.

Thinking about it carefully, this matter is really a bit strange. Did the evil spirits of Qingshan Temple exist long ago?Or is it related to the Jiuju faction?

If it existed long ago, why did the Jiuju faction occupy a Taoist temple with evil spirits?

It seems that the mystery of Qingshan Temple is not so easy to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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