Chapter 458
They started, the revenge came so fast, so fast that they didn't even have any chance to breathe!
"Is there any news about other listed groups?" The most important thing for Young Master Han is the other groups of the Han family. Blue Sky Technology is just a subsidiary company, so it doesn't matter if it disappears.

"Not yet, our Dinglong and Fenghuo are as stable as ever, even if someone wants to take action against these two, they have to weigh it..."

"It's not good, Director Han, Dinglong and Fenghuo were also bought by unknown buyers. They made a time difference with us. When we were all paying attention to Lan Tian, ​​they suddenly started attacking Dinglong and Fenghuo. Director Han, we Do you want to throw some out and suppress them?"

Young Master Han's eyebrows twitched again, he dared to attack Dinglong and Fenghuo, the opponent's background was not small!Could it be that Xiao Yuanshan moved?

"No, this is just the beginning, wait and see!" Han Shao came to his office as he walked, and a group of secretaries and executives filed in.

There are still many important news that have not been reported!

One of the well-mannered little secretaries opened his mouth, but closed it again, with an anxious look on his face!

"Huh?" Young Master Han noticed her, "What's the matter with you? Which department are you in?"

"Han...Hello, Director Han, I'm on the board of directors, and they asked me to ask Director Han if something happened to our group!"

"You can reply with confidence, everything is fine, it's just a small disturbance, one day the Han family will not be attacked, and we will still stand for so many years!" Young Master Han took off the suit he had put on, and a secretary next to him Quickly picked it up.

They couldn't help applauding Young Master Han for his calmness.

Every minute and every second is the flow of tens of millions of funds, and this kind of courage can only be possessed by the young and old of the Han family!

"Han Dong, look, this is our issue..."

"Director Han is planning to acquire Tiangou Shopping..."

"Boss Liu from Han Dong Jingxi Shopping has asked to meet with you, and the time is set at..."

"Report, Director Han, something serious happened!" Suddenly another secretary appeared outside the door.

Everyone looked dissatisfied at the secretary at the door who was one level lower than them.

"Han Dong, something serious happened. On the way back, your special car was hit by an overloaded muck truck. The body was seriously damaged. Secretary Linda died on the spot..."

All the sounds stopped at this moment, as if someone had suddenly pressed the mute button!
Deathly quiet!

The secretaries who were chattering just now seemed to have forgotten their ability to speak!
At this juncture, the president's private car had an accident. Although it was said to be an accident, no one present had any reason to believe that it was an accident!

Who on earth did the Han family offend and openly provoke them!
Han Shao just touched a folder with his hand and paused for five seconds to match the silence in the office.

Young Master Han put down the document in his hand.

"Notify all departments to be prepared. We may face a big challenge in the next few days. If we climb over it, we are still the Han Group. If we can't make it through, everyone has to go home. I will do my best to protect it. Let's work hard together." !"

After Han Shao finished speaking, he reached out to take the documents in everyone's hands.

Is this his revenge?

I wanted to get Su Xiaoxiao over, but I didn't expect the other party to give me a blow!

Even if Han Qi can win over the Li family and the Du family, this is not the confidence of Young Master Han to win this war. The most important thing is the message given by the old man.

The entire cultivation world is actually Su Xiaoxiao's public enemy.

There are many big families among them!

Those are where young master Han's confidence lies!
For a moment, there were only a few secretaries standing in the entire president's office with some trepidation.

"Activate the Tianji plan, open the war room, and everyone is in place!"

Han Shao issued an order.

The Tian group is a group of talents that the Han family has been carefully cultivating in all aspects. Only when the Han family is in crisis, this group will surface and appear in front of everyone.

Of course, the members of the Tian group have never let them down!
Han Shao also walked out of the office quickly and walked into the special elevator leading to the top floor.

"How about Dinglong and Fenghuo?"

"Swallow, they are still eating a lot!"

"Let Dinglong throw 20 yuan to test the water, and pay attention to market changes!" Han Shao looked stern.

"Okay!" The secretary turned around immediately after receiving the order and began to give instructions.

The heavy door opened, and a spacious office appeared in front of everyone, surrounded by monitors, more like the stock trading floor of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

Some people are crackling and operating instructions on their laptops, some people are standing on these screens and paying attention to the continuous sales and orders, and some people are on the phone to send out the orders one by one.

Several core talents of the group are also here. Someone is standing next to a middle-aged man with blonde hair and blue eyes, and is communicating with the other party quickly in English.

"Mr. Han, the 20 we just ran out were bought by them in an instant!" As soon as Young Master Han came in, the little secretary ran in behind.

"Toss another 50!" Han Shao didn't even prick his brows, and fixedly looked at a blond boy in front of him.

Han Shao went straight to the man's side, "Mr. Thomas, what's the matter, what's unusual?"

The man shouted in broken Chinese: "Oh, my dear Han Shao, you are finally back. According to your order just now, the 20 we threw out has been snapped up, and the 50 is not enough for them to hold their teeth." Shit, my opinion is not to worry, as long as we stabilize, they are the ones who are anxious, by the way, I heard that your special car has something wrong, I thought you... oh, I'm so sorry!"

Thomas is a talent recruited by Young Master Han from foreign high-tech companies, and has been helping the Han family vigorously with stock trading issues.

Hearing Thomas' words, Young Master Han frowned!
"According to my experience, the people who can eat these at the same time are definitely not the same family. It is possible that they have already joined forces. And the most important point is that they are hoarding a lot now, I am afraid that they..."

"Thomas, they have started to move, and the stock of Blue Sky Technology has been sold off in large numbers!"

"Dinglong is also..."

"There is also the beacon fire!"

"what should we do?"

The guys with thick eyes who were standing next to the computer for a while raised their heads and asked.

"Buy, they are just testing the waters, we sell as much as they sell!" Thomas turned back and said coldly. They bought us and sold them at a high price! This person is very smart, and he saw the gap between the 70 shares we sold! This will cause a reaction from some big heads!"

A very simple example, if they want to bring down the Han family in the stock market, they need to pay more money!

As long as the Han family can hold on, it is not impossible to turn defeat into victory!

The premise is to have enough funds!

"Does Mr. Thomas have any better suggestions?" Young Master Han asked looking at the fluctuating curves on the big screen.

"We can't sit still and focus on defense, find out who is behind the scenes, and attack the vital points. In the words of you Chinese, it is to encircle Wei and save Zhao. As long as the funds are sufficient, when they eat a lot, we will take the initiative to attack their granaries... ..."

"Uh... this..." Young Master Han's face was slightly embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Oh, Han, you're not going to tell me that there's something wrong with our capital chain!" Thomas slapped his forehead with his hand!
How could Young Master Han explain to this guy that he was cheated by someone!

It was originally intended to cooperate with the Lin family, but it caused this disaster in advance.

Han Shao couldn't help but regret that he provoked that Su Xiaoxiao!

Who would have thought that Ye Ning would go crazy for this woman!

The most hateful thing is that Xiao Yuanshan also came to intervene!

(End of this chapter)

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