Chapter 190 The Tomb of King Jin (3)
Hearing the words of praise, Mr. Mu twirled his beard and said with a smile, "Don't dare." Although he was modest, his tone was quite leisurely, very confident.

Baililuo was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up to salute, "I also ask Mr. Mu to teach you a lot."

Mr. Mu showed admiration: "The princess of a country is so open-minded and eager to learn, I really feel ashamed. I don't dare to teach, but I have indeed traveled to many places in the past few decades, and I have set foot in all famous mountains and rivers. If Princess Luo has any doubts, feel free to tell me, the old man knows everything."

Baililuo looked at Mr. Mu calmly, and said with a smile: "I heard that Fuyou Mountain in the south of Lingnan is a good place to go, but my palace has been trapped in the palace and cannot travel. Could you tell me about the customs of Fuyou Mountain?" What about favors?"

Mr. Mu nodded, and said eloquently: "Fuyou Mountain, I have been there ten years ago, Lingnan is warm like spring all year round, and many flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits have never been seen in Jiangnan and Central Plains, and they pay tribute to the court every year. The fresh lychees are produced in Lingnan, I wonder if Princess Luo likes them?"

Baililuo smiled: "I like it very much, I didn't expect that the litchi is actually produced in Lingnan."

"That's right, the lychees brought by the fast horse are still not very fresh. If Princess Luo has tasted the freshly picked lychees, she will understand what freshness is. The place in Lingnan is actually not that big. Small sects, especially represented by Fuyou Mountain. However, it is also very novel. There are martial arts competitions in other places every year. The major sects fight to the death, and there must be a winner. Lingnan is an exception. It's just literary fighting and not martial arts. Even if it's a martial arts competition, you have to show tricks. It doesn't look like a bloody fight. The old man has watched their martial arts competition. It is really an eye-opener, but it is not martial arts. The grand banquet is just to exchange ideas and connect with each other. The excitement is no worse than that of martial arts competitions in other places. But, because of this, for a long time, when Lingnan and Fuyou Mountain are mentioned, there will only be a swindler Fame, those bigger martial arts sects look down on them, thinking that they are empty-handed, bold and ignorant, and ruin the ethos of martial arts. Haha, but it is also good..."

Mr. Mu nodded and smiled: "Lutai Mountain, which specializes in producing martial arts geniuses, is full of undercurrents, but Fuyou Mountain has never had any troubles. The relationship between disciples is harmonious. This is due to the customs of Lingnan. If you don't fight, you will not lose. "

"Lutai Mountain?" A strangeness flashed in Baili Luo's eyes, and a slight smile appeared on her lips unconsciously. Originally, she mentioned Fuyou Mountain as an introduction, but now that Mr. Mu himself mentioned Lutai Mountain, she pretended to be curious Asked along the way.

The three present listened carefully. Mr. Mu took a sip of tea and continued, "Lutai Mountain has a strange location and strange terrain. I was very curious when I was young. I went there once and was not satisfied, so I went again and again. Many times, each time discovering something different."

"Oh? What's the difference?" Baililuo asked at the right time.

"Say something that might upset Princess Luo..." Mr. Mu smiled with a deep meaning.

"Sir... But it's okay to say." Baililuo maintained a gentle smile.

"The princess is still young, so maybe she doesn't know that Lutai Mountain was the place where the king of Jin enshrined Zen hundreds of years ago. At that time, the world was unified, and the four seas returned to their hearts. Daxing country was not named Baili, and Xiqin was not named Jun... Say, there are no such two countries..." Mr. Mu said with a smile.

Baililuo was taken aback, she really didn't know these historical facts, no one had told her about it since she was a child, and then, she heard Mr. An Er say in her ear: "Mr. Mu! You can't talk nonsense! "

Mr. Cao also looked at the entrance of the private room very nervously, and said in a low voice, "Be careful that the wall has ears! You may be decapitated! Why are you so confused, sir!"

Mr. Mu laughed loudly: "You young people are just timid! What is the purpose of life? It is to clear up doubts! For me, if I can tell more people what I see and know, Or, if you just tell those who want to know the truth, then after a hundred years, you will feel ashamed. Today's sage is not so narrow-minded, he wants to cut off the old man's head for such a trivial matter, besides, he is a monarch , I should be clear about these old things from the previous dynasty, so what is the old man afraid of?"

Baililuo got up immediately, picked up the teacup and said, "Baililuo has benefited a lot from Mr.'s words, and Baililuo toasts Mr. with tea instead of wine!"

Such a respectful attitude surprised the two of An Cao. Mr. Mu still looked calm and calm, and said in his mouth: "Don't dare, Princess Luo's demeanor is really extraordinary. She is worthy of being an emperor. She has such a broad mind. A tiger father has no dog daughter..."

Baililuo said: "Mr. Congratulations." Turning to look at the two of An Cao, he smiled slightly and said: "I just remembered that the two young masters still have official duties, and it's getting late, so don't delay the business. ..."

Ancao and Ancao were afraid of causing disaster. Although they were extremely curious about what Mr. Mu said, they really didn't dare to stay here anymore. Baililuo gave them excellent steps, and they immediately went down: " Thank you, Princess Luo, for reminding me, Xiaosheng will leave first! Mr. Mu, I must visit the humble house some other day, my father misses it very much."

"Princess Luo, Xiaosheng resigns!"

After Ancao and Ancao left, Baililuo asked Ding Tongtong, the maid who came with him, to guard the door, poured a cup of tea for Mr. Mu himself, and smiled slowly: "If you stay in the palace for too long, your knowledge is like Frog at the bottom of the well, I am so lucky to meet you today. To tell you the truth, my husband learned Lutai Mountain as a teacher, so it is quite a fate. Therefore, I have always been curious about Lutai Mountain. It seems that I heard that Lutai Mountain is the The middle ground between Qin and Daxing Kingdom, but since it is an important border area, it does not intervene, and it is really unclear what happened. The grand masters in the palace are very pedantic, and they are unwilling to explain the confusion. Today, I would like to ask the master to enlighten me."

Mr. Mu stroked his beard and nodded: "It turns out that Princess Luo's husband came from Lutai Mountain... I haven't met a like-minded person like Princess Luo for many years. Alas, the insight and courage of the sons of the two old friends just now are different. Enemy woman, I really let this old man down."

Then he finally got to the point: "Speaking of the great unification of the world hundreds of years ago, the King of Jin enshrined Zen in Lutai and worshiped the heaven and the earth. More than a hundred years later, the royal family declined, and the three families were divided into Jin. Later, after a hundred years of war, the Western Qin and Daxing divided the world. However, the Jun family and the Baili family were grateful for the kindness of the King of Jin, and they enshrined the King of Jin in Zen Lutai Mountain was set as a place between Western Qin and Dongxing, and all states and counties are not allowed to interfere with the freedom of Lutai Mountain. Since it is a forbidden area, there will not be too many records in history books and local chronicles, which is why many people do not know the details of Lutai Mountain. Princess Luo said that the grand masters in the palace are pedantic, it's not necessarily because they don't want to say it, but because they really don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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