Chapter 586 Recovering the Artifact
Su Xiaoxiao was obviously very happy.

Instead of answering Bai Shuili's words, she spread her hands, and twelve red jade beads as warm as jade appeared in her hands.

"This is..." Bai Shui looked at Su Xiaoxiao puzzled.

At this moment, Wan Yao Sect is no longer just a few of them.

After Li Xiaolu was rescued by Tang Tang, he and Ma Xiao joined Wanyaomen. After handing over their original belongings, Li Xiaolu and Ma Xiao also got a phoenix feather presented by Su Xiaoxiao.

Although he knew that Su Xiaoxiao was originally a phoenix, but if he just gave it away like this, he wouldn't turn into a hairless phoenix when Su Xiaoxiao showed up next time.

Because of this, Bai Shuili even laughed at Su Xiaoxiao.

But Su Xiaoxiao didn't care.

Looking at the puzzled eyes of several girls.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled softly: "Xiaoli, do you still remember that when we first met, there was a girl named Zhichu who wanted to snatch my artifact!"

"Zhichu? Ah, I remembered, isn't it the Zhichu of that innocent girl? You mean that time? Sister Wanyan and I regarded you as a demon cultivator who wanted to control us!"

"Then we sneaked up on you, put you in a suitcase, and I poured 2000cc of it into your body..."

Sensing everyone's strange gazes, Bai Shuili suddenly shut up.

Su Xiaoxiao~ her face was flushed red.

Why does this girl talk about everything?

"I poured 2000cc into a small body?"


"When did this happen?"

"I do not know how?"

"Ha, so you still have such a thing!"

"It turns out that Xiaoxiao likes this bite!"

"Get out..." Su Xiaoxiao yelled, damn, didn't you see that my mother's face was turning red?

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, everyone stopped laughing.

"You said that this is the artifact that Zhichu wants to snatch? But isn't this the pipa jade bead that Long Xiaotian just used? So it came into your hands?"

It was Qin Tang who was reliable. Knowing that Su Xiaoxiao was embarrassed, he quickly brought the topic back.

Back then in the Demon Emperor's Dimension, many people didn't know that Su Xiaoxiao's jade beads were taken away by Long Xiaotian.

This pipa blood jade can freely change between virtual and real, and when Su Xiaoxiao used this to attack Long Xiaotian, it only appeared a little starlight.

After Tang Tang reminded everyone, they discovered the main problem.

This is the artifact that Long Xiaotian used just now, how did it get into Su Xiaoxiao's hands.

Is it...

Su Xiaoxiao took someone else's artifact by the way when she was performing the spell just now?
This is too scary!
Is Long Xiaotian a fool?

Just when everyone was wondering, Tang Tang and Wanyan Yan also came down from upstairs.

"What's the matter, Xiaoxiao, how did you make it like this?" Tang Tang asked with concern as soon as she saw Su Xiaoxiao.

"I'm fine, I just got hurt a little bit with Long Roaring Tian Yanfa!"

"You and Long Xiaotian did it?" Tang Tang ran over incredulously and took Su Xiaoxiao's hand to look around.

"Miss is all right, not only is it all right, but she also brought Long Xiaotian's artifact along." Bai Shuili said with a smile.

"This is not Long Xiaotian's thing, but mine. I was in the Demon Emperor's Dimension with low mana, and I was forcibly taken away by Long Xiaotian. This is the first magic weapon I refined. The blessing of the Demon Emperor has elevated her to a divine weapon!"

The twelve beads are lined up one by one.

The red bead seemed to be dripping blood.

Su Xiaoxiao's words once again surprised everyone, this thing was refined by Su Xiaoxiao, and it was a divine weapon.

When did Su Xiaoxiao become so awesome.

In particular, Bai Shuili's surprise was even smaller~ a large light bulb candy could be stuffed in his mouth.

Even Su Xiaoxiao back then was no match for him, so Su Xiaoxiao would be able to develop a magic weapon if he was so inattentive.

"Don't look at me like that. I was attacked by you at the beginning because I tried my best to refine this artifact, and the demon power was exhausted!"

Seemingly knowing what Bai Shui was thinking, Su Xiaoxiao explained.

"Oh, I thought you were arrested on purpose, I thought you liked being taught by me..."

"Ai, the head of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has beaten someone. You are abusing me. I will sue you at the Demon Cultivator United Association!"

Bai Shuili pretended to be bluffing.

It made a few girls laugh foolishly.

After laughing for a while, Su Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"You all know that the Demon Emperor has collected the sky thunder for nearly a hundred years, but you don't know what she used to collect it, right? It's the thing in front of you!"

After Su Xiaoxiao finished, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and the twelve beads joined together in the air, connecting end to end to form a circle.

And within that circle there seemed to be some kind of energy beating.

That is Tianlei.

"Long Xiaotian doesn't know what this bead is useful for. Although he has also felt the power of the lightning in the bead, if he suddenly sacrificed the thunder at that time, I will probably suffer a big loss!"

"Then Long Xiaotian hasn't refined this bead yet, how dare he take it out and use it in front of your face?" Qin Tang was most puzzled.

