Chapter 133 The Illusion in the Heart of the Lake
Ding Wei looked in the direction Xiao Yao was pointing at. Although she had smeared cow's tears on her eyelids, her recognition ability was not the same as that of Xiao Yao's third eye.

After staring at it for a while, I finally saw it,
"You mean the lake?"

"That's right, do you know what lake that is?"

"Of course I know, Xiansi Lake. Every year, people drown in the lake. Our police have dispatched three times this year."

When Ding Wei said this, she suddenly realized something,
"Wait! Master, you just said that there are evil things in that lake. Could it be that those who drowned were killed by evil things?"

"It's possible, but what's going on, we won't know until we catch that evil thing."

As soon as Xiao Yao finished speaking, Ding Wei immediately began to take off her leather shoes without saying a word.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yao was stunned,
"You..., what kind of trick is this?"

"Don't we have to go into the water?"

"Damn it! It's late at night, even if there's nothing in the lake, the two of us will be drowned alive."

"But if we don't go into the water, how can we catch the evil things in the lake?"

"Hey! I'm just going to be mad at you, all right, you just listen to me, put on your shoes, and follow me."

After Xiao Yao finished speaking, he strode forward, and Ding Wei hurriedly followed.

The two soon came to the lake, and Xiao Yao pulled Ding Wei to squat down behind a bush by the lake, quietly observing the movement of the lake.

At this moment, the surface of the lake was very calm, but Xiao Yao found that the mist on the lake seemed to be thicker than before.

Ding Wei also found that the surface of the lake was covered with a layer of mist, and muttered in confusion:

"Strange, how could there be fog on the lake for no reason on such a hot day?"

"That's something in the lake at work."

"Then where is it?"

"Don't worry, wait and see."

The two of them just squatted quietly behind the bushes for half an hour. The lake surface was still calm, and no abnormalities were found.

Xiao Yao couldn't bear it any longer. He turned his head and had an idea, then turned to Ding Wei and said, "Xiao Wei, now is the time to play your part."

Ding Wei immediately put her hand on the handle of the pistol at her waist, and said solemnly and firmly, "Master, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Go! Bring that monster out of the lake."

"Ah!? But didn't you just say that going into the water is dangerous?"

"Who wants you to go into the water! I want you to walk back and forth along the lake."

"Oh! You should have said earlier! Then I will pass."

Ding Wei stood up immediately, and walked back and forth along the lakeside according to Xiao Yao's instructions.

At this time, the night was dark, and the surroundings were not only pitch black, but also very silent, only the sound of insects could be heard, but Ding Wei didn't seem to be afraid, she just seemed a little nervous.

Xiao Yao couldn't help sighing in his heart, this woman is really strong, such a beautiful but strong girl is really rare.

Ding Wei walked four or five times along the lakeside road. Although there was still no movement in the lake, Xiao Yao noticed that the water mist in the lake was thicker than before, and the mist had spread to the shore.

He noticed that there seemed to be a monster hidden in the mist.

Judging from this situation, the water monster in the lake may be about to appear.

Xiao Yao didn't dare to neglect at all, took out the ghost rope, held it in his hand, and was ready to strike at any time.

Suddenly, a melodious bell sounded.

Xiao Yao was startled,
What's up Nima?
It's the middle of the night, and this place is in the wilderness, where does the bell come from?
He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it was exactly 11 o'clock in the evening.

If it is divided from the twelve o'clock, it happens to be Zi time now.

At midnight, the bell rang inexplicably, which is really a bit strange.

Xiao Yao was feeling puzzled when he suddenly discovered that there was a bright light in the center of the lake.

He immediately turned his head to look at the bright light on the lake.

After a few seconds, the outline of an ancient temple gradually appeared on the lake.

Lying in a groove!

What's the matter with Nima?Xiao Yao was completely dumbfounded.

Is the legend about Xiansi Lake true?Did a temple really sink into the bottom of a lake?

Seeing that the outline of the temple is becoming more and more clear, and the melodious bell sounds seem to come from this temple that appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yao felt a chill down his spine, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Suddenly, he found that Ding Wei, who was wandering by the lake, was actually walking towards that temple.

His heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly shouted, "Don't go there!"

However, Ding Wei didn't seem to hear what he said at all, and continued to walk towards the temple in the middle of the lake.

phantom!This damn is an illusion.

Ding Wei is in danger!
Xiao Yao immediately ran towards Ding Wei, but only heard a "plop", and Ding Wei disappeared.

Damn it!It must have fallen into the lake.

Xiao Yao rushed to the place where Ding Wei fell into the water,
Oh Nima!
I couldn't see the surface of the lake at all, and when I looked around, it was actually a flat grassland, and the whole hu had disappeared.

To save Ding Wei, you must break the illusion in front of you!
Xiao Yao immediately took out the underworld fire flag, and said loudly: "I am ordered by the Supreme Lord to stay away from the fire and burn and kill plague ghosts in a hurry like a law."

After speaking, a cloud of faint blue fire appeared in front of his chest.

He immediately shouted loudly, and the flame quickly flew towards the temple.

The moment the flame hit the temple, the illusion in front of him quickly disappeared.

The temple was gone, and the grass that was connected to the road was also gone. Xiao Yao saw that just three meters away from the lake, a hand was stretched out of the lake, and there were waves of water around it.

Damn it!

Judging by the situation, Ding Wei was drowning.

Xiao Yao didn't even care to take off his clothes, jumped into the lake, and swam towards Ding Wei.

Most of Ding Wei's body has been submerged in the water.

Xiao Yao quickly swam to her side, grabbed her arm, and wanted to pull her up.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wei also quickly grabbed his handle with her hands, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

And her body was still sinking, instead of Xiao Yao not being able to pull her up, Ding Wei held her tightly and sank.

Lying in a groove!

If this continues, I will be buried with him!

Even if I die, I can't just watch her die.

Xiao Yao bent his heart, took a deep breath, plunged into the water, swam behind Ding Wei, hugged her body from behind, and lifted her body up.

Although he has a unicorn arm, he found that Ding Wei's body was like a heavy weight, unable to support it at all.

Lying in a groove!

Did my sister eat lead tonight?
Xiao Yao was wondering why Ding Wei's body was so heavy, when he suddenly felt his feet were entangled by something.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and suddenly felt his heart beating wildly.
Nima seems to be human hair!And it was a lot of hair, which was wrapped around his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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