Chapter 265
Bailijing didn't make a sound, her whole body was trembling from crying, she suddenly raised her head, bit his shoulder, her teeth sank deeply into the flesh, Han Ye's forehead was so painful that the veins twitched, but the palm of her hand slowly caressed the spot on the back of her head. Fat, the two of them didn't say a word.Bailijing bit hard, Han Ye endured silently, the cave was extremely silent for a while, only the "cracking" sound of nearby firewood was heard.

It is very difficult to find this place outside the cave using the trick of Qimen Dunjia. The entrance of the cave is sprinkled with poisonous powder that you dare not get close to. I don’t know if it is harmful to people. The man wearing a mask saw this scene through the gap between the trees and vines. His black eyes were as cold as Bing, does Han Ye really think he doesn't exist?A lonely man and a widow live in the same room, and his wife wears other men's clothes...

The man was just about to lift the vines and go in, but suddenly he heard his wife cry: "Han Ye, I had a long, terrible dream... I dreamed that you said you didn't like me anymore and wanted to marry someone else. I cry, you ignore me, I make trouble, you hate me... I dreamed that someone told me that she was pregnant with your child, dreamed that the third senior brother died, and the master was gone, dreamed that I married someone who was not at all like you His hands are so cold, as cold as ice... I am afraid of such a dream, afraid of being separated from you, afraid that you will not be the one to marry in the future, afraid that the wedding dress I embroidered by myself will not be able to wear, I am afraid..."

The foot of the man outside the cave stopped suddenly.

Han Ye was also completely stunned.

The person in the arms seemed to have completely forgotten all the past, and begged him like a child: "Han Ye, I don't want to have that dream, I don't want to marry someone else, take me away, take me away... If someone stops you, you Just take me to a place where there are only the two of us... We, we go back to Lutai Mountain, or, or go to any other place, as long as you are here, it’s fine! It’s fine to go to the ends of the world! Okay? Okay?”

Han Ye's eyes were drenched by these dreamlike prayers. No one has ever seen him lose control at this moment. The girl he loves begged him like a child. Love Han Ye deeply, not hate him deeply.

Han Ye never thought that this terrible poison could make his life start again and give him a chance to choose again.

Looking at the girl's red and swollen tearful eyes, and listening to her begging to let go of all her dignity, Han Ye struggled hard, and finally hugged her fiercely into his arms, and replied in a trembling voice: "...Okay, Yaya, I will take you away! A place where it's just the two of us, and... nothing can separate us..."

Hearing the sincere confession of love between the two people in the cave, they even agreed to elope and go to a place where only the two of them were alone... Mo Wen's footsteps were completely withdrawn, and he couldn't go out again.It's so affectionate and touching, he, an outsider, was almost moved to tears.


Damn it, if only he was really an outsider!
Then he will completely let go and let their old relationship rekindle, and let them love to death. Seeing her stone-like heart burn into a red hot iron when she meets Han Ye, it will be more eye-catching and more eye-catching!Compared with her lifeless and unhappy face when she faced him, he wished he could rush in and tear this pair of old lovers apart!

In the past, he really wanted to know what a perfect couple she and his old lover used to be, and also wanted to see what it looked like when she yelled at him hysterically and beat and beat him. Now, he got his wish and saw it all, but he felt depressed. Holding the heavy boulder, I could barely breathe.Hehe, the two of them are still hugging and not letting go, as if they are the only two left in the whole world, Mo Wen... What is Mo Wen?
Even if Mo Wenchou shamelessly followed her for ten years, once Han Ye changed his mind and coaxed her instead, it wouldn't even take a quarter of an hour for her to turn around.Look, this is the gap between Han Ye and Mo Wen.

In vain, he was still being affectionate, thinking that his wife finally put him in his heart, thanking her happily for being kind to him, thinking that maybe he could grow old with her if he was not careful, he still remembered that she was in his arms Li cried and said that he wanted it for a long time, and he was willing to give it to her, but she didn't want to accept it.It's ridiculous to look at my former self from where I am now.

Now, the despicable person has finally tasted the retribution, seeing clearly the naked and cruel reality, he is the one who is not loved, even if he really cried in front of her, he is just a failed and useless man, Han Ye It was still the bright white moon that day, illuminating her entire atrium, no one could compare to Han Ye's brightness.

Suddenly, a drop of cold water fell on his hand, and Mo Wen was startled awake, was he really moved to tears by these two people?

It was later discovered that it was raining in the valley.

Even in summer, the valley is unusually deserted, especially in the overgrown vegetation, when the wind and rain blow, it looks particularly desolate and a bit cold.

Mo Wen panted heavily, and withdrew his peeking gaze into the cave, let's go, we've already lost, what are you doing here?Waiting for her to say in front of him, let me go, let me go, Mo Wen, I will marry you a concubine with a hundred houses as compensation, and I will give you all the glory, wealth and honor. Forget about me from now on, anyway, I I never loved you, anyway, we don't even have the reality of husband and wife, anyway, we are innocent, anyway, you are a waste, anyway, I love Han Ye, not you...

Yeah, why bother?Why do you have to have such an ignorant woman?What's so good about her?Not only was it bad, she also gave him contempt and humiliation that he had never experienced in his life.Because, no matter how lofty and invincible he is, he is admired and loved by thousands of subjects, she doesn't care about him, he is a complete failure.

The fist was clenched tighter and tighter by the side, and anger rushed to his head. Since he couldn't get it, he might as well go in and kill the two of them. He didn't want this woman who didn't love him!

Heh, Mo Wen smiled wryly, then slowly let go of his fist, bent his knees and sat down on the spot.Even if his anger is enough to burn the entire Maze Valley, so what, it can't change the fact that she doesn't love him, and it can't change her original intention of loving Han Ye.He thought everything was so easy, how could the three-month relationship be compared with the four-year relationship between her and Han Ye?It was him who was too conceited.

The summer rains were fast and furious, and the broad leaves of the vines were crackled by the raindrops.The place where the small block in front of the cave protruded was not covered, and the rain quickly drenched Mo Wen's clothes and hair. He took off his mask and leaned against the cold rock wall. His panting breath gradually calmed down, but his body was sore and weak. , It's been a long time since I rushed on the road so fast, I don't know if it's too late to rush for eight hundred miles.

There was no sound in the cave, Mo Wen didn't look back, and he didn't know what to do to stay, he just couldn't leave anyway.If she wants to reconcile, he will wait for her to tell him in person.If she doesn't say anything, he will spend time with her.If she really elopes with Han Ye...he will wait and see.Anyway, he has plenty of time.

The broken pot was already broken on the ground, and it was useless for him to do anything, it would be better to break it together with the broken pot.

(End of this chapter)

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