Back then, she stood closest to the two of them, so she could see some things most clearly.

Su Xiaoxiao was trapped inside the magic circle, and it was Long Xiaotian who controlled the bead from outside to attack.

"I made this magic weapon. I am most familiar with its structure. Another point is that this jade is not an ordinary thing, but a jade pipa essence that has been hundreds of millions of years old. Although it has no consciousness, it is just the original It's very strong."

"I have the demon emperor's divine consciousness in my body, so I easily awakened the original body of the jade pipa, and then smoothly washed away the divine seal that Long Xiaotian branded on this jade bead!"

"Then Long Xiaotian is going to cry to death, no wonder he is still frowning after defeating Xiaoxiao!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Su Xiaoxiao's words.

This is really the first time I heard that someone took a magic weapon refined by others to attack the owner of the magic weapon.

This jade pipa Su Xiaoxiao once dripped the blood of Qin Tang and Tang Tang.

It is used to maintain the energy needed to block the big formation at the right time.

Maybe Long Xiaotian also guessed something, actually put a drop of his own True Dragon Scripture~blood into it.

Add Ma Xiao, so Su Xiaoxiao has the beasts of the twelve seasons, the tiger demon (Qin Tang), the rabbit demon (Tang Tang), the snake demon (Wanyanyan), the pig demon (Bai Shuili), and the rat demon (Wu Shujing), dog demon (Xiao Lingfeng), horse demon (Ma Xiao).

Twelve o'clock Beast Heaven seals the big formation, and there are still lacks, cow monsters, dragon monsters, sheep monsters, monkey monsters, and chicken monsters.

But after the pipa jade beads were taken away by Long Xiaotian, Long Xiaotian also worked hard to research and found that the jade beads could actually absorb the blood of demon cultivators.

Without the slightest hesitation at the moment, Long Xiaotian also dripped his own blood into the blood bead.

Sure enough, after dripping the blood essence, Long Xiaotian easily left a mark of spiritual consciousness on the blood beads, and then controlled the twelve blood beads.

As everyone knows, this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

The twelve pipa jade stones are actually alive, and they are the essence of the jade pipa.

But Long Xiaotian still thought that he had controlled the twelve jade stones.

That's why Long Roar dared to show off in front of Su Xiaoxiao.

As a result, Su Xiaoxiao easily took back the twelve blood jade beads.

If real people are not used to form the Heavenly Blocking Formation, the only difference is cow monsters, monkey monsters, sheep monsters, and chicken monsters.

The demon emperor's original body was a chicken. Although he has become a phoenix now, Su Xiaoxiao could still take the place of the chicken demon at that time.

There are so many demon cultivators outside, they will always gather these twelve hour beasts.

"Are you going to let those demon cultivators help us build the villa outside?"

Qin Tang took advantage of everyone clamoring to see the pipa jade beads, Qin Tang asked softly.

"Well, this can temporarily restrict them from staying in the world of mortals. Although I have stated the rules for demon cultivators entering the world, they have not been implemented yet! If there is any problem during this period, it will be very important for us to open the sect next month." It has a bad influence!"

"I understand, I will always pay attention to them, let Xiao Li and Xiao Feng follow along to help!"

"Well, there is one more thing. I want to move the 28 villas into the space after they are completed. We also retreat into the space to live. I want to set up a magic circle outside!"

"Moving the completed 28 villas into the villa!" Qin Tang looked at Su Xiaoxiao in surprise, "How much magical power is needed! Can you do it alone?"

"I can still move 28 houses into the space without hurting a brick or a tile, or a tree or a tree. I'm afraid it will have a relatively large impact on the surrounding area! After all, if the house disappears overnight after it's built... "

"If that's the case, I have a way. We can do this when the time comes..."

Qin Tang whispered a few words in Su Xiaoxiao's ear.

Su Xiaoxiao frowned and thought for a while, and she had no choice but to let Ye Ning come forward at that time, acting as if she would let the troops dismantle it.

Qin Tang discussed with Su Xiaoxiao about the establishment of a sect next month.

The establishment of a sect is not to open the door to receive customers, just hang a banner.

It is necessary to have the testimony of the world's cultivation channels, and to read the precepts of one's sect in front of them, show the token of the head of the sect, and then distinguish the seniority.

There is another most important question, Su Xiaoxiao's naive method of eliminating past and old grievances at the Fa Conference is to end the relationship.

The grievances and grievances between the demon cultivator and the cultivator, and the grievances between the demon cultivator and the demon cultivator, all need to be settled on that day.

This kind of karma will help Su Xiaoxiao gain prestige, and it will also lay the foundation for the establishment of the Wanyao Sect and among the demon cultivators.

"I think it's a little too cruel to break the fate and settle the old grievances?"

"No, it's not enough to deter everyone. Only by killing and stopping killing can everyone be convinced! It's just that you need to declare before the end, life and death without regret, after this battle, all grievances will be written off!"

"I understand a bit. This method may be cruel at first, but after people have seen the cruelty before, I hope they can put it down..."

"Let go...that's not easy!"

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